New CEO to be Transformative as we have a massive Breakout after Presentation Tomorrow...
Simply Magic Future Ahead as Demand and Strategy is Simply Magic.
Happy Days Ahead so don't be left behind !! |
A reminder :- |
@jimmysaville, You should know that AFC investors have been blatantly lied to over the years by the BOD. All new articles should be viewed with scepticism for that reason. IF ABB were still involved why not mention it?. It’s unlikely a fraudulent slip or typo, my read is they are not now involved. Yet another strong partnership fallen by the wayside.
Reading the whole article again I cannot read into it where any revenue will be generated in the short term at least. Maybe that’s why it didn’t justify a RNS.
I have filed this announcement under the “fluff” category, very much like the Bond era(2.0). Hot air but no substance. |
@jimmysaville, Please read the article a little better old boy. It mentions ABB were involved in Gen1. It does not say they are now involved, which I would like to have read. As I mentioned with all AFC announcements there is never any clarity, it’s just like AB days all over again. |
Bring on Thursday hopefully some positive movement at last , fingers crossed
jj | |
Anyone who was unfortunate enough to be a shareholder at last AGM is now sitting on a 55% loss. That will prompt some searching questions at the next AGM. |
Point taken |
@wuzy, I’m the one that asked the searching questions at the last AGM. I imagine there will be many more at the next one.. |
I've often said l have no problem with expressing an opinion but to constantly go on is the bug bear of many. |
In light of the very negative news yesterday from Speedhire and the implications for AFC. I’m quite surprised the share price hadn’t dropped much more, it’s likely the MM’s are propping it up allowing some folks to exit before the real drop kicks in. |
Hi Jimmy il point out mr yellow at the agm l think l know who he is from the last agm, unless he introduces himself. |
As said many many times before yellow you don't take on an extra 100 staff just to pay them to sit around drinking tea, have a good day, see you at the next AGM. |
Still no reason you can share for investing here then ay?. |
Nobody is burying their head in the sand Yellow. We are all aware of the situation, but you are just making up this narrative about "happy clappers" and "burying heads in the sand" to justify your continual sick posting on here. |
Can somebody please respond on this BB and present a reasoned argument as to why invest in AFC energy?. Where do you see the positives?.
Please share that all with us. |
To my avid readers, if you want to continue to bury your head in the sand and deny the reality of AFC failure. It’s simply just don’t visit this BB. You can then live that blue sky life and dream that AFC energy has been your best ever investment. |
@vat, Will you be counting the buy and sell trades today buddy?. I doubt it, it will be too depressing for you. |