If you think about it, this is pretty humiliating for nhs england. MT RNR1 is a world first test, was invented in England, has won awards and was praised by national figures in nhs england. Yet it is doctors in NHS Scotland who are now posting online about the 'world-first application of pharmacogenetics at scale in neonatal care'......in Scotland.
hxxps://www.england.nhs.uk/2022/04/nhs-develops-world-first-bedside-genetic-test-to-prevent-babies-going-deaf/ |
So this follows on from the 4th Nov announcement from GDR, we now need this to be released to the market as a huge win.Things starting to get interesting again. |
The only way that I can think of where uk govt blushes would be saved is if GDR announce an intention to roll out this test in England, at the same time as updating on the Scotland news, or announces a slightly earlier start date for a rollout. Otherwise, there must be a bit of a risk with Scottish government going public first that the pace of nhs innovation becomes part of a wider political football in the run up to Scottish elections next year?
Worth remembering that at the last presentation, this test had an estimated global market of £100m a year, with no competitor product, and was said to save NHS England around £5m a year (as well as save the hearing of new born babies who are currently going deaf needlessly). |
As an aside, the announcement also confirms the national rollout of CYP2C19 genetic testing across Scotland, following the NHS Tayside pilot. Whilst that was a lab based project, it will almost certainly put further pressure on NHS England who seem to be falling behind the Scottish government in terms of the roll out of innovative pharmacogenetic tests. Maybe that's one of the reasons NHS England is now being abolished? The team at NHS Manchester who helped design these tests must be going crazy!!! At this pace, I wouldn't be surprised if Wales and N Ireland implement these tests before England too. Crazy! |
Thanks again indomie. A great contributor to this board. |
Good work guys, good to see nhs Scotland saving lives and hearing!!!! |
Seems not to have really been picked up on Indomie. This is the NHS Scotland article link from 13th.All falling in to place nicely. Product wise, all systems go. Corporate side, need some news on finances, roadmap and current progress to ignite the market or silence critics. |
HTTPS://www.gov.scot/news/improving-health-through-innovation/ |
NHS Scotland's Centre for Sustainable Delivery appear to have confirmed on LinkedIn that GDR have won their first national rollout for the MT RNR1 test. If confirmed, this would be huge for the company with approx. 3,000 tests a year. It also suggests England, Wales and NI rollouts could follow, which on past guidance would generate sales of about £8m a year. Assuming a 50% margin, that would put GDR well on way to profitability, even before any additional international sales achieved off the back of this news. I always thought a test pioneered by the NHS in England, would be rolled out there first but apparently not!! It's hard to know whether the news on Friday of 50% budget cuts ordered for the 42 ICBs in England will impact new diagnostic tests, but the Peterborough news suggests otherwise. Guidance from the company will be key. Thoughts? |
I had some pharma shares long ago that went onto great things in the US.
They seem to support little firms more than they do in London. I have been an observer of this for over 20 years and I would say it's not so much about the danger of AIM but those unknowns who seem to prey on it.
Just my thoughts nothing more. There will always be some companies that fail, of course, and that is the nature of the game and why they are only pence. Again, I give no advice, unlike the poster above, except to say as I always do, protect yourself by not putting too much in any share, especially in these uncertain times.
We will never see life the same, thankfully.
Clearly you play this game purely for the money....I don't. I enjoy research and particularly embrace the opportunity to understand cutting edge innovation, expressed often, through these little companies.
The situation is that you help investors to lose money by fear stoking.
And you're not man enough to acknowledge it, even to yourself.
This company might thrive or get bought out, we don't know yet, time will tell. To everyone else, I will say that I don't readily support companies, that I think will fail, far from it .
I sometimes trade like anybody else but those I stay in, I do for a reason, because I think they deserve it, and society deserves it. I see this as an opportunity to get the best treatment available to the market.
Forget the ethical side of life and you forget what it's like to be human, what could be more deserving than little babies needing care or adults going through a stroke!
When Genedrive goes bust not only will you lose all your money but everyone that you've encouraged to invest their money into this POS will also lose all of their money as well.
Encouraging others to lose their money in your pet project does not make you virtuous, that is the act of a "despicable" person!
JakNife |
 From the above poster.
"What kind of 'person' bets against the success of this?"
'No one believes your "holier than thou" 💩. If you were genuinely a generous philanthropic humanitarian then you wouldn't have bought shares in Genedrive hoping to profit from their technology, you would have simply given your money to one of the hundreds of medical charities out there.'
What a despicable outlook you have. You have no idea of my motives my ideals or indeed how I think. Instead you can only judge by your own preferred warped stance.
It would be a tragedy if this company didn't manage to see it through, helped by people like you two.
If so, it would be the usual very commercially motivated big company, who no doubt would take over this technology and discovery, in personalised medicine. Then we can all imagine it would cost the NHS probably a lot more and the profit motive would work right down the line, making it more expensive for the individuals it could save easily and simply with Genedrive.
There is something very wrong in this country that small companies like this aren't helped financially more than they are and worse still, they can be bet against, by the unscrupulous like yourself, effectively shorting it.
I have no time for you.
"And let's face it you would be sub human if you didn't think saving lives was important."
Just because a company might be saving lives doesn't then equate to it being a good investment.
"What kind of 'person' bets against the success of this?"
No one believes your "holier than thou" 💩. If you were genuinely a generous philanthropic humanitarian then you wouldn't have bought shares in Genedrive hoping to profit from their technology, you would have simply given your money to one of the hundreds of medical charities out there.
JakNife |
Thanks indomie. |
'Two additional projects will look at pharmacogenetics – how a person’s genetics affect their response to certain drugs.
A total of £1.1 million will support testing of recent stroke patients to determine if they have a genetic variation that impairs the benefits of a drug commonly prescribed to reduce the risk of secondary stroke and which would mean an alternative drug should be considered for them.
A programme to provide a genetic test for newborn babies will also receive £800,000 funding to determine if they have a genetic variation which puts them at risk of permanent hearing loss if they are treated with a common emergency antibiotic.' |
Sorry I have no idea what Bones and Hazl are saying, and have no intention of unfiltering to see. Apologies if some duplication. We and the market need more visibility on the sales pipeline. It will come, whether cash needed in the meantime is another matter.Neither a buy or a seller at these levels, have a holding that's underwater. |
I suspect we have some corporate action incoming. |
Big drop coming perhaps they have approached the city today Watch this head lower as it's forward sold . Warned you of this months ago but you simply can't listen and admit your wrong |
From the idiot himself . This is great news . That must be why the share price is falling pretty fast then. Seems you all alone here these days talking to yourself while everyone else has figured out what's coming and escaped .
Totally clueless as always . Enjoy the raise when it comes and new lows with the share price here |
Professor Radim Licenik, Consultant Stroke Physician, Clinical Lead for Stroke Service and President of the Society of Czech & Slovak Doctors in the United Kingdom, said: "We are delighted to bring the benefit of this novel technology to Stroke patients in our region. Effective clinical management of neurologic stroke relies in part on optimising the efficacy of anti-platelets prescribed, and within a timeframe that is served only by rapid genetic testing technologies such as this. The implementation will help us to formulate a personalised optimal treatment plan for our stroke patients, that we hope will prevent future strokes and save lives."
1. |
I wish them well.
'Peterborough City Hospital provides care to approximately 900 stroke patients per annum and is part of North West Anglia Foundation NHS Trust Acute Stroke Centre. The implementation seeks initially to provide genotype-guided optimisation of prescription of antiplatelet drugs to patients presenting with recurrent ischaemic strokes or transient ischaemic attack as well as to young stroke patients aged 18 to 55 within the North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust Acute Stroke Centre region.
' |
This is the best advertising we could ever get!
The NHS implementing this sets a standard.
This clearly is a growing trend and an indication of future implementation.
This is great news.
Don't let the unscrupulous take your shares is my motto. |
'will prevent future strokes and save lives."
What kind of 'person' bets against the success of this?
Shame on you! |