Auzbiz:-We have identified that there is still a significant dislocation between gold pricing and gold share prices. This leads us to believe that the catalysts for a sharp upward re-rating of our selected global gold and precious metal stocks is clear, and that the medium term upside could be up to or above 100%.* |
Well, maybe because the project is more in the Australian jurisdiction so they are likely to ascribe value to projects like Dockwe. |
I think the problem here is it's messy, with bits of production here, exploration projects there, and they pivoted from their defined strategy of paying a dividend to acquire Dokwe, in a high risk country instead.
Dokwe will not get full value due to country risk IMO.
And why on earth are they hell bent on raising money and listing in Australia? |
True, the company has faced many funding challenges in its lifetime but I think (and sincerely hope) lessons have been learned and we can now finally look forward to a different outlook. I am particularly encouraged by the rising price of gold and silver coupled with the long term outlook at Dockwe and other assets, both developed and undeveloped. |
I adore Charles experience and wisdom with an open sentence statement. I agree with him 100 % that I have no doubts where the company is going. saying that for some time.
he got my vote up
stupid jester kaos3 |
I have doubts. The stock market's verdict on management is that a share in Ariana is worth about 15% of what it was worth on IPO 20 years ago. I'd say 20 years is long enough for the weighing machine to come into play. |
Charkes, "in the longer term". |
I don't have any doubts where this company is going. My only question is when? Will I still be alive to share in the dividends? |
AAU: Company bullish on regional potential “Based on our current understanding of the broader exploration opportunity in the region, we fully expect Dokwe can be developed into a major mining hub in the longer term and as one of the most significant developments of its kind in Zimbabwe.” MD Kerim Sener |
baker means Cu copper |
He loves it so much that he is back out there today! |
Mentor:The third place in Kosovo with the same view.Except this one also had Bakër (Gold). ?Kosovo is beautiful. |
Shareprophets: Ariana Resources – Dokwe project resource increase, risk/reward Buy By HOTSTOCKROCKETS Ariana Resources (AAU) has issued an update on its Dokwe gold project in Zimbabwe headlined “In-Pit Resources Increase by 9%. Improved Confidence in the Underlying Geological Model”. On the back of this, the shares are 2p. |
I wish I had gone. Must find out dates for next year, although I suspect hotels will already be sold out. |
Pictures on FB:Successful participation of the CEO of Western Tethyan Resources Mr. Mentor Demi at the PDAC conference in Toronto.Excellent opportunity to meet and discuss the progress of our company with our partners and stakeholders. |
Thanks Kaos |
Charles - over several BBs i read that people have problems with clickable advfn links when using apple mobile device...
best to do is to open you tube and simply search for the video when interested. if copy paste does not work. |
Positive news has to be good for AAU |
Proactive: Ariana Resources unveils “superb” resource upgrade at Dokwe gold project |
different co. to our Venus Minerals (vs Metals) ? |
I received this today - I have to say I don't really understand what it means or its significance but someone on here might !
Google Alerts
venus minerals ipo Daily update ⋅ March 4, 2025
Venus Metals (ASX:VMC) Reports Positive Exploration Results at Henderson Gold Project
The Capital Club
Venus Metals reports encouraging drilling and sampling results at Henderson Gold Project, outlining plans for Stage 2 exploration. |
I'm convinced it will Rennicks. Especially in the vicinity it is & the outlook for gold. |
I think the way they are prioritising dowke any monetising of assets would prove attractive to them. |
Rightly so with it being 100% ours . Salinbas will no doubt have its day. |
Nearly forgot, we are suppose to have a second GOLD mine at Tavsan which must surely be near production. Are the Tailing liners still not sorted? Is this the biggest secret in the Gold Mining sector? |