"Tullow have the following call spread 1H25 16 kpopd $92-$102 Ave spread per bbl"
I don't know exactly what it means either! Just looking at 2H24 TLW have
12,525 bopd 'straight puts' at $60 Doesn't that mean they get whatever OP is if >$60, or $60 if <$60?
14,075 bopd $60 to $112 collar Doesn't that mean they get whatever OP is between $60 & $112, or $60 if below, or $112 if above?
8,500 bopd $60 put/S$83/B$93 Your guess is as good as mine?
Not sure. But maybe the majority of hedging kicks in at $60? Can that be the case. It seems criminally low? But then the puts should also increase in value. Offset by a reduction in the calls? |
Yes Up and made very good money because the share was down in single figures. What is the loan facility here 400m plus?Quite simple really, trade get out rinse and repeat. What does it have to do now to double your money? Think about it?Have to laugh at your umpteen posts on GFM.Have you seen what's happening on GGP very interesting times. |
I took 50,000 shares in the auction. Will hold... |
Dividends make no sense now that we pay tax at marginal rate, usc and prsi which is roughly 54 percent vs 33 percent on CGT less the free allowance |
Zoo 60624.Got to laugh at you. You won't trade TLW due to debt but thats exactly what you did when the debt was more than today. Another of your many lies.Problem that you had on the GFM board. You told so many porkies you couldn't remember what you had previously posted. |
Badger, its the same all over this is why over the years I've changed my investing strategy to one more akin to trading and less long term investing. If dividends come along whilst I hold I will take them but more money can be made on the swings. IMHO. Zoo |
Badger, I'm looking for more stability at the moment. For me it's the debt. Historically like you I've made very good profit. The market place is currently not a very good place. Zoo |
Really UP. I think that is you. Not me .. |
In for yet some more this am! |
Would suggest regular posters permanently filter the disagreeable posters! |
Well done badger. We can all understand your frustration with recent events but on reflection you've come out of that in pretty good shape :-) Enjoy the car! |
badger be careful he may recruit his other three trolls rose the a and phillis to back him on here ,he will stop t nothing , |
Badger you are just useless at picking entry prices and have lost money. Still you are in very good company with the refugees. |
badger well done for recognizing it ,we’ve had years of it , |
zoo thank you but you have to give him one star for getting my name right ,lol |
Up is a shill |
xxnjr can you explain the following Please; Tullow have the following call spread 1H25 16 kpopd $92-$102 Ave spread per bbl I don't know what it means but its for more than a quarter of their production in 1H25 Thank You |
Not £1 but 65 to 80 pence. |
Who believes in TLW getting back on track by 2025, hitting over £1.00? |
Island Drilling starts abandonment campaign in Mauritania
Sep 6, 2024
Island Drilling’s Island Innovator will perform plugging and abandonment of four firm wells in the Tullow Oil-operated Banda and Tiof fields offshore Mauritania. The scope of work includes the abandonment of suspended subsea exploration and appraisal wells, as well as various seabed cleanup activities.
The Banda and Tiof fields are two oil and gas accumulations offshore Mauritania, located in water depths ranging from 200 m to 1,200 m. The licenses are situated approximately 53 km and 84 km offshore Nouakchott, Mauritania.
The work is estimated to take 75 days in total, with commencement of the project starting on the 16th of August 2024.
“We are thrilled to continue our relationship with Tullow in Mauritania and look forward to a successful completion of the plugging and abandonment work in the Banda and Tiof fields, said Island Drilling CEO Roger Simmenes.