It’s probably safe to say that the main reason potential investors in financial markets do not participate in trading is because they don’t understand the stock market and trading strategies and they are completely intimidated by the entire process.

That’s understandable when you consider that people work very hard for their money and are hesitant to get involved in anything they don’t understand that could potentially cost them money they can’t afford to lose. Sure, they would love to make money trading stocks and other assets or by opening an online store of some sort, but there is so much to learn before people can comfortably engage in such things. Time is a critical factor because most people are already preoccupied most of the time with work and family and don’t have the time necessary to adequately research and understand investment markets and the varying trading strategies used in each trading platform.
As with anything else, practice makes perfect, and the more research you conduct and information you glean (about investment markets), the more comfortable you will become with whatever you’re doing. The experts at ForexSQ can guide you through the process and are ready to explain anything that you don’t understand.
Some people don’t have the desire to learn the complicated ins and outs of the stock market and the plethora of possible investment opportunities available to them. It’s too overwhelming and they don’t even know where to begin. Other people would like to learn about the market, but simply do not have time to devote to such a multi-faceted system like investment markets.
Another important thing to consider in deciding whether to conduct your own trades is whether or not you can handle the potential anxiety and stress inherent with “gambling” in any arena, especially complex financial markets. Some people are not emotionally suited for this type of pressure and are better off allowing someone else to handle their financial investments in the complicated world of Wall Street.
For those who want to learn on their own, the internet provides access to information about everything, including investments, and one can learn a lot by researching investment markets on their own. The more time you devote to it, the better you will understand and appreciate financial markets, which instils confidence that you can manage your own investments. The professional investors at ForexSQ are always happy to assist you with any questions you may have along the way.
The advantages of trading on your own are pretty obvious…you don’t have to laboriously research the history of a potential account manager, you don’t have to pay someone else to do what you can do yourself and you invest in what interests you instead of relying on the investment interests of an account manager. Maybe you are curious about the precious metals market, like gold, or foreign currency exchanges, but your account manager is more interested in agriculture and corn and he invests your money in a market in which you’re not particularly interested.
These problems are completely eliminated if you conduct your own trading instead of relying on someone else. But you should only consider doing so if you are sure you can handle the pressure, have time for ongoing education into the markets in which you risk your money and know enough about them to stay above the fray. Contact a professional at ForexSQ today to discuss the possibility of investing on your own.
There are definite advantages to relying on an account manager to handle your investments. Account Managers at brokerage firms are professional experts in the field of financial investments. An aptitude for sales and great personality are key to the success of an account manager, who usually has a college degree in the field of marketing, business or finance. This is the career path they’ve chosen for themselves and is the world in which their careers are focused. An account manager’s knowledge and ongoing experience can be very helpful to an inexperienced investor.
There are unscrupulous individuals in every field, however, and that definitely includes the area of financial investments. If you decide to entrust your money to a financial account manager, you have a lot of work cut out for yourself.
You have to thoroughly investigate each potential manager and the brokerage firms they represent. You will quickly find that it is impossible to sufficiently investigate the backgrounds of potential managers for the simple reason that past performance is not indicative of a successful or profitable future. It’s just impossible for anyone to predict how the markets will withstand future global economic events, some of which can be catastrophic.
Also, there are inherent risks in giving management control of your hard earned money to someone else. There are fraudsters all over the globe just waiting for an opportunity to get their hands on your money and you must always be aware of that possibility in financial investment markets.
Most of the scams we see today on the internet are not new to the world of fraud and deception but originated as direct mail, door to door or telemarketing schemes before the introduction of computers and the internet.
The internet has made it much easier to scam people because of the anonymity it affords and the fact that it’s very easy to create a flashy website which makes it look like you’re something that you actually are not. If you don’t know how to create a website, there are thousands of people who make a living creating them.
It’s safe to say that most internet websites are legitimate and do not aim to defraud or scam anyone. The persona created by a website’s appearance is often a factual representation of the services or products that are the subject of the website. Sometimes, however, your perceptions are based entirely on an illusion the website creates of a legitimate operation, when in reality there is only one person behind it all and the website you see is merely a virtual façade used to perpetrate fraud of some kind.
In the process of researching potential account managers of your investment portfolio on the internet, you are sure to click on a few websites of these scammers. The importance of diligent and thorough research into potential candidates cannot be overstated. Be sure to read everything available on the site, click on every link to see where it takes you and use an internet search engine to glean whatever other information you can about firms and individuals with whom you are considering entrusting your money and possibly your future. Feel free to contact a professional manager at if you need assistance researching possible account managers.
The following are some of the largest and most profitable investment scams ever perpetrated of which you must always be aware.
Ponzi Schemes are well known for using the money of new investors to provide a “return” on the money of people already “invested.” These schemes always collapse eventually because it gets to the point where the money owed to people already invested exceeds the money being raised from new investors. Ponzi Schemes usually involve small companies about which little or no information is available and the volatility of the price of its shares makes it easier for scammers to manipulate in order to defraud people.
Another illegal scheme intended to separate you from your money is called “Pump and Dump.” This occurs when a small group of well-informed people buy shares (stock) in an asset and then recommend it to thousands and thousands of other people/investors, who purchase shares and cause a quick surge in the price of the stock, followed by an equally quick and drastic downfall in price. The original small group of people sell their shares when the price peaks, potentially making a huge profit, and then the asset’s share price plummets resulting in huge losses for the thousands and thousands of other investors who unknowingly bought into the scheme.
A variation of the “Pump and Dump” is called the “Short and Distort,” which is when scammers engage in smear campaigns aimed at certain companies (or assets) with the intent to drive down its stock prices. Then the perpetrators make money by “short selling” their shares. Short selling is done when an investor believes an asset’s price is likely to drop (often the result of smear campaigns), which enables crooked investors to buy back shares in the asset for less money, thereby creating a profit.
In investment circles, the term applied to approximately the top 50 banks in the world is “Prime Bank,” which are institutions that are known for trading low risk instruments of high quality, such as Federal Reserve Notes and International Monetary Fund bonds. Investors should be extremely wary whenever they hear or see that term used when applying to investing their money, however, because scammers often use “Prime Bank” programs designed to legitimize their fraudulent causes. Make sure you’re investing in a legitimate Prime Bank transaction.
It is also not wise to engage in Offshore Investing in countries where your local law enforcement agencies can’t protect you. The internet has made it extremely easy for scammers to prey on people all over the world and because of anonymity, language barriers, conflicting time zones and the high cost of international phone calls, they are not easy to catch. Be very cautious if you engage in financial trading in other countries because every country has different rules and regulations, if any at all, and it’s very difficult to prosecute foreigners for financial investment crimes perpetrated on the internet.
These are just some of the ways scammers can defraud you using the internet and there are many more not mentioned here. That’s why it is so important to have the expert advice of professionals like the team of investors at ForexSQ, who are always available to assist you with investment concerns.
In conclusion, you have many things to consider when deciding to conduct your own financial asset trading or rely on the professional advice of an account manager. If you do it yourself, you gain invaluable knowledge along the way which continues year after year during your future investment history.
Trading yourself enables you to independently experience the various trading markets and eventually learn a lot about them, but your lack of knowledge in the meantime leaves you vulnerable to the potential danger of making bad choices when trading shares and losing money in investment markets.
If you decide to have an Account Manager in charge of your financial investments, make sure you find out everything you can about them from the internet, friends, colleagues and anyone else who may have knowledge. When you deposit funds into an investment account managed by someone else, you will have to agree to pay a certain percentage of your accounts’ earnings at the end of the month or whatever other time period is agreed upon. Also make sure your brokerage agreement contains limits on spending which cannot be exceed by the account manager.
Whether you decide to do your own investing or rely on the advice of a professional Account Manager like those at ForexSQ, there has never been a better time to invest your money in financial markets and the internet has made it easier than ever before.