Leaving The EU, and especially the SM & CU, was perhaps the stupidest things this Country has done for a few decades....So yes chickens coming home to roost. |
 We could produce far more in the UK if short-sighted Brits supported UK businesses instead of buying so much imported goods e.g. over-priced badge snob cars like Mercs and Beemers and all the rest.
We still export a lot of cars but they are mostly low-margin assemblies of imported kits with the majority of the added value going to foreign manufacturers e.g. Nissan.
That is why the UK is bankrupt with chronic balance of payments deficits year after year.
If you keep spending more overseas than you earn overseas, you get what we have, public services that are incapable of dealing with the population's needs. Plus, the public sector keep on demanding that the wealth-producing parts of our economy support them but they do not support the private sector in return.
You only have to go into the car park of any public sector employer to see the huge % of imported cars there.
The government cannot help because they deliberately submitted to the worst Brexit deal possible to punish the people for having the temerity to vote Leave and to make things so bad that people will be begging to rejoin the EUSSR. In a more enlightened age, they would have had a one-way brief visit to the Tower |
China is a good partner to countries that buy their products.
The UK imports roughly £27 billion more than its exports there.
Tesla also manufacture there but obviously with Tesla technology.
Personally think electrolysers are different from solar panels and far more complex. If ITM can crack the U S market then they should establish a base there with Linde. |
Manufacture in the UK is more or less dead apart from niche applications - Brexit was just another nail in the coffin of a long-dying beast. Fortunately for ITM they are a niche manufacturer, and benefit from geopolitical concerns about China's potential control over vital infrastructure cf Huawei. All to play for here. |
 CUR RE 32728 - "Everyone has the option to buy cheap Chinese stuff if they want to--"
I guess many/most want an iPhone and most/all come from China, OK designed in the USA but make in China and the make is a complex activity as iPhone's need a lot of human involvement, less so I believe than Samsung. Tragically for the UK, who have thrown away the make of stuff. there's not too many options and China bashing is pointless - we are joined at the hip - even my dogs poo bags are made in China. The once mighty GEC was let go in the 90's I think by the Conservative Government.
The current lot in power don't talk about getting industy back and jobs for UK workers - only tax; and tax gives them power to do useless things. I saw the other day a quote by George Washington:
"The marvel of all history is how men and women submit to unnecessary burdens laid on them by the governments."
Sorry a rant but China is a good partner and the real challenge is for the UK to see that return to make in the UK might level the commercial playing field. If Chinese electrolysers get to the same capability as ITM and start taking market it could be ITM move make there; after all LIND is big in China. |
Has the ticker broke |
Big truckmakers bet on hydrogen to extend combustion engine life |
Ah - the original article just mentioned hydrogen 🤷 |
Record breaking funding for clean energy in Britain |
Says low carbon hydrogen so possibly not green. |
I cannot access the whole article, but BOC were one of 4 companies involved in the original tender :- |
About time this had another run to 60p+ Keep adding tiny bits |
Exactly, with government grants in the hundreds of millions, they will want to spend the money with the right suppliers, not necessarily the cheapest with potentially inferior build quality and non existent after sales support. Don't worry so much about China. |
Unfortunately when you buy low cost stuff even though you don't know where it comes from you have a very good idea that its probably made in China.
When your talking of paying tens of millions for a product a couple of hundred thousand more for quality and reliability is peanuts to the ones that are purchasing electrolysers. There is also the case of getting spare parts do you want it delivered by quality technicians or Amazon. |
Everyone has the option to buy cheap Chinese stuff if they want to. Germany and Japan are still at the forefront of the car industry decades later because of their reliable build quality. If you have money to spend, you don't buy from China. If you're on a tight budget, it's an alternative, but not necessarily the best choice. Also China not the economic superpower they once were perceived to be. |
Not sure UK will be the biggest market however Europe got stung when China flooded the market with cheap solar panels which took down most of Europe's manifesting. I'm sure they wont make the same mistake with cheap unsafe electrolysers. Safety is not up to the same standard in China as it is in Europe and the U S. |
Not everyone wants to buy (now only slightly) cheaper, yet usually inferior Chinese products. Get a grip on your apocalyptic Chinese obsession. Also, the biggest market will be the UK who will want a UK company to succeed in making the UK energy self sufficient. |
Also not as cheap as you think.
https ://www.hydrogeninsight.com/electrolysers/auction-results-reveal-that-chinese-hydrogen-electrolysers-are-two-to-five-times-cheaper-to-buy-than-western-machines/2-1-1570717 |
Faster doesn’t always mean better. |
Yes but the Chinese are selling and doing things so much faster and probably state sanctioned owned and funded. |
Moon lots of empty factories being touted as the next big thing. ITM is far from empty and actually manufacturing and delivering electrolysers. |
Unfortunately timescale has changed from 1st. Not going to happen just yet but will at some point. Not sure when yet though. Will keep digging 🙁 |
Nothing will happen on the 1st |
Care to divulge what you hope occurs on the 1st? I'm missing something somewhere... is it a wave of grants |