Dorset, you’ve posted and then defended a blogpost from someone telling us to expect news at Beutong. You’ve also attacked me for saying it’s essentially worthless, whilst saying the protests were irrelevant.
So what’s your view - the same as Charles or the same as Mount Teides?
And can you, or anyone, explain why we didn’t drill it as planned in 2021 and where the money went instead? |
MT, all this is not new news, there's no value in the share price for Beutong, zilch, so not sure why you've come back on to slate it, especially when it currently has zero value? |
I briefly joined Charles Telegram group, but I’m not sure why he’s causing you so much excitement, but I’m also unsure what your name is and you won’t clarify that, preferring to stalk from the shadows. That note was flawed as it wasn’t objective. He’s either unaware of the fact there were several thousand people who protested about our presence in Beutong, or he is but choose not to mention it. I’m not sure what’s worse, but either way nothing will be happening there any time soon. Perhaps the company could tell us why they didn’t drill it with the $1m they raised to do exactly that in 2021? |
Well done, you've looked in to the note ? |
I expect that every morning you wake up and take a look in the mirror, you end up having an argument with it.It may get sold before finance, or after, or not at all, who knows, no-one for sure at this stage. Have you researched that note yet.... no, didn't think so. |
I'm sorry Andrew, but you're either blind or stupid, everyone knows the answer to that I'm sure!Read my previous post on why a company may wait for finance, but pay more or buy it for less right now.It's really not that hard to read something and understand it even it if doesn't fit your motives. |
I’ve researched all the failed predictions you’ve made - not quite up there with the sanctimonious lectures but not far off. Hundreds of thousands down and still not even a drop of reflection, let alone humility. Send me a tweet and then I’ll tell everyone your name too mate :) |
Lol, keep going ADW you're making yourself look a fool now, so if I were you do some research first. |
Hundreds of thousands of pounds down but still handing out business lectures. Keep em coming mate 😂 |
And when you’ve ignored that, please also answer why a company would wait for Asiamet to get finance before buying us out? |
Dorset, can I ask why you call me Andrew? |
 Lol you do at times make me laugh Andrew. Take a little time to research in to whom released that note and you'll quickly come to the conclusion that no, it is not a paid for note. I'll leave you to find out who it is and why he released the note. As for, words to the effect 'why would anyone wait until they are fully funded in order to make a bid', are you being serious here as, if so, that must be one of the most stupid comments you've ever come up with!!I would liken it to you putting in an offer for a new house, but currently there's no planning permission in place or constructionhasnt started yet. If they are 'gamblers' then they may buy the company just based upon what's in the ground for a price of X or, as most outfits do, they wait for either funding is in place and/or all permits have been awarded. Anything before then is a gamble to the buyer and, in turn the price would be far less than if they had all permits & funding in place. Surely even someone like you would understand the above which largely makes your post pointless & a waste of space. |
Strikes me as paid for analysis that, with little or no critical thinking or mention of the negatives.
“This makes the case for a buyout fairly strong, but perhaps only when it is announces it has attracted suitable finance in its own right”.
Why would a buyer wait for us to put our own finance in place to bid?
“Beutong has fallen somewhat to the wayside — but a large JORC resource should not be overlooked, and investors should expect an update before long”.
A sensible analyst would at least mention the fact that nothing has happened there since 2019’s protests. Given we have no money Im intrigued to know what we should expect to happen there? Perhaps it’s the $1m drilling work they raised money for in 2021? |
hTTps:// |
It's obvious Mount Teide is rattled. He only comes on when he sees something that worries him and may lead to significant progression, imho.
What was it kiddo, the increase in share count and a potential deal down the line?
Latest post on Mount Teides blog: 2029 - Nigel will be here to save us!Facepalm. |
Haley's comet gets filtered for the third time - primarily for his crudely amateurish attempts to mislead investors on a public forum.......behaviour illegal under stock market rules.
The fool deleted hundreds of his previous posts made under his first alias - cluelessly ignorant to the fact that Advfn is legally required to back up and store all posts made on its investment forum, including those subsequently deleted by posters like the disingenuous management shill here attempting to cover his tracks! |