If you want to make some decent profits then research empire metals. World’s largest titanium deposit, MD is speaking at a prestigeous event in New York next month. Forget VAST and the long gone diamonds, invest in something tangible |
LSE is full of traders. The problem is many jump from shares to shares and at the end GET caught PANTS DOWN. You only ever need 1 winner, YES 1 WINNER to make you life changing sums. All you need is BALLS AND STEEL BALLS. VAST will make a few here millionaires, all you need to do is HOLD HOLD AND HOLD. You all have 2 oppurgunities here first one Diamonds hsnd over, second Funding. Market always rerates good shares, VAST is historic low market cap and trading all time low. Only way is up. Rjsk vs reward is absolutely mind blowing. |
I have told you all many times, i don't buy shares. I made only 1 exception , i bought VAST last week sub 0.10p. I do leverage trading, where more money is made. |
We all are Traderz. Dog trades as well, how you think he can afford to live in Surrey? Why Zed? You want to learn how to trade? Here are few tips for you if you want to survive AIM and stay in the game . 1. Bank Profits 2..Protect Capital 3. LET WINNERS RUN ( VAST IS A WINNER, SO LET IT RUN) 4. Cut your losses ( get rid of loss making shares) 5. Don't get emotionslly attached to any shares 6..Never TRUST ANY CEO. RRMEMBER CEO DOESN'T GIVE A TOSS ABOUT MUG PUNTERS, ANY OPPURTUNITY AND A PLACING WILL.FOLLOW 7. Don't get greedy FINALLY ENJOY YOUR MONEY AND GO ON HOLIDAY |
That was a different company |
Another 25% rise tomarrow. Aim this week is to finally get to that 0.2p trading zone. AP COULD RELEASE THAT DIAMOND RNS AND IT BE BOOM BOOM BOOM. Open 100% up, thEn Lse traders will pile in LIKE HERD OF LAMBS. THE HERD WILL PUSH IT UP ANOTHER 200 TO 500% OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS. Mean while its standard practice in AIM shares, the SHEEP Need to be replaced by LAMBS to hold the baby. |
“The debtors haven’t called in the debt for a good reason ;)”
I agree. It’s just that it isn’t worth a dime and that’s why. By the way, do you know that Tajikistan gold joint venture stopped operating two years ago.The JV company said so. Nothing is happening nor will happen there. Good luck with the diamonds. |
I'll tell you one thing this is going up this week ;) |
We shall see hey patt. What happens if they get a funding deal tied into to this amazing opportunity in Tajikistan. MOU signed 5th December road map of execution of projects so within the next 4 weeks. Not to mention Zim could drop some sparkles at any time. Either of them pull off which I expect them both to at some point. Then we have an exceptionally cheap company here. Once the company has their finances in order Romania has magnificent potential. The debtors haven't called in the debt for a good reason ;) |
Great day today. 25% rise is not to be sniffed at in AIM. Tomarrow it should be the same. If no RNS Thrusday then its RINSE AND REPEAT. OVERALL we really need to take out that0.2p on this run. The 0.2p will then become support. |
VAST is bust. It has now burned $161m of PI money and cannot even release Q3 24 mining update that would show it is not even mining any longer. But it can keep going by skimming new PIs in the share confetti Ponzi scheme. When that stops, which it will, then it runs out of cash and is bust. As long as there are gullible scammables, then VAST lurches onwards. |
You think today was a good rise ... wait till tomorrow ;) |
Yes and a liar. |
Hilarious. |
Takeover of a 7-10 year loss outfit ? Lol just lol |