The OMG newsletter recommends at least 15 companies each month, using the writers’ experience of small caps to give you a winning edge. Last week they wrote about ULS Technology’ and Fonix Mobile. Read about these Opportunities 4 Material Gains!

Mid-week Tip
Its Coming Home
Consistent market buying by Kestral Partners on behalf of its discretionary clients since July 2020 at 53- 85p has taken their holding in Covid suffering ULS Technology’s (LSE:ULS), to 29%. It’s been applying IT solutions to the UK Home Moving market, since 2004 and has developed DigitalMove an online property back- office platform. The platform will rapidly scaled-up as property sales and re-mortgaging recover from Covid lows. DigitalMove is an integrated platform which widens its applications allowing for easy access and is set up with many solicitors for conveyancing instructions as well as allowing a wider pool of business introducers. It’s eConveyancer, is a comparison site for the financial services sector and leverages the capabilities of DigitalMove to speed up transactions. his is a strongly cash positive business and there is net cash of £23m remining from the disposal of its Conveyancing Alliance Holding for £27.2m in November 2020.This could fund acquisitive growth. At 70.5p with a £46m Mkt Cap seem set for a re-rating as a growth stockl
Results Preview
Numbers adding- up
Fonix Mobile (LSE: FNX) 123.5p MKT Cap £124m Interims Interim Monday 14th
January Trading update stated that its three business segments; of payments, messaging and managed services have each grown and have significant prospects for the 2nd Half. Fonix provides its services for a number of charity telethons, including ITV’s Soccer Aid, BBC Children in Need, Comic Relief and The Ruth Strauss Foundation, and is attracting new customers in all sectors with 11 new customers taking the total to 116. Last year there were 18m unique mobile users making 628m interactions on its services.
It’s anticipated that next Monday’s interims will report an adjusted EBITDA increase of 20% to £5.5m on Total Payment Volume (TPV) of mobile payments growing 12% to £138m. For the year end June 2022, an EPS of 7p on Profits Before Tax of £7.4m is forecast to give a P/E 19x with a 3.5% yield. Slater Investments holding 9.7% are the largest institutional shareholder and a Non-Executive Director owns 26.5%The shares have fallen from 190p to nearer its 52-week low of 123p worth following and buying on any weakness.
CYAN – 15p- Surging Network Opportunity
HDD – 31p –Thick Coatings
DOTD – 58p – Progress is getting tougher
CNIC – 123p – German buy
NFC – 1100p – Engine for growth
BMS – 223p – Cory sale
BYOT – 3.15p – Delayed IP deals
OPTI – 30.5p – Improving revenues
BEG – 104p – Complex insolvency levels yet to recover
DNL – 49p – Change in clinical protocol
Russian GDP is however only around 3.5% of the World Economy so assuming at least talks of a ceasefire, and no atom bombs market will stabilise anticipating a white flag rally.
OMG! Opportunity for Massive Gains is a Premium Newsletter on ADVFN with two reports each week written by experienced small cap specialists. To get trips like this every week, sign up here.