Looks like the traders are coming in for results, as soon as they're done and trump announces his tariffs on the 2 nd of April. Straight back down again. lol |
Maybe something is afoot or is it just our hard earned cash going for another false dawn- we mustn’t lose hope every dog has s it’s day- this year being odd will be good for this dog and us! |
Mr Shaw plainly doesn't concern himself with the market value of this business, or consider that with better communication the value could be much higher. It's made to look like any other money begging AiM no-hoper, hence it's where it is. |
Looks like a 100p or less 'buying opportunity' heading this way! |
Dexdringle. Of course he is still there. Quarterly fees are nice…. |
Nahhh. He'll have moved on to somewhere else in the invention merry-go-round ready to make more stupid mistakes there..... |
A month on, I wonder how much of that cash is still left? Does the person at IP Group who took this whitecoat sinecure on, still have a job there? |
patt, more to the point why would you flood newspaper articles with these lies, unless of course you're paid to do so? It was enough to ruin one old mans life, to panic him into selling his house to move to the Cotswolds. One might as well ask why believe anything at all in the mass media, especially stories about global warming.
Anyway all that aside, it would be good to see ITX actually bring out some news that adds value to this 'not yet an actual business' whitecoat operation. They might be a contender for the Guinness Book of Records in being the longest running nil profit start up ever?
Ironically perhaps those years of tax losses could be leveraged by a predator for a cheap takeover? |
Norfolk under 10m of water? Maybe if all the Greenland ice melts, but that's unlikely, and in any case we won't be around to see it, so no worries there.
Meanwhile, itx will struggle as long as there are trade wars between US and China. Everybody knows their itaconic acid comes from China, so all they need to do is formally state that they have a cheap and reliable alternative source, preferably saying who their new partner is, and buyers will re-emerge.
Until then (or until Trump and Xi kiss and make up) investors will remain wary. |
Why would you believe any such ridiculous stories of Norfolk being under 4m of water when the global impact of a mere 3cm is huge and will take decades? But enjoy your conspiracy theories. |
p a t, I now live in Norfolk, I would have come here in 1992 but the papers were full of stories that by 2017 Norfolk would be under 4 metres of water! Well I can tell you absolutely nothing has happened! The poor chap I saw crying his eyes out in a Cirencester Estate Agents because he had to sell his house in Stalham before he lost everything, had his life ruined due to these greenie lies. I have come across these lies as early as 1946 when a woman keeping a war diary mentioned the story being promoted in a magazine in Welwyn Garden City.
Create a problem and build a gravy train around it, and the problem will not go away until the easy money spigot is turned off. Those greenies telling their lies in Norfolk in 1992 will have had their careers and now be getting the pensioned they have milked from the tax payer.
If widely adopted ITX tech will at least help to get some phosphates out of the natural environment. |
Utter nonsense. Global warming is a real issue. The other real issue is whether ITX are actually relevant and right now thst is uncertain. |
I wouldn't mind, but at 4 parts per 10,000 even an idiot can see that even a doubling of this wouldn't have any effect on climate !
Our proximity to a massive (and volatile) fireball approx 93 million miles away is what dictates our climate.
Yes, everything else is a scam !!! |
dex, the whole CO2 thing has been peddled for so long that it's become a religion with a High Priesthood long skilled in milking the public purse to sing it's song of doom!
Perhaps Trump will blow the lid off the scam?
I agree focusing on pollution would be a better use of public money. But with water companies pumping raw sewage into rivers, it doesn't seem high on the list of priorities. If there's no big stink outside the Palace of Westminster, then it can be ignored. |
Hopefully, at some point soon, the world will drop the whole Net Zero CO2 nonsense and re-focus on pollution. Including phosphates. |
The actual business looks like it is making progress, but we do seem on the cusp of a wider market sell off, in which case ITX not being a profit earner will likely get hit some more by people needing to raise cash. I'm sticking with it as it seems close to becoming an actual business. I would like to see the price improve, and the thing reflect the value in the patents and future prospects of value in phosphate reductions. Although I suspect once politics gets behind phosphate reduction, then we will see a big hitter wade in and buy up the little guys to gain the technology on the cheap. |
I have a feeling that a sudden big drop here is far more likely than a sudden big rise..... |
And another one cashes out of the whitecoat brigade. Somebody needs to get back from the ski-slopes or the beaches and wheel out some news that indicates profits are inbound. |
Well, that's pretty much everyone ! |
Looks like someone just got fed up of waiting for this lot to get commercial? |
Over a decade in and still losing £30k a week.
Not exactly Christmas is it 🎅🔫 |
 It's not beyond ITX to create their own itaconic acid, perhaps in partnership with others who also consume this base product?
If Trump is going to remove a lot of regulation stumbling blocks, then it should become quicker and easier to establish businesses, and create jobs and boost the consumer.
Whereas here we are going to heap even more tax upon the poorest of the working poor, by cutting part time work from £9,100 to £5000, and upping bus fares by 50%, directly taking disposable income from the group that feeds what little income they have, fastest back into the economy.
I suspect Trump will be good for USA business, and thus good for ITX
In the meantime ITX is burning £30k a week of investors money, that they have charmed from the market. If ITX finally becomes an actual business they will at least have a big tax asset in those accumulated losses.
In the meantime it looks like the market is underwhelmed by the update. Perhaps one of the big hitters might come along to take it out, whilst it's back on the floor again? |
'it will simply be a matter of price' - exactly. Which, if it happens, will be a blow to the margin improvement plans - they could end up losing both revenue and margin. Time for caution - let's see what Trump actually does in his campaign to impoverish the American consumer... |
I'm sure there are other sources of itaconic acid, it will simply be a matter of price. The problem here is that capital across the board is drying up, there's no patience anymore for a whitecoat operation dithering about in laboratories, the market needs to see PROFITS TODAY. What is it now, 17 years of jam tomorrow?
Dumping the low margin business was the right thing to do, but somehow they need volume at current margins to get this into being an actual business instead of an experiment that still burns £30k a week.
Perhaps like many I hoped these results would be the turning point given the number of jobs advertised and raw materials being purchased, but no it's still all just around the corner, honest Guv. The stick to which the carrot is tied is always 18 months long. |
And they source itaconic acid from China :¬( |