Josephs doesn’t post here unfortunately. Bit of a pity really as we could do with their levelheaded in the moment commentary. |
lol. 😂🤣128514;. Bless your heart jugs. Give sikh a break and go to bed mate. |
I have never said that we don't need first time buyers, last time I looked there were still plenty of first time buyer so where is there a problem & why am I upset, I choose to buy Tw I'm building a stake, I might even double my investment yet, as I have said before anything below 1.50 is a bargain, I would rather have all my money here than a pound in TLY! How many shares did I buy today? |
some of the shareholder value is in the chart tho. ppl look at that and think like jugears that it has to go up soon. after theyve been waiting a good while that might wear off. cld go sub £1 for a while. it's been there before. |
i wldn't be surprised if tw's shareprice stays around this level for another two years. with the cash they've got, they can pay the dividend for at least two more years before doing anything drastic. then they can sell land and just shrink the company assets. |
"Without first time buyers the whole tottering edifice of a housing market, will fall over like an inverted Pyramid."
Exactly. Everyone who has an ounce of understanding of the way housing market works understands that basic point. Except Jugears!!!
No wonder he has been loading up all the way down from 170p... He claimed to have bought 200k at 111p and more today!!!
Jugears sounds upset this shouldn't get emotionally attached to shares... |
most probably the housing market will bump along in a state of stagnation, neither growing volume nor increasing in value for a decade. i'm pretty sure i've heard that suggested here too and it makes sense as a prediction. all of that cld go out the window because of russia though. |
nope. i doubt it very much. it's been well argued on here. labour govt won't throw money at the housebuilders. apart from anything, jugears pointed out the other day that the govt has only got £400m for housebuilding. i don't know where he got that numebr from and it sounds like rubbish, but the govt has also got to up defence spending and throw money at loads of infrastructure projects. they'll encourage housing associations to build. someone on here pointed out that its people at the bottom of the pile - was it you leferene? - who need housing the most, which makes sense, and they're most probably not buyers but renters. |
Without first time buyers the whole tottering edifice of a housing market, will fall over like an inverted Pyramid.
Anyone but Reeve's would understand that. Watch out for hasty plans to assist first time buyers, once this obvious fact hits housing figures by June, or sooner. |
jugears, it sounds to me like you're saying that tw could sell more first time buyer homes if they built them, but tw clearly doesn't see that from their sales people otherwise they would build them. that's their business. building and selling houses.
i think ppl wld like you to admit is that there isn't the buyer demand. you think there will be in time. the bear-case is that you'll be waiting years. you don't think so. there's really nothing more to be said. so why're you all on here every day arguing about nothing? you've said your piece. why don't you do something more productive? |
How was work today beckers, sweetie? 💕 Btw, I've given you a like because you're adorable. Big mwah. 💖 |
Whilst you were ramping TLY, I was telling you to sell the dog at 41p and again at 14p. They went to 3.8p on the bid, lol, just lol!
You are not credible. |
Article in moneybox...
The average age of a first-time buyer in the UK is 33.5 years. The average house price for a first-time buyer in 2024 was £311,034, up 8% from £288,136 in 2022. The average first-time buyer deposit was £61,090 in 2024, 20% of the purchase price. There were 341,068 first-time buyers in the UK in 2024, up 19% from 287,060 first-time buyers in 2023. There were 341,068 first-time buyers in the UK in 2024, up 19% from 287,060 first-time buyers in 2023.
"The average first-time buyer deposit was £61,090 in 2024" The trolls on here think nobody's got any money, lol, just lol! |
Seriously slugs; you've got nothing? No reason at all why FTBs have drastically reduced buying, even though mortgage rates are very low, stamp duty is negligible by your reckoning, and TW houses are such great value? Do you not have any idea at all why FTBs are so drastically reduced when it comes to TW homes, even though you've told us that there's a massive shortage of houses and huge need?
No idea at all? Is it that mysterious ol' wizard again, casting spells and making FTBs stay away? Are you sure you don't know?
You do realise that flobbers is relying on you to explain this, don't you? (He has enormous confidence in you, or that's what he was saying earlier before you got stuck on this question.) |
Guys we've got to get this resolved pronto, because my little paste-puppy beckers is on her way home and will be rushing up the stairs any second to unload a hot bladder-full of copy-&-paste mixed-up words on here, so please, if you've got any serious thoughts, get 'em out now. |
Good for you flobs. Did you confidently take slugs' advice and buy loads at 160p, because he was certain they were going to 180p? I'm not saying you shouldn't have; merely asking.
Btw, I've given you a like for showing lots of confidence. |
I have more confidence reading Jugears comments as he is closely connected with the industry, wheras Sikhthetit is just a second rate deramper.
Some of his investment advice over the years has been laughable. Tech my @rse ;-) |
slugs, I agree with you. These TW houses are an absolute bargain for FTBs. But how come they're not buying them? FTBs used to be a huge proportion of TW buyers; 43% at one point a few years ago (almost half of all buyers!!), but the ungrateful swine are no longer flocking to TW. How do you explain this, given the great bargains that TW is offering them and the massive crisis-level shortage of homes in the UK and hugely desperate need and frantic longing from these potential home-owners? Why are they not buying in large numbers like they used to? |