Correct .We need to ignore the noiseThe company is obviously sold TBACEO STAY BONUS AWARD gets paid in January....Fill yer boots |
All roads point to the most obvious incoming takeover in history.This month. |
 Arcadian - "I think the DNO guy is wrong. What is in Iraq is controlled by Iraq and if any oil flows it will be determined by Iraq for Iraq`s benefit on Iraq`s terms."
When the ruling of the Paris Court of Arbitration was issued two years ago Turkey immediately closed the pipeline.
The oil exports from Kirkuk were of course stopped as well and why wouldn't they be.
And as they have to go through both Kurdistan and Turkey they won't be restarting until both Kurdistan and Turkey say so.
And Kirkuk exports won't be restarting until Kurdish exports restart.
And Kurdish exports won't restart until Baghdad honours the commercial terms of the PSCs.
So if Baghdad want oil exports from northern Iraq to restart BEFORE SEPTEMBER then they will need somehow to make sure that Turkey the KRG and APIKUR are ALL happy. And as for Baghdad, I doubt if anyone will care whether they're happy or not.
After September nobody will care what Baghdad thinks. As nobody will require their approval or permission for anything they won't be needed, and good riddance. |
Mad as a 📦 of 🐸🐸128056;
Not seen Nutjob63 for a while. 🤔 |
Jb sadly I think we will be stiffed.45 -75 quid a shareAll roads lead to ?100+ per share. |
All roads point to the most obvious incoming takeover in history.This month. |
He is working hard lololo |
Troll post. |
There lies the rub
I think the DNO guy is wrong. What is in Iraq is controlled by Iraq and if any oil flows it will be determined by Iraq for Iraq`s benefit on Iraq`s terms.
We`ll see. |
All roads lead to £100+ per share. |
All roads point to the most obvious incoming takeover in history.This month. |
I was hoping for $2.5 a bll , if a MOC muscles in prior to resolution then GKP might go for as little as $11 Bn. |
 Arcadian - "It has already accepted central authority over oil, managing, exporting etc. It was exporting but Baghdad shut it down."
Three things there:-
a) - Baghdad didn't shut the pipeline down, Turkey did.
b) - The only thing the Kurds have accepted is that in exchange for 400kbpd Baghdad would send the Kurds their share of the budget which is $1.6 billion a month, and who could refuse a deal like that.
But even that deal needed the approval of APIKUR because under the PSCs, which the Appeals Court have ruled legal and binding, it's the IOCs who are sovereign over marketing not the KRG and certainly not Baghdad. Only APIKUR can decide who markets the oil:-
Sami Zouari, Dublin 2016:-
"Concerning marketing rights. It is already in the PSC that companies are sovereign over marketing, but all producers have accepted the fact that the MNR is selling the oil on our behalf."
APIKUR have said that they want to be paid directly on the sale of the oil by SOMO at Ceyhan, if the ICG don't agree to that then APIKUR can say OK in that case you don't get to market it, we'll market it ourselves or the KRG can market it for us as they did before.
c) - In September the ITP agreement expires and when that happens Turkey will no longer need permission from Baghdad to export Kurdish oil.
For nine years Turkey and the Kurds exported up to 500kbpd of Kurdish oil while Baghdad whinged whined bleated screamed and stamped their feet and nobody gave a damn what they thought.
And come September Turkey and the Kurds will be able to just ignore them again if they so wish, but this time without any threat of legal proceedings.
A year ago:-
DNO CEO - "We do know that the pipeline will reopen because in September next year the contract between Turkey and Iraq for the use of that pipeline ends, Turkey can then do with the pipeline what it wants without any further exposure to the legal side. Once the existing arrangements end they will end and the pipeline will reopen." |
All roads now point to September. It’s not that far away. The KRG / Turkey must already be talking. US backing will be key. |
All recent events,policies etc show Bazarni complaining and sending groups to Baghdad to pleade. The centre is greedy. It now wants all and gas doesn`t pay the salaries due.It has stopped the use of the pipeline etc
Baghdad won`t change so Erbil must. It has already accepted central authority over oil, managing, exporting etc. It was exporting but Baghdad shut it down.
How can this change? |
Our only friends are the mountains. |
Correct .We need to ignore the noiseThe company is obviously sold TBACEO STAY BONUS AWARD gets paid in January....Fill yer boots |
And yet BP continues its move into Kurdistan. These are certainly interesting, and frustrating, times. |
"The kurds need to cut off Baghdad once and for all."
Reminds me of a headline in the Telegraph back in the day:-
But yes I agree, the Kurds need financial independence and I think that's what they're working towards in September. They can't go on like this and won't give up their constitutional rights. |
We need to ignore the noiseThe company is obviously sold TBACEO STAY BONUS AWARD gets paid in January....Fill yer boots |
The kurds need to cut off Baghdad once and for all. |
Arcadian is a troll. |