it has become internationally renowned as the top international road safety award
Perhaps better than at first site. |
That's not the type of award I was hoping for. |
And people wonder why the share price is where it is. Contradicting themselves, promising rfq’s by this and that date. If there’s no auto rfq announced in next 12 or so trading days till year end then mcglones credibility will be shot. The same rehashed garbage they come out with on their social media platforms also achieves diddly squat |
In the results presentation they were full of contradiction. In the commercial space they said that there were very few competitors. They then said that 330,000 commercial vehicles were produced in Europe in 2022. Yet despite the size of the European market and very few competitors they were only forecasting winning 10% of that market with gen 3. That's 33,000 vehicles per year.
At another point in the video they are predicting 25% growth in Fleet sales. Based on the current installed numbers of 54,000 that's only 13,500 units.
So not only is a target of 10% of 330,000 commercial vehicles derisory (and that's just gen 3 in Europe), but then they are predicting only 25% growth across the globe be it gen 2 or gen 3.
So which is it 10% of 330,000 vehicles which is 33,000 vehicles plus the rest of the world or is 25% forecasted growth across the globe based on 54,000 units currently installed which is 13,500 units. |
Yes mcglones outpourings of predictions have long since grated. One of his other ones was the bidding for fleet contracts with 50 to 100k orders. More pie in the sky. His proactive infomercial interview in august this year he stated that there would be a run of rfq awards in the next quarter. There’s about 12 trading days left for that to come to pass. People were wetting themselves with excitement when the “ Italian job” thing leaked out. Like hearing people down the pub talking about stocks or the shoe shine boy giving you a “ hot tip”. McGlone has to deliver soon. And what about those big yank investors who were clambouring over each other to get stock. But they’d have to buy it on the open market. More in a long line of complete pish |
 It's been more than a year since the infamous 'Italian Job' was posted where Paul told a bunch of privileged Italian investors that the company would land a 330 aircraft order before the end of 2022. What a load of BS that was. They don't even have an aircraft product developed. Work only started on developing an aircraft product in July after the announcement of the deal with Collins.
God knows how long now he has been promising auto deals. The last declaration was that they were working on 12 RFQ's. Since June 21 they have only announced 2 tiny orders. However, Despite the excuses Paul continues to dangle a carrot infront of our noses. His latest claim was that there will be multiple wins before the end of the calendar year. Well time is running out on yet another Paul target. No doubt he'll peddle the same BS that it's the OEM's fault for wanting more and more features and he thinks that's the right call. The trouble is Paul you need to keep your mouth shut unless you are sure what and when they want it otherwise you run the risk of becoming a typical ceo that cannot be trusted and doesn't deliver.
Meanwhile Smarteye win new orders. People can knock them all they like, but they are at least announcing contract wins. I also noticed another company has entered and won a commercial vehicle DMS contract. So much for being the only company with a product in the commercial space and so much for the years and years of development and collection of real world data etc. It just goes to show that just like any other product if there's a market plenty of companies will come and fill it.
With Gen3 just about to launch, regulatory deadlines fast approaching and with first mover advantage there can be no more excuses. Calendar year 2024 must be the year that Paul and SEE start to deliver otherwise I think we will start to lose credibility.
Investors have waited long enough for this company to start making money. The years fly by and believe me it won't be long before the Magna CLN becomes a noose around the companies neck.
So come on Paul where are these auto contracts? Eventually the metric of SEE DMS installed will be come irrelevant. The metric we all want to see is how many DMS sales the company have per quarter and annually. No one cares how many Apple phones are in use. Investors want to know how many phones they are selling and their market share. |
12p by June 2024 maybe within reach, but 20p.... |
I like the tech but as a business it's not really doing very well . They have set a target of 125m which is some way off where they are now and if they fail to hit that target will get hammered when it's announced . It's always a big risk stating revenue figures especially ones in a volatile market place that can easily go awry .
Mkt cap looks very high for a company making quite big losses . I can see downside here and a lot of risk at present Cash position at last results of 36m won't last long with those losses |
Not on my watch they won't. |
they might just rebase them or extend the vesting period. |
From Chairboy on LSE.
In the AGM pack (see the SM website) is says PMG needs to hit the following share price targets by 30 June 24 to receive his award of up to 10m shares:
-Less than 12p per share, 0% vesting -12p per share, 40% vesting -12p-20p per share - linear sliding scale -20p+, 100% vesting
Very bullish targets considering where the share price is today! |
Berkshire Hathaway revealed it has sold off its remaining holding in carmaker General Motors. Charlie Munger was quoted ‘In its heyday, General Motors was a great company – it just gradually went to hell one contract at a time,’. The reasoning behind the decision to sell up is in its model of business and suggests it is unsustainable.
With Seeing Machines it may impact but probably only a small contract may have been signed. This suggests it would have minimal impact on any revenues coming.
Articles from Daily Mail. CNN, CNBC, Wall Street Journal, etc.
Take Seeing Machines has many partnerships across the World and one company going under will not impact Seeing Machines Forecasts.
Reading the Articles Berkshire Hathaway has sold a lot of holdings even in Tech companies. Seeing Machines I would class it as a Defensive Stock. If they see what is coming Defensive stocks here we come. |
They don't seem to want to let this go over 6p. I guess that will be the buy signal if and whenever it does one day in the future. |
“We continue to think the market is still in the early innings of mass-market adoption with Seeing Machines in pole position and undervalued,” said analysts. |
Say it again. You dont know whats going on. Keep watching. |
I assume they are still the house broker, but nevertheless. |
Stuart, I do have an idea. The future of DMS is rosy driven by legislation, a highly acclaimed product with a great future. SEE appear to be one of the only 2 main players in a rising demand. I also know that Directors have bought 70 (ish) times in the recent past and most notably, by a highly regarded CFO investing his family fortune here. So tell me again I do not have a clue!
However when a CEO makes unpressured verbal promises about company prospects (I won't list them yet again) don't expect people to not call it out for what it is. So don't come on here bleating about others calling out the blunders.
Lol! |
Reference from an old post -
Hope181527 Oct '23 - 12:13 - 18984 of 19017
At some point, the Directors will stop buying because of RNS in the close window. It could mean they buying now being the share price is cheaper and then annoucement coming month or 2. If they keep buying till the end of November then no news.
We may get some news on other contracts then |
You have no idea whats going on and playing out in the background.Happy you've made a few quid which makes you happy though LOL |
I suppose I could never post anything just be a kiss ass. Keep up with the informative newsflow Stuart. FWIW I have made fair money trading this share in the last 10 years and very happy to post positive when good work is done, but as for never criticising the company, well that is a pretty sad notion you have there. |
I dont understand why people come on here and give us the usual guff.If youve been here 10 years its your fault nobody elses.You believed what the company is saying or you'd all be rainbow chasing elsewhere.But I guess you just have to have a moan every now and again on the fact that your investment is down to you and nobody else.As always have a good day. |
The market seems comfortable with the update with our share price holding its ground & firming slightly ,currently |
All rather pathetic really given we're supposed to be in the middle of the second billion dollar worth of business phase. |