If there was a larger II shareholding I think AN and IG would be in genuine danger of getting booted to enable such a plan to be considered as opposed to the possibility of them blowing all the cash that there is now on lost causes they they are too close to and could never bring themselves to shelve. There is a risk they are rolling the dice again on another stab at Ovarian when the approach appears to have failed time and time again and who knows may never succeed after this latest new approach and round of expenditure |
I wonder what the share price would have been without the Parsortix approval |
I can only think the options are FSP and strategic review taking advice from an actual expert in this market. The output might be to recogise that they have run out of road with ovarian and MBC is so long away it may as well be parked. Massively cut back staff and focus on getting the lab business going from the longer runway the cost cutting and retrenchment would create. |
His approach always concerned me from the off . Anyway that's all in the last not something that can change now .
Berenberg are not looking a great broker to sign up to atm either . There's been a lot of ropey decisions and comments made too.
For me the clock is ticking but if shareholders really aren't happy they need to do something about it sooner rather than later . I think for now it's wait and see if something happens before the agm and results are due so maybe expecting something then . If there isn't then maybe it's time to start looking at nuclear options before it's too late |
Bones. I'm not sure there will still be many fans of AN. I think some will feel they have been led up the garden path |
Or making it if they are shorting it . The could do that to hedge against their positions. Simple fact is the company aren't delivering after the FDA and have left themselves open to this in doing so . January's rns though was appauling and whilst berenberg may have forced their hand it was written by agl and was shocking .
The ltips just tipped it over the edge and now sentiment is through the floor . At least all those fans of AN will be up in arms soon and at the agm asking loslts of uneasy questions . |
there're losing money whoever they are |
Let's hope so.... |
That 250k at 18p makes me think a large seller is unloading and that may have been the last of them. |
The thing is no pis will be selling at these prices if any other than those getting stopped out or leveraged out . Not sure how many there are in that position but don't think it's too many hopefully and all the selling is either shorting or an Ii selling out .
For now it's a waiting game to see if AN delivers deals nothing has changed apart from the shareprice . My concern is how long it's going to take to get these deals signed . Meanwhile we are getting hammered but only if you sell now and that's the view the bod will be taking .
Meanwhile everyone will be looking at their portfolios seeing their wealth getting destroyed and that's where the problem lies between the bod and shareholders . The comments toward shareholders also don't help the situation tbh .
If a company is doing well,making progress and adding value it's shareprice will increase over time. That's not happened here and after a long wait for FDA to see the shareprice here points to problems in how it's been run . |
Even the LTIP's are looking a bit sick now....:-( |
I have seen this before where a disenfranchised larger shareholder decides to sell bringing down the share price continually. Their game can be to actually make a bid or buy back cheaper but usually to show the CEO and the BOD that they will not tolerate their behaviour, incompetence or neglect. I am puzzled that last week we had some chuncky transactions but have had no TR1's. |
I think the market has decided that Newland is not up to the job.
I find it very difficult to understand how AGL could have been 90p before FDA approval and now sits at 20% of that share price Just goes to show that the market attributes huge amount of "hope" value to a stock.
If Newland can pull something out of the bag and if AGL is being shorted then the turn around on that day will be huge. Until then we have to die by a thousand cuts. |
You do come across like you enjoy the fact the share price drops which is strange! |
Looking at this chart you'd think Angle was no longer an ongoing viable business! |
You have got to wonder how we got to this. The first FDA approved device of its type in a market of $9.2bn (expected to grow by 100% in the next 5 years) and we're valued at under £50m. So with cash remaining at what, £25m, it means that £250m R&D investment it's taken to get this far would cost someone £25m.I know my figures are approximates but you get my drift. |
My comments are realistic unlike many of the rampers have been over the years m how's the 1000p and 500p lines looking now . Idc what you believe to be honest the facts are it's 18.5p after a decade and hasn't signed deals .
Sorry but do you think things are going well after all that time ?
Do you think the bod have delivered and are doing a great job ?
If you do your either delusional or an idiot . The shareprice tells you how well they are doing .
Dpg obviously you are so wise ,if so your average must be really low but I bet it's not |
Might top up at sub 15p in hope of breaking even one day. Either deals are being worked on furiously or they are sitting back waiting for the phone to ring. The big question though is does the industry want this tech? |
Bones - “we ended up waiting over 5 years to get that”
You didn’t wait for that, you spent years on here stating the company would never get that. Don’t think why you’re trying to act credible. You state you bought in a few weeks back but I highly doubt it, most of your comments and tone suggest otherwise |
Meanwhile no news and the wait continues , this is getting just like FDA approval and we ended up waiting over 5 years to get that , pray we don't have to wait that long for a deal . It will turn fast on good news but the problem is nobody knows when that will come and just how low this will have been dragged by then . |
Gruesome...May see a 17.something sale today. |