Just watched the presentation and would whole heartedly agree with that summation |
In ST's preamble he says that lack of hard RNS news might be perceived as nothing going on but that actually quite the opposite is the case. ''....perhaps the market perception is not AT ALL in line today with where the company is at, and in how we are performing.'' (my capitals for emphahsis). |
 EC, the way I see it is that the company has 4 almost live projects. We knew that already. We have known for a while about Bakamla and two follow-ons in the ME. We earlier had advice that a major ME project was developing nicely and perhaps going quicker than expected.
The total project value of these 4 projects is stated as around $420m, whilst the pipeline is $1.5 bn and indications of some additions to that getting closer.
What is new ? Only the confidence that ST expressed in timelines. As long-suffering shareholders we have to take all timelines with large sacks of salt. But....there is a real confidence, expressed in this webcast, that all 4 projects are expected to start before the end of December this year. You can believe that or not. Who knows !? I happen to believe it more than I did yesterday.
''...we are very focussed on those 4, and getting everything in place....as the start of those 4, ALL of them, start WELL before the end of the calendar year'' (my capitals for emphasis).
Bakamla is all agreed and is in final signing process - ''I am not going to put a timeline on it....but it is very close''.
Nexus to start shipping in December.
Best wishes to all. |
Webcast now on site - |
EC, I have to disagree. We knew all of this already, except the UKEF bit, ST just pulled it all together. |
Spot on LaV, I think and hope. No share price changing specific news imparted and we are all expecting a loss to be reported but lots of reminders that we may soon see significant good news eg, a large, accelerated new contract, a couple of anticipated follow ons, Nexus about to start selling, AKEF loan approved and awaiting sign off. Light at the end of the tunnel? Our CEO is in the ME too, why? |
Clearly the information imparted was price sensitive; that is clearly demonstrated by the price action.
Price sensitive information should be disclosed to the whole market in an RNS, not just the subset who join a webcast. |
I think one of the main points to note was a comment about how they do not issue RNS's just on a whim or bit of progress. The loan agreement details have been agreed between Indonesia and UKEF, but that is not really RNS worthy. Once the agreemnent is signed it will be.
Also being asked to go the ME for a contract signing is not something for the market (and he has been several times expecting to sign but has lucked out), but when it is signed ... He has never done one of these on the move and it was at very short notice. A clue perhaps? |
Hi EC,
If you take the view that folk were perhaps fearing/ expecting news of a fund-raise (and that dog didn't bark), maybe this is just a 'relief rally' ?
Let's see what the next few weeks bring.
I won't have a chance to watch the webcast until this evening, but it would seem plain wrong that information has been given in it sufficient to move the share price up by 20%+ without a proper announcement to the market.
Also, I can't help being concerned that this little pump is a prelude to yet another fundraising. |
Simon's 15 mins presentation has moved the share price up 20%.
I love how he talks about highly technical equipment and systems in a language that even the unnautical investor can understand. |
I bought some more but now finding a lack of sellers. With positive news....surely now it is 'when' not 'if' within the next few weeks (1-10 weeks in my thinking) then the share price will be back above boudicca's famous 50p..... |
'Better safe than sorry' ? |
If they have information to impart why no trading update ? |
For anyone who didn't watch the web cast the hair was clearly a result of superimposing him on a static picture background. |
I know Simon played down the imminence of contract signings but is the fact that he is in the ME now an indication that a contract (or two) may about to be signed? |
Good hair? |
em-trak is in fact clearly listed as having a stand at METS. |
There was only one question apparently: 'Why is SRT not at METS?'. The answer was that they are at METS, at their usual stand. |
Yes, his hair was interesting! I thought it strange that there were no questions answered by to Simon. Usually there are. |
It looks like a very exciting and positive q4 2024 for SRT Marine. I believe it this time more then ever before. Anyway fingers crossed :-) |
$420 million signed before the end of the calendar year'., including over $200 million from new ME customer (Kuwait?) |
No one has anything to say, so I’ll get the ball rolling. His hair was interesting. |
For new shareholders or those wishing to increase knowledge of SRT, watch the 10 June Webcast hosted by Simon Tucker, our CEO, who's a very interesting and honest presenter.
Go to: hxxps://srt-marine.com/about/news/webcast-30th-september-2024/ and scroll down to bottom left and click 'June 2024'.
More importantly, Simon will be doing another live Webcast at 8.30am this Monday 30 Sept.
In your web browser go to hxxps://srt-marine.com/about/investors/ and scroll down the page to the "JOIN US FOR OUR NEXT INVESTOR WEBCAST" section a few mins before 8.30 on Mon to register.
FYI: I'm a small shareholder - in no way representing SRT! |
Looks like a David Brent ‘there’s good news and bad news’ investor call on Monday |