[...]. Cadia PC1-2 Pre-Feasibility Study delivers attractive returns
Page 2 feasibility outcomes Cadia - life of mine gold head grade 0.43 g/t
Recovery 80%
Yes It was higher in 2022/23 but go back to 2020 and 2021... and going forward as above |
Latest Interview with Shaun Day with Liam on 'AIM On-Air'... |
Greatland Gold From Explorer To Emerging Gold Copper Producer |
Toasty banging on again poor lad his 4p short target has been been sunk choo choo |
Thanks to 1hercule. |
Poor gowlane missed getting in.
No chance now buddy. It’s already been decided. |
 Hydrogen was of course right on one point, the low grade stockpiles at Telfer (0.33 g/t) are not the tailings, but ore that has been mined but not milled.
However, look at page 10 of the Newcrest quarterly report for Sept 2023, with the production summary.
5.5mt from Telfer open pit with a head grade of 0.54 g/t had a recovery rate of 81.9%.
But 399 tonnes from Telfer underground with a head grade of 1.41 g/t recovered 85.2%
So the recovery rate drops off as the head grade falls. What they will recover from a head grade as low as 0.33 g/t of ore is the question? Is it even economic and will it ever be processed?
Also note sustaining capex of USD132/oz (equals A$210) on page 11, so A$100 more than GGP claim for December 2024. Are GGP skimping on capex?
Newmont might have spent tens of millions on Telfer, to get the sale away, but how long will that last? It is like a used car dealer getting a 20 year old car with 400K miles on the clock spruced up. Good for a short Sunday drive maybe but forget about doing 20k miles a year.
Note also that Cadia was producing at 0.73 g/t head grade and not 0.4 g/t as claimed.
That said, the rising PoG is a boon to GGP if they can get through the next few years. |
I’ve checked the validity of the van éck claim.
Firstly it’s not 156m shares and that is a nonsense.
The uk version holds 44m shares at a value of circa 4m dollars. If they need to equalise then the shares will go down to 22m and the price may go down or they will need to buy another 44m shares of circa 4m dollars worth.
So two inaccuracies. One is the 156m from hydrowrong and secondly it’s not 20m dollars. 0.4 percent is circa 4m dollars so it’s another circa 4m dollars which given the rise lately and the volume it could already be done or easily done.
You mugs and the paid ranper charles archer (paid by ufo a real dog ) only want to pump their own book and don’t want to post facts. I have more shares than all you muppets but fake ramps need pointed out.
Ya daft ramping under water mugs. |
So what is Van Eke's game plan ?? |
 Thumbs up to Hydro, who has been posting about this for some time now!
Here is what the well respected Charles Archer has to say about it too:
"However, while the GGP story is again about production and profit (all going according to plan here), I’d argue that next rise is actually going to come from a certain US-based ETF buying shares in order to follow its underlying index.
I’ve had roughly a dozen messages highlighting this discrepancy now, so if anyone can come up with a simple explanation, please comment below.
But for brevity, the US version of the VanEck Small Cap Gold Miners ETF (GDXJ) appears to hold significantly less of GGP than it ought to based on the index it tracks.
The US version holds $20,180,729.82, or 0.41% of its total holdings, in GGP as of Friday based on daily holdings - you can check here, but make sure to change the site to the US investor side.
On the UK side, GGP represents 0.8% of holdings, so - and please, please remember this is just speculation - the US version of GDXJ may be obliged to roughly double its position and buy up $20 million in GGP soon.
Can anyone say short squeeze?" |
Don't ask me.... |
Comex struggling for physical gold. Shorters anxious !! Contract holders looking for physical rather than a roll over |
Comex struggling for physical gold. Shorters anxious !! Contract holders looking for physical rather than a roll over |
Reports Comex looking lively. Contract holders looking for gold rather than rolling over. Are shorters going into panic ?? |
Our runway to ASX listing is crowed with potent news releases in view of our stunning December Production. ie Jan, Feb, and March qtr. production, performance and progress Report. There are also core results from various expo drilling but particularly WDD under West Dome and of course the very significant and important R&R Report which will heavily impact Market impressions ...... in my opinion. |
Burnt toast, how's your and Farty's 4p short doing 🔥
Are we having fun yet 🤑
By for now.. |
"We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Open Pit Mine Geologist to join our team at Telfer. In this critical role, you will support the planning and operational aspects of open-pit mining operations. You will apply advanced geological expertise to ensure the efficient extraction of mineral resources, while prioritising safety, environmental compliance, and effective resource management...."
So, I guess it doesn't take much to join the dots...We were looking for an 'Open Pit Drill and Blast Engineer' last week; Looking for a 'Senior Open Pit Mine Geologist' this week, and we just got the Stage 7 Cutback Approval last week too.
It looks like we're going like the clappers to get ore through the mill, and, at the same time, drilling those deeps too!
Can't wait for the first, fully detailed update in April, covering Telfer operations and revenue for 1st January - 31st March. |
More dam construction but I hope they have already pumped loads and achieved some depletion ..... even confirmed good containment. As in Lower Contained Aquifer |
Thanks to Nomlas on LSE, the Havieron Mine Dewatering System has been approved and licence granted.✅ |
Arthur 75 your short isn’t performing very well it’s a long way from your 4p target enjoy your week end choo choo |
Looking forward to a big slice of history 💰 💰 💰 (Unvaccinated) are we having fun yet 🤑
By for now.. |
Nice Friday for gold .2,814.95+18.32+0.65% |
A small weekly rise and over on the rampers only board they are wagging their tails and nursing a chubby , ewww. The price was 7.60 in December! We have been here before eh chums. The price dropping again won't surprise me .How are those mysterious costs that are so hard to work out going? LOL.LOL.LOL. |
Nice day for GGP holders, and the price of the yellow stuff increasingly daily in tandem... GGP hold for GOLD |
It's been looking remarkably quiet on 'the other' thread over the past few days, where the usual, de-ramping, '4p/5p brigade', are usually spouting nonsense, together with the guy who has been saying for many, many months, if not years now, that he's not ready to buy in yet, even at the recent raise price. I just wonder if/when he ever will, as IMHO, he's now missed the boat, big time, as we're now nearly 60% above that level. |