Make of this what you will :- |
Seems good news for ITM rubs off on Plug Power. Unfortunately bad news for Plug affects ITM. Markets have to realise ITM are in a different league to Plug. |
Just for information Shell Rotterdam is not ITM. | | |
Military posture. |
""The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time" said Henry Ford some 100 years ago, while Sun Tzu laid a foundation to this almost 2500 years ago stating that most wars are won well before they start. Do your own research and remember that empty casks make the most sound."
This guy gets it. |
Non stop buying or shorts closing both the same I guess lol |
Note : Watch the space for more to come |
Good luck negging holders out. Nothing goes up in a straight line. Last time it had a run it dipped a few times up to 67p. Since then we’ve had so much more good news and signed contracts. With results on Thursday we should be back to and above previous highs for this year IMO |
It’s already started to fall |
The closest anybody got to understand ITM and Schulz is the analyst from the broker Peel Hunt . 200p target should be there within a year barring real fireworks. People are factoring the unproven BS of many entrants yet to deliver. When they see ITM for what it has really achieved the inevitable rerating will follow |
It reminds me of the saying (something like)Things take longer than you planned and then happen faster that you thought.We shall see.But as you say we already have a stack of reservations and I assume we are quoting for who knows what else. The big contract pipeline visible to Linde is an undervalued 'asset' in Mr Schulz pocket. |
Or perhaps investors should trust their instinct and take advantage of news before it gets officially announced 😁 |
Sold out @57.75p backs shorties later. |
So maybe official announcements could be a bit more prompt. |
Strange isn’t it this was known weeks ago yet takes an official announcement to move the price 😂😂128514; |
With the Shell 100MW under his belt, Schulz can be more bulish Thursday |
All valid points - I agree the business is in a great place and certainly hope the market recognises the upward trajectory ITM are now on with Schultz running the show. My caution comes simply due to the fact that these projects all have 2-3 year lead in times and the shorts will most likely continue to try and manipulate things until we have revenue over £100M, healthy gross margins and a clear pathway to profitability. Im convinced all this will come in due course - just a question of timing. |
Great news. They have faith in our systems. Let’s see Shell petrol stations throughout Europe install ITM kit and forget about the massive upgrade needed to electricity distribution grids for electric cars. |
And I have flown away higher..gla ;) |
Some shorts burnt today . |