Next company RNS should confirm direction of travel , looks like a strong buy if you belief in dreams ! |
Watch out for a possible acquisition/merger... |
AH performance is showing through the share price decline every day. He is already seen as a failure like past CEO'S. Only false promises and lies until now, nothing tangibly delivered. |
All correct, makes a change from one word unwashed replies from the muppets |
Hasnever 20p to you sucker he hurt you so bad 😂🤣 |
AH has lost 40% value since he joined from 22P to 13P. This is the reality on the ground. so far he has delivered nothing for the shareholders. |
Also to remind everyone of how AH got on at SDL:
Adolfo was CEO of SDL from April 16 to November 20. In that time, he purchased 50k shares at 435 (Aug 16) 50k @ 528 (Mar 17) 20k @ 496 (Aug 17) 10k @ 551 (Mar 19) and 10k @ 449 (Apr 20).
Then in Sept 2020, RWS bought SDL in a deal which valued SDL shares at 907.
So Adolfo is pretty good at value creation, SDL also paid a dividend of roughly 2%. |
Put the dog down |
What do shareholders really own? or share price only?... |
for 15 years they have been trying to turn this around and for 15 years they have been constantly failing. from £20 to 13p what a shame. AH may be the last one before administrators are called in and put this down for good. |
 RE: New16 Feb 2025 15:06 @trenners, I've been trading this to increase my holdings. AH is doing a very good job that is likely to change the financial metrics materially with cost cuts.
What we have learnt is, the first phase under JL was to reduce debt. The phase two which were at is to maintain low debt but reduce cost base which would drive margin and profitability and create fcf. Then phase three is to push for growth.
Schroders thus far are holding highest amount of stock in percentage terms they've ever held. Lambardo have out of no where took there position to around 5%, although rwc have reduced recently, there hasn't been any reduction of late by them but they've always traded this. Richard stavely is holding 3.5%, they have invested in previously company called SDL that was ran by AH. So trenners, as you say, Richard stavely believes in AH. From recent interview with Richard stavely, he said he spoke to the company about certain aspects of the company they would want to change to drive fcf which he stated is currently being address. If there was something there that was off putting, they would not have invested 3.5% so clearly they're putting their money where their mouth is. |
barbie4 taxi gal |
Oh heat 🤦a92;️😂 |
Diku yep once £20 a a leaner business than it's been for 15yrs and it's 13.6p 🤷 |
Once upon a time CPI was FTSE100 share...if today's volume on ADVFN is correct look at the amount of shares traded between 8.00 - 12.00pm...punters have given up on small/tiny caps... |
topped up today 13.5p seems cheap. |
Because all the action is in the mega caps...small/tiny cap shares prices decimated...distorted and skewed market...think smart money would prefer a complete flush out across the board... |
f66 at the moment volumes are so low any piddly buy/sell is moving it.. |
Market Bears in the ascendancy , now which side of the debate does the market believe ? |
So far nothing is delivered by AH , all promises and lies, if these numbers have even 50% of possibility of achieving what He says than share price would not be sitting at 13p.
Share price is the only realty check on AH performance |