I would add that the Water Licence application will only be submitted after Landowner Consent is given (estimated currently at end January 2025, ie in 6 weeks time). This is the only barrier to making public the financials of the agreement with DRD Gold, hence logically Goldplat should be in a position to make public these financials in roughly 6 weeks, assuming "landowner consent". Significantly bullish if that is the case imo. |
I would add that the Water Licence application will only be submitted after Landowner Consent is given (estimated currently at end January 2025, ie in 6 weeks time). This is the only barrier to making public the financials of the agreement with DRD Gold, hence logically Goldplat should be in a position to make public these financials in roughly 6 weeks, assuming "landowner consent". Significantly bullish if that is the case imo. |
"long grass" is a bit over the top ,Kimboy - December rather than June 2025, with a bit more detail over process is what I see. £3.9 million cash , 2.5p earnings, Martin will get us where we want to go, a few things (like "landowner consent") are out of management control... |
Yes increadible results, so much so that someone bout £1500 of shares aubsequently.
Looks like no progress on the TSF this year and it has been kicked into the long grass.
Wonder if the FD is going to resign due to the late results for yet another year. |
No reaction in the market to a pretty grand set of results. Maybe we need that long wished for dividend payment? |
Incredible results |
My posts are clear and to the point. But thank you alm for your endless repetition. I'm sure Martin with his 28%+ holding and the rest of the management team (who you keep "stabbing") will be blown away by your insight. Dividends, buybacks and let's get the water licenses. Well I bet they never thought of any of that. Atb |
Wig Hey -all the best to you to -nice to see you wanted to have another stab at being judgemental I look forward to reading all your informative and interesting posts in the future -thank you so very much for your detailed contributions thus far Alm |
Step change in equity too, +£3m over the year. First time it has gone above £20m. GLA |
Results out:Revenue increased by 73.6% to £72.7m (2023: £41.9m)Operating profit increased by 127.0% to £9.8m (2023: £4.3m)Profit for the year increased by 40.9% to £4.3m (2023: £3.1m)Robust cash generation with net cash flows from operating activities of £3.9m (2023: £3.3m)Cash and cash equivalents increased to £3.9m (2023: £2.8m)EPS increased by 50.3% to 2.51p (2023:1.67p) |
"Daring to challenge.." lol what a hero. You are not challenging management, you're just tapping away at a screen and dumping your impatience on others. The most likely cause of your vexation is not the lack of a capable management team here. They are probably mostly making the right decisions. The real problem is you do not really understand what you own. ATB |
Wig Always amuses me when board posters have got nothing better to do than criticise other posters rather than actually daring to challenge what is going in a company and as to its board of directors -just meekly accepting whatever the BOD decide Patience -I have had a large investment in this company for well over 10 years and only ever had one dividend of 10k -I accept a very poor investment thus far humility - I consider I have the right to demand that shareholders interests are at the fore which in goldplat has not been the case for longer than I care to remember I will rejoice on the day that I no longer hold shares in goldplat Of course you always have an option of not reading what I post -please exercise it Alm |
"It's really simple". Yes if lots of good news happens then the shares will go up. We all get it. Presumably that's why you own the shares, alm2. But it's not a particularly enlightening point, is it? Or worthy of endless repetition? Every holder - including yourself - is holding in anticipation of good news. But some are doing it with patience and humility. Ps russman has been negative on the shares since 2p, good luck with that |
Looks like the results are going to arrive with Christmas lunch. Let's hope there is only one turkey on the table. |
Margaret : That definitely takes the biscuit. |
That is precisely the point Alm. The Board is not getting restructured and there is not one scintilla of evidence to suggest they are likely to pay a dividend. The amount of cash they are generating is therefore not particularly important to shareholders which might seem an odd thing to suggest but unless or until one or more large notifiable holders express dissent or dismiss the Board this will remain in the doldrums. |
Russ It’s really simple The share price will never ever move to plus 10 until they buy back / dividend pay out / TSF development/ or get bought out If 2025 does not see one of these event happen I will stop posting at end of 2025 I have bored myself never mind all other board readers stating this obvious fact
Frankly it’s about time the directors acted or got kicked out - they have had long enough and I think shareholders will join together to act by year end 2025 Alm |
Victor: No, I don't believe it! |
As anticipated the rise fizzled out and this is back to square one with holders hoping for news of a dividend. Will it ever happen…. |
The market is continuing to signal we will be stuck in our trading range until shareholder returns are formally announced. Good if you want to accumulate a position. Simply frustrating for those of us who see the value.When GDP make a dividend or buyback announcement, this will race into double figures. If they finally unlock the TSF in June, a price in the teens seems likely. A little more patience should be well rewarded. |
The JLP update was regarding power outages in Zambia but I agree with your point. That power insecure in the SADEC region and having backup generators ready for when you need them is crucial.
We have that in place. It is an insurance policy. It didn't cost the earth, so long term it improves the security of our ops in SA.
I'm even slightly optimistic about GDP in 2025! |
When we look at the Jubilee announcement today then we can understand how good decision was to invest in generators |
yasX, the problem with waiting is thin trading. At the point they announce a dividend, it will be impossible to buy in any volume and the price will spike. The only way to build a reasonable sized holding is to drip purchase over an extended period. If you have joined the calls with Werner this year, you will have noticed a change of narrative. I don't believe there is any doubt a dividend / buybacks or both will happen in 2025. Of course, the other reason why waiting is not sensible is the possibility of a bid. The TSF is a valuable asset and DRD would almost certainly be interested in owning it outright if they can get GDP for the right price. Fortunately, there is little chance they could get away with a cheeky bid due to the presence of Martin. Personally, I exited GDP in early 2023 and only returned in mid 2024 when I noted the progress being made. Trading in and out has allowed me to make sizeable profits but I am now here for whatever 2025 brings. |
Same discussion for years…..
“if they gave a dividend…..221;
However, they have not given anything - until they do it remains dead money.
Perhaps it might be better to wait for an announcement rather than waiting patiently for years. |