Hows your partner is slime, Mrs deccer ? |
Thanks for the wealth transfer. |
tenapen26 Apr '24 - 08:37 - 34153 of 34434 0 3 0 Ken Chung - 14 Apr 2024 - 07:33:26 - 34061 of 34153 Bitcoin just $64,557. Will ARB go bust after the halving next week? Lemmings and mushrooms only.
Ken Chung - 14 Apr 2024 - 00:17:44 - 34060 of 34153 Bitcoin just $65,164. Will ARB go bust after the halving next week? Lemmings and mushrooms only.
Ken Chung - 12 Apr 2024 - 22:32:40 - 34057 of 34153 Bitcoin just $66,848.
Will ARB go bust after the halving next week?
07/09/24 I guess the answer is NO, ARB isn't going bust and it's staying strong in a weak crypto environment.
Silly wee chung |
This is dropping every day. Lemmings and mushrooms only. |
You keep on posting that ARB's - share price will 'death spiral' but it doesn't !
Mmmmmmm !
Silly wee chung |
This now losing money every day.
Lemmings and mushrooms only. |
Lemmings and mushrooms only. |
 I have been saying for some time that I don't see a way forward for ARB. It has no USP anymore, its balance sheet is weak, and it is small, too small I think to raise sufficient capital to transform its prospects. If BTC remains weak, it is in trouble, and even if BTC strengthens the bigger miners will ramp up their operations, difficulty will increase, and ARB won't make sufficient profit to grow organically and it has no significant stash of BTC to give its balance sheet a lift.
I took the hit and sold the last of my ARB a while back at a bit over 12.
No one has explained where they see a future for ARB, or any reason for holding it in preference to one of the big miners save that it is held on a UK exchange thus saving FX charges when buying and selling, which does not seem a compelling reason to me unless you see it purely as a trading play.
Personally, if one is bullish BTC, or just wants to keep a finger in the crypto pie, the obvious answer is to hold BTC (or other coin of choice) directly, or through a holding in MSTR if you want to avoid the hassle of buying BTC direct.. |
Just concentrate on MSTR in your ISAs folks for any action in BtC and with your technical charting, where do you now see any significant support forming in BtC HB?
...Are we looking in the late $40ks because at this rate there seems to be very little support otherwise. |
Someone will need to explain to me how this thing is still trading up at 9p given the horrific financials and impending collapse |
Also, I reckon they depreciate their machines too slowly. Always have done. |
Current Mv of about 60m.Monthly mining margin about 200k at 10%. Depreciation of mining machines 1m per month so gross margin actually -800k for month. Add on to that operating expenses 1m per month and interest costs of 300k, losing about 2m per month from operations. Burning more than 1m cash per month. Assets 20m less than liabilities. MV should be zero. Sp 0. It's only a going concern if it can keep issuing equity, which will simply cover operating losses. Hard to see auditors signing off 2024 accounts as a going concern. End is nigh! |
You think there's demand for mining machines? It beats me how high the share price is still. |
Good point. I suppose they might as well wait until it goes into administration and just by the mining machines. |
ARB in danger of losing their US listing if the shareprice goes much lower. |
Dreadful update from Argo.Still calling themselves a "global leader" which is basically a lie. |
Bitcoin now $ 56.4k.This losing money every day.Sell, sell, sell.Lemmings and mushrooms only. |
This is losing money every day. |
Bitcoin collapsing.Sell, sell, sell. |
It's a fair point HB but at least you now know hey! |
O_F. Fair enough, but do bare in mind that over-familiarity to strangers is almost bound to be taken wrongly. |
Shorecrab, I don't believe your friend can directly convert their BNB to Fiat and withdraw on TrustWallet without experiencing excessive cost so he'll have to use an exchange to transfer to where its possible to do that and theres plenty around. The link below should help you... |