The other thread have voted with their feet and realise that they have been right royally shafted by a bunch of ne'er do goods. We are now into the epilogue where the BoD make a diplomatic exit before jumping on the next band of mug shareholders. |
Trades 3 & 4 are buys |
Give it a rest Rmart, nothing is happening |
More goings on.
Successful drilling. |
Fenners a pleasant bit of irony there.
Reichsmart and his gang are unable to see this is all about a soft landing that equates to honest failure (in the words of Horgan). TOM shareholders will be wiped (as if they have not already).
When it was all sorted Stuie was going to return and gloat; I have not noticed him post on here since he stomped off a couple of years back. |
How's Mathew Jones's "investment " doing ? |
When Byle offloaded the Greenfield JV to TOM I said at the time it was never going to get paid for (29% shares) . He knew he gave it away so he could do the "work" on the cort test plant at arms length and charge the gullible shareholders a fortune.
But the "belivers" or worse on the TOM board were outraged that anyone could be negative on this "opportunity"
Had to read that BS for years - and post alternative opinions - so hopefully there is someone who dodged this bullet.
rmart continues to spout the same BS and we will continue to post realism.
Strangely the non-commercial very expensive CORT test plant has never been heard of since.... |
There's a lesson to be learned from investors' experience with both Valkor and the TOM board. Never invest in a venture in which the key players have not invested their own capital. |
 RMart is at it again. Even were TOM to have the cash (we don't and won't) how can anyone think it would be a good idea to invest alongside Valkor? This is the same company that was the prime mover behind TOM dumping millions into CORT (almost all of which went into Valkor's pockets as the operator). Valkor knew from early on that CORT was a bust, but it continued to drag out the 'testing' at the pilot plant so as to keep emptying TOM investors' pockets. John, bless him, knew nothing of the industry or the technology and so was completely at Bile's mercy. Now, Valkor has turned to drilling for heavy oil and has got another puppet on a string - Trio. For all of those who think that partnering with Valkor on heavy oil is a good idea - - take a look at Trio's performance over the last six months. No one is buying Valkor's new con. That said, you've got to hand it to Bile. He has managed to create an income stream for Valkor for more than seven years based on nothing more than his own hot air. Clever lad. |
Lots going on at Asphalt Ridge. Can Tom take a small slice?
Valkor are heavily involved. |
Works every time 🤣😂 |
"rmart 7 Oct '24 - 12:19 - 31518 of 31518 dipped my toe back in for 10m. It's write off money but just maybe there is something brewing. Lets see."
Been waiting for a transaction (that suspicously looks like a sell) to claim as your own rmart?
Gee up the marks ?
Well those funds raised will now have to be spent on the final accounts and audit , as well as the accrued Dirs Rem , wonder if they will even publish final accounts this time , let alone have them marked up by the auditors with a link to going concern tests again !
Where is the certainty that they have sufficient funds to stay solvent long enough - this time ? |
dipped my toe back in for 10m. It's write off money but just maybe there is something brewing.
Lets see. |
Fairbanks3 - if you held shares in this company as long as we have (over 15 years) without the company making a single penny profit for its shareholders, you would be cynical as well !! |
Typical vapid Vauch post. |
Cant see any news coming |
War in Middle East putting up WTI. News, please BoD |
I guess "AIM Rule 17 and Schedule Two(g) sub-paragraph (v) of the AIM Rules for Companies:"
is to inform investors that - look this is what he allowed happen once , don't think it can't happen again ! |
oops malcolm! |
The planned AC Oil (Tomco - Greenfield) AC-4 well is less than a mile (only 3,950ft) from the Heavy Sweet Oil well 8-4 drilled by Valkor recently. .
. |
haggis you are delusional (or worse) TPET has obtained a 2 month extension on an option
Where have we heard that before , oh yes the BS saga that TOM peddled for years and achieved nothing but huge losses on - just as we said it would from the START....
Stop wasting your time - try investing... |
 Trio Petroleum lined up for massive uptake of land in Utah . August 8, 2024 8:30 AM . Company Provides Update on Asphalt Ridge Project, Utah . "TPET currently owns a 2.25% working interest in 960 acres at Asphalt Ridge, and under the Option may acquire up to an additional 17.75% working interest in the same 960 acres and also a 20% interest in an adjacent 1,920 acres, and also has a right of first refusal to participate in an additional approximate 30,000 acres of the greater Asphalt Ridge Project on terms offered to other third parties. TPET has secured a two-month Option extension and now has until October 10, 2024, to exercise its right to acquire the remaining 17.75% interest in the initial 960 acres. TPET has until the earlier of the successful drilling and completion of 50 new wells, or November 10, 2025, to exercise its option on the adjacent 1,920 acres." . "The Asphalt Ridge Project is known to be one of the largest tar-sand deposits in North America outside of Canada, making it a potential giant oilfield, and is unique given its low wax and negligible sulfur content, which is expected to make the oil very desirable for many industries, including shipping. The project has the potential to be both immense and highly profitable. A typical project well has an estimated ultimate recovery (“EUR”) of 300,000 barrels of oil with an initial production rate of approximately 40 barrels of oil per day." . That means they are interested in being involved with at least 32,880 acres, which is massive. . I cannot see how they would not be interested in Tomco's plans for the TSHII land, especially as it is right next door to Valkor's land. . Will Trio come to the rescue of Tomco? Quite possibly I'd say. They want it all by the sounds of it, and why wouldn't they when they can produce QED's MSAR as a low Sulphur low CO2 (no refining involved) fuel. . Add what Tomco have said about drilling wells or joining up with Valkor on it's wells and you can see Trio has to be the #1 candidate to fund Tomco's plans to drill those wells. . "the Company intends to pursue the potential drilling of production wells for in situ oil sand on the Lease Area as a means of generating revenue and cashflow for the Group." . Now that Tomco has cash, it makes it way easier to get Trio on board and get drilling. |
Rmart, what were you going to say? Always interesting. |
Spreadex longs closing.
It is amazing how long a farce of a company can survive and generate an income for the Board. |