Wager Tolsa had control of site which is not the case now,after trying to get it cheaper.Tolsa have never paid royalties in the past.I would say a new offer will be made,Until claims are signed over they remain involved. |
Why are you so convinced about Tolsa being still interested? |
Wager just read annual report it states cash received after year end.Pioche site Tolsa still in play as of last week.You may not get back in as easily as you think when news comes. |
I’m out barnaby but won’t be foolish enough to turn off from it incase good news comes. However, this Thursday could be curtains. All resolutions will pass once again and more dilution on the way. Irish- please explain to me where all your info comes from which turns out to be wrong all the time? Do you dream these things? Your nephew and colleagues in the mining industry….. Pioche was a done deal….. and now 500 ton bulk sample info? Who was this info from? |
See the 500 ton sample sent for testing on 50/50 cost basis came in at $117.20 per ton,against open market price of $95 per ton,must be top quality pozzolan.If cost of pozzolan was free issue,extraction is very costly. |
Thought wager you sold all your holding in here. |
Indeed. Try telling Aviator that…… |
I have no doubt there is interest in the product YASX but the problem relies solely on getting told white lies. Discussions can’t go on for 4 years and been told on camera 13 months ago a deal was likely 7 months ago! It’s just complete nonsense |
No interest in any of the assets or projects. Oh dear.
With the shares at 0.02 no sign of any buyers.
They really need to cancel the listing. |
Silly girl |
Try producing a coherent post without using AI. Can you? No, thought not.
Meanwhile sres has no income stream and has conceded it will need to raise funds - with the shares just hovering above zero and the m/c a very low seven figure sum, getting a placing away looks difficult and it looks rather bleak for those such as Aviator who need a more than tenfold increase in the price to breakeven.
Readers can do as Aviator says and call the Co for reassurance - it won’t change things one jot but might help them sleep better as the price drifts to new lows. |
Barnaby, that maestro of monetary alchemy (an IFA, darling), swims in a Scrooge McDuckian vault of wealth. Odd, isn't it? The 2% aristocracy nibbling on speculative hors d'oeuvres alongside their caviar portfolios! I bet he pirouetted into China's market at rock bottom too - Moral? Tend your own fiscal orchard and mind your own business; others mangoes are none of your jam. |
TYM - another PC offering that is at all time lows.
Have any of the bulls on here actually considered buying real, solid Co's offering growth, dividends, strong balance sheets and the rest. Or do they just embrace the idea of picking one dud after another that invariably head to all time lows despite years of jam tomorrow?
Rhetorical question by the way. |
Wager I gather you've sold out with sres. If you see a change here, please don't invest here again. Your constant deal posts have been torture.
PC said hopefully and never said a deal was done. It was only you who read into it.
Buy Tym as you make your money back. Lol |
Let's appreciate those who focus only on today's market numbers-why look at the bigger picture when you can get lost in one spreadsheet cell? But don't worry, the wise ones will keep explaining growth trends to those stuck counting beans. Some people are just meant to worship the numbers they see. That's life-or as they say, 'that's just spreadsheets.... |
Who needs due diligence when you've got such supreme gut instincts and a sell button? Get out and stay out! |
If PC was successful last year when he stated a deal was likely in the first half of 2024 then he wouldn’t need to start 2025 with a raise!!! Simple as that. PC is no closer to sealing a deal now than he was in 2021. If I see a change in the way he delivers information then I may come back in. However the tone is the same as it was 5 years ago. |
Silly girl |
Trust you!
Chuckle chuckle.
Those that did have lost 90pc.
You really are a novice mug punter.
Why would anyone want to phone PC? Seeking reassurance? Whatever he does or does not say during a telephone conversation has nil relevance - the formal announcements count. In the most recent one the Co has indicated the need to raise funds to remain a going concern.
Try reading that instead of churning out drivel. |
It IS VERY high risk with cash situation but one deal and......"I can get no remedy against this consumption of the purse; borrowing only lingers and lingers it out, but the disease is incurable." PC???? LOL |
Ah, darling nothing says "thrilling investment opportunity" like sepiolite flexing at $500/tonne while bentonite and kaolin sit there sipping boxed wine at the discount table. (Refer to 2023 pricing.) "But wait!" you cry, "Why pay champagne prices for clay?" Silly you-haven't you read the original deal with the royalty now null and void? Without it, the bidding doesn't start until someone slaps a million on the table like it's Monopoly money. And trust me, PC won't budge - horses are expensive!Phone him if in doubt, OR a producer OR, better yet, phone a friend who can explain why "bargain-bin geology" isn't a business model. ? |
Bid at one million! Who is the likely bidder? There are no other bidders since Sres in effect granted Tolsa exclusivity for the past couple of years in anticipatiom of a bid that never materialised.
Even if he has since managed to initiate ACTIVE discussions with others (unlikely) there have been no formal expressions of interest and nor is that likely.
You seem to be forgetting that by their own admission sres need to raise funds by issuing equity. With the shares at an all time low of 0.02 that is incredibly difficult and wipes out current holders. Those of your ilk who were buying at 0.25 have already been wiped out.
One can hardly take seriously your view on sres given your woeful track record. |
Thank you Dave. |
Behold the Grand Poobah of Self Inflation peddling punctuation policing as a passion project while auctioning her 'invaluable' industry insights ( $100k, she insists). Let's recalibrate reality for the gallery: here, the opening bid starts at $1M. If her expertise weren't stuck in beta mode, she might've peeked at Tosla's payment receipts. As for her monopoly on genius? Let's just say the 'boardwalk' of credibility is missing a few planks... and a safety rail. |
I thought Aviator had finally grasped a basic command of English when I read his post 8080. It was light years removed from his usual garbled structure.
I then noticed the use of ‘z’ rather than ‘s’ - the corollary of this is that he had resorted to an AI tool like ChatGPT or something similar. I have never used those things but for those on the ‘dim’ end of the spectrum they can prove useful, certainly more effective than his tuning fork. |