Wonder where with costs back under control & such an increase in sales values, where this will leave EBITDA? And whether Board will take advantage and hedge some at this level? |
Copper Now burst through 5usd per pound. I'll stop now!! What momentum.. |
Copper over 4.90 now - all time record is just over 5 USD per pound. Under real threat of being broken. Not sure how long we will stay at this level but nice while it lasts! |
hTTps://theoakbloke.substack.com/p/copper?r=2o5lxe&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true |
Copper touching 4.75 USD per pound now - lovely! |
Has the company moved its headquarters to Spain yet? The website says the registered office is in Cyprus.
As someone has pointed out to me, if it is still registered in Cyprus it may not qualify for inclusion in the FTSE index next month (based on close on 28th May). Note 12 Dec 2023:-
"..the re-domiciliation also opens the possibility for the Company to be included in the FTSE UK Index Series"
Last month the company said,
"The re-domiciliation procedure is ongoing. Following a new law implementing Directive EU 2019/2121 (in respect of cross-border reorganisations) entering into force in Cyprus on 15 March 2024, the Company is assessing the potential impacts of the new law on the re-domiciliation process. As a result, there may be a delay in the completion of the re-domiciliation and a further update will be provided to the market in due course."
On that basis, I'm inclined to think the company won't make the FTSE next month. |
As an investor, it was only when he left that the company actually started to get permits and into production. He was a disaster for investors. |
Harry Anagnostaras-Adams will probably feel very pleased with the way this company has developed. |
Any time Scargs. We are all here to try to bring relevant info opinions and ideas to the forum... |
Thank You robmcelf2. |
https://www.elidealgallego.com/articulo/economia/foro-economico-encontro-sober-debate-alianza-estrategica-entre-rural-industria-galicia-4826017Due to this local press release.. |
Hi robmcelf2
How do You know that Alberto is in Galicia today at an event supported by the Junta ? |
Interesting to see that Alberto is in Galicia today at an event supported by the Junta. The event is designed to promote Galician business interest and discuss the strategic alliance between industry and rural areas. Could be a good forum to announce that ATYM's project Touro is now considered a project of strategic importance? |
Entering the FTSE250
Based on last year's Annual Review announcement of FTSE250 constituents, I expect FTSE Russell to announce on 17th or 24th May that ATYM will enter the FTSE250 in June. To be confirmed on 31 May 2024.
This means that Tracker Funds and those with a mandate to buy a proportion of FTSE250 stocks will have to start buying them between 17/24 May and 31 May.
I expect the share price to be pushing 500p by early June, external factors excluded...
hxxps://www.lseg.com/en/media-centre/press-releases/ftse-russell/2023/ftse-uk-index-series-indicative-annual-review-changes-june-2023 |
we could hit a fiver soon at this rate, lovely job...DYOR |
copper moving nicely again, should IMO assist ATYM...DYOR |
Q1 financial results should be week after next if last year is anything to go by. Let's hope by then we get some good news about strategic project status for Touro.. |
Pretty sure they took this on Q1 2020. One of them did anyway |
not a huge amount. 250K i think but still , always a punt when their buys come in |
Always get a decent lift after an iShares fund manager adds ones like these |
I did some quick research and the cut off date for next FTsE250 mkt cap review is 24th May. So if after that date we are above cutoff we will be admitted. |
You could well be right. |
Indeed, Rob. But I feel that today's rise is largely due to a 1.5% rise in Cu.
The bonus for admission to main market is yet to come on inclusion in FT250.
IMO. |
Nice rise today with admission to main market. |