18 Aug 2016 @ 11:10
As we well know in ForexSQ forex news blog, in the world of financial markets, there are plenty of instruments to invest in. One of them is the stock market, where equities, stocks or shares are traded. A share is the ownership of a certain portion of a corporation. Once you own shares you are […]
16 Aug 2016 @ 08:46
It’s probably safe to say that the main reason potential investors in financial markets do not participate in trading is because they don’t understand the stock market and trading strategies and they are completely intimidated by the entire process. That’s understandable when you consider that people work very hard for their money and are hesitant […]
12 Aug 2016 @ 10:49
About once a week, I receive an email from a customer at www.ForexSQ.com, asking me to recommend a broker. Actually, selecting the right broker has come to be less difficult over time, however it can still be quite complicated for a beginner. The international web is overrun with articles about this matter, but it all […]
09 Aug 2016 @ 10:31
Everyone wants to adequately provide for their futures and an excellent way to do so is to invest your hard earned money in the stock market. Prospective investors, however, are typically intimidated by the market of buying and selling stocks, bonds, derivatives, foreign currencies and a plethora of other things in which to invest. Potential […]
28 Jul 2016 @ 12:24
“One of the best ways to learn about anything is to read about it. Books, articles. Even just marketing pages. Find out what the pros are doing. Find out what’s working for them. And then…” – James Altucher In the last few years I have written three books titled Lessons from Expert Traders (published by […]
24 Dec 2015 @ 06:58
Succeeding as a Trader after Learning the Necessary Facts and Skills This book profiles 22 renowned super traders from around the world. Great traders who know what it takes to be successful in the markets. In this follow up to his previous book: “Learn From the Generals of the Markets,” the author gives an overview […]
27 Oct 2015 @ 10:02
China’s and the world’s largest mobile carrier China Mobile (NYSE: CHL, initial buy at $53.22), has aggressively sought to grab 4G subscribers over the past 18 months and been very successful in its efforts. Judging from some numbers the company released late last week for its nine months year to date, it is beginning to […]
28 Aug 2015 @ 13:01
There are a lot of companies and people out there offering trading systems that will (or sometimes won’t) give you bigger and better results. That’s fine. Some of them are pretty good, some aren’t. Some will make money, others will lose it. DYOR, as they say. By all means have a system, but always do […]
11 Aug 2015 @ 11:27
The mathematics of investing are harsh. When you make a profit you pay tax, but when you lose money there is no refund from yesteryear. So when you invest or trade you are in a silent partnership with the government which takes no risk at all. Wouldn’t it be lovely to be in on that […]
03 Jun 2015 @ 09:09
INSIGHTS INTO THE MINDSET OF SUPER TRADERS – Part 6 “Value investing requires a great deal of hard work, unusually strict discipline, and a long-term investment horizon. Few are willing and able to devote sufficient time and effort to become value investors, and only a fraction of those have the proper mind-set to succeed.” Name: […]