Boa Tarde ( Good Afternoon ) Looking for BRIC’s news.. Brazil is a major part of BRIC, here you will learn about this large and expending market.

I know it’s a bit chilly in the UK at the moment, but Brazil is hot .. and not only weather wise.
We are home to the next World Cup (2014) and the Olympics in 2016, so over the coming years you will learn more about Brazil than ever before.
Brazil has seen some very good growth. (BOV:IBOV) our Stock Exchange has grown and there have been some very large IPO’s. We have like most of the world had a property boom and unlike other places ours has not yet crashed. Maybe we have that to look forward to.. but maybe not.
My plan is to try and keep you up to date with what is happening in one of the leading BRIX countries. I don’t plan on writing long articles although there might be the odd one every now and again, but more snippets as they happen.
Anyone that knows much about the Brazilian market will know that our main oil company Petrobras PN (BOV:PETR4) is one of the most followed and traded stocks here. We also have some rather large mining stocks like Vale (BOV:VALE5) which like Petrobras has a large following. However we are not all mining and Oil.. We also have Beer Ambev (BOV:AMBV4) which is the biggest brewery in Latin America and the fifth largest in the world.
So as I hear things about them and of course other stocks, I will let you know what’s going on..!