But I will share it anyway, after receiving a red thumb on my post above.
It was a live camera feed.
There was sludge on the lense, but it looked like a working platform down a mine shaft. On the platform there was two people in orange boilersuits looking very distressed, and an empty wheelchair near the platform edge...
then the stream went blank. |
I breifly saw it... Details too graphic to share here for any CUSN long holders. |
Someone has taken the link down . Was it a live camera feed ? Anyone see it ? |
Don’t worry though , as the trans gang on here plus local investors who ploughed in with hearts but not minds will keep funding it . Very dry forecast after a dry period yet the water level is still most likely way higher than expected ?? Do we have a currently water level ? Why isn’t this public info ? We want to see the water level on a daily basis . |
"FINAL" tranche of fundraising LOL
They haven't even got gear to extract the ore.
me thinks many more traches of fundraising required wiping out any current shareholders. |
Nice summary from Jim of the latesthttps://mining.beehiiv.com/p/jim-s-mining-letter-march-26-2025Exciting project |
Time is running out .
The offer still stands .
Unfortunately NO ONE has stepped forward to admit to making a mistake .
Rare these olive branches are given .. |
Hazl, these opportunities don't come round very often...
He isn't even asking for a grovel. Just an open admission of error. |
You mean Hazl ?
Disappeared when proven to be wrong.
I am offering various investors across ADVFN a kind of amnesty today . If they can admit they got it wrong , no caveats , just a plain admission of error , a simple “ I GOT IT WRONG “ will suffice. Yes , I will wipe their ADVFN state clean. All previous shysting convictions will be removed from their record.
Don’t miss this opportunity shysters |
Imagine someone ramping this at 30p ouch! |
The long term general trend is grim . |
Heading lower. |
Took a while to clear out that seller at 8 but the significant volume yesterday has broken through and good to see more interest since |
Highest volume this year and positive move ahead. |
Would be good if some tin was actually extracted , but doesn’t look likely for a long time . A select few are chomping on chocolate hob nobs in the executive office . The only tin that is in use is the biscuit tin . It’s overflowing with select crunchy comestibles paid for by the average Joe mug punter . |
Good volume move maybe folks are looking at the tin price !! |
What are the actual timelines for this outfit ? Not what’s said in statements , as that’s clearly shown not to be true ( dewatering timetable not adhered to )… No , does anyone know when they actually do think they will extract any metal at all ? Looks like another AIM share that’s feeding a select few .
2030/2035 ? 2525 if man is still alive ? |
Very confident there kooba, nobody says that they "will" be exctracting any metal.
They can't even complete the feasibility study. |
Surprised there is little mention if the price of the metal we will be extracting being up 22% ytd...must help the economics as there is huge operational gearing.hTTps://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/tin |
The Trans Investor Group was set up by Mele to give Ron & Hazl a special place to talk about their fantasies (both CUSN Fantasies and Personal Fantasies) and keep the real, unfiltered, cold hard truth about CUSN here - for all to see. |
Very good points there,
And still no update from CUSN! Shocking that they can get away with this.
They can get the money, by another funding round, diluting existing shareholders to 0.5% of issued share capital.
Recommendation, Sell. |