Imps figures next Tuesday, if decent will give Bats an uplift in shareprice. |
Next run up to 3000 pence underway pre XD 18.12.2024..? .. :o) |
Could we see 2800p plus today? |
With buybacks the brokers start buying at 9am. Nice to know Bats brokers in there buying just after 9am. |
PM - 22.10.2024 - we delivered exceptionally strong performance, with record quarterly net revenues and earnings per share MO - 31.10.2024 - Altria delivered outstanding results in the third quarter ITC - 24.10.2024 - Cigarettes segment revenue up 7.3% YoY, Segment PBIT up 5.1% YoY
BATS 25.07.2024 - we completed the monetisation of a portion of our ITC stake lowering our holding from 29.02% to 25.49% at 30 June 2024 enabling the initiation of a sustainable share buy-back, starting with GBP700M in 2024 and 900M in 2025..
IMB report 19.11.2024 BATS report 5/6 or 9.12.2024
Looking forward to both those reports, hard to see how they will not follow the trend above.. :o) |
I'm not even thinking about ITC like I said that's just a bonus, then add 100p if anything happens.But more importantly is next Tuesday Imperial figures, if decent this will give the tobacco stocks a nice boost |
monty: I agree with your sentiment that we get a big enough divi. I can't agree with your suggestion they ditch ITC and use the money to buy their own BATS shares.
I'm of the opinion that ITC has better future prospects than BATS.
This has echoes of my concerns re. BB's at the likes of ABDN who are, at the end of the day, an investment company yet blow a considerable amount of cash on buying their ever-decreasing in value own shares.
Once BATS has sold it's holding in ITC there will of course no longer be any dividend payments arriving at BATS from ITC. They will, to be fair, have reduced their own dividend payments by virtue of having less shares in circulation.
But, this could be seen in a similar way to me selling 10 of my 11 SIPP holdings and placing the funds into the one remaining holding. A super concentration rather than a broad spread of risk.
Is this wise? |
Hopefully if anything announced that's a big bonus, I want them to just buy back shares 2025/6. lol we get a big enough dividend. |
Do we have an update on the itc hotel demerger I'm pretty sure Bats said they were going to sell their stake in the hotel business so more money for continued buybacks or a special dividend maybe? |
I agree montyhedge.We've seen good post results reactions in the share prices of IMB,PM and MO and if BATS is executing strategy as previously forecast i don't see any reason for an adverse reaction on BATS share price from the trading update on 5th Dec.I've tried researching RFK jr (the likely new US HHS secretary) attitude on tobacco but can't find any definitive statements from him on the subject.He has had strong opinions on the Covid vaccine and he's for removing fluoride from public water supplies so he could be more interventionist than I previously hoped for on public health, from what one would have hoped and expected of a future Trump administration official.We will have to wait and see. |
This is how I see Bats shareprice heading, Imperial Tobacco report figures next Tuesday 19th November, if they are decent, Bats shareprice will rise as well I see on way to 2850p, Bats trading update around 5th December a further boost. Ex div 21st December, 58.88p. 2950p end of year my projection.Of course all the stars have to align.Good luck bulls. |
Monty..rally will start after 15th November |
One thing looks like the shorting hedgies bears have run for the hills. |
The Santa rally I think will start earlier this year, Bats have a trading update around the 5th Dec, if good kicks our Santa rally in Bats off. Then ex div 21st Dec another quarterly 58.88p. |
If we get to 2900 pre Christmas monty I will do just that. The FT100 climbed 4% or so in the Santa rally from mid November last year so can we see something similar for this and wider UK stocks this year??
Hope so otherwise it's bread and dripping instead come the 25th 😂
Good luck all 👍🏻 |
Looking good still a long way to catch up with other tobacco stocks, Bats should be 2975p to catch up. Ex dividend 21st Dec, 58.88p order a bigger turkey boys, lolBuybacks help price on a quiet day. |
Not many shares up today. It’s enough to make you start smoking |
That's good, smoking not good and does damage health, vapes seems ok. |
Smoking cessation pill now available on the NHS all over the news. They reckon it’s the most effective aid available. |
The thing I like about buybacks, even on a down day, nice to know Bats brokers in there buying. |
We still have a lot of catching up to do with the other tobacco stocks.Surely must be testing our high of the year again if trading update bullish, then ex dividend couple of weeks later, nice 58.88p in the tax free isa bag. Order a bigger turkey for Xmas boys, lol. |
I see shorting hedgies showing no position over 0.5% have they closed completely, interesting we get a good trading update around 5th December that would be nice leading us into ex div 21st December 58.88p. |
Let's hope better update than last year, when they announced impairment charge. No date yet but I would say 5th Dec? |
I don't mind taking a 15% cut in dividend take through tax (in my ISA) if the share price is 50% higher .. |