Winner, I'm a bit conflicted here.
It may well be that the anti-inflammatory effects of FF ( and, more generally, a Mediterranean diet ) help protect humans from some cancers, which is great.
But, I'm a shareholder primarily, but not exclusively, to make money, and I'll likely be dead before such health benefits are recognised or proven.
While it's nice to be invested in something so positive, that's not the be all and end all here for me. |
Ok i could have put that better but the point remains the same - yes a reduced price per kilo to reflect the work they have completed.
Point is at some point we should get told about that as it is the kind of information investors require to enable a proper understanding and assessment of their investment. |
I agree Bareknee, well to the first part anyway. Not sure if PXS would allow FF to be manufactured in China under licence though. |
A royalty deal with ByHealth seems very unlikely to me.
A reduced price per kilo to reflect both the work they've funded and the amount, we hope, they're likely to take seems much more likely than a royalty deal to me.
If ByHealth want to manufacture FF under licence then that would be different, but I only see that as a possible option in the future if sales in their geographical area take off. I may well be wrong, but if that happens I'd guess timescales are years rather than months. |
gixer - do you really believe that By-H have not negotiated a royalty deal with us similar to that done by DSM where they gradually pay more at agreed milestone levels?
Ofc they will have - but we have not been told.
Guarantee no forecast will be forthcoming this year - would interfere with the jam tomorrow narrative and people might question why IF is on £200k pa.
Aimho.Dyor. |
We were told about the royalty payable to DSM under the new agreement, although details are limited, so IF there was a "sliding scale of royalties linked to performance milestones on sales in China" why would we not be told about it? Would it not, and I don't know the answer, be a regulatory requirement to inform the market "IF" such a deal had been made? |
Don't expect any transparency from the bod about anything...this is a director lifestyle jam tomorrow Aim stock. I am certain that no forecasts will be forthcoming this year nor any information about sliding scale of royalties linked to performance milestones on sales in China. Why would they?It might interfere with the jam tomorrow narrative. |
Could be about June/ July then ,knowing how this bod respond ,not that they’d tell us anyway ,after all we are only the shareholders or should I say mushrooms. |
I know its open to interpretation but I would class the first 4 months of the year as the early months, next four the middle months and last 4 the later months.
IMO we wont get an open offer and if any funding had been completed then an RNS would have been released.
With the “early months” nearly gone , do we think it is too late for Pxs to have an open offer for the funding we need ? The bod must surely know by now the requirements of existing and new customers for the next 24 months , or have they given millions of shares at a huge discount to Dsm ,By-health or SL . I don’t suppose we will know unless they release an Rns ,I’m not holding my breath on that one . |
I agree, If By-Health want to launch as soon as the health claim is approved, and I think this would be a good idea (strike while the iron is hot so to speak), then we need the stock on hand or even better with By-Health. My guess (or hope) is that we pay for a chunk of the new stock ourselves and the remainder on consignment. |
I'm not sure that we have enough stock to see us through till Blue-Hat is approved.
Total value of stock ( including FF+ ) at the end of Sept was 152k.
We issued shares to the value of 564k in December, but that included settling up our royalty payment. I'm guessing a bit, but I'm assuming the royalty payment was >=200k, so the shares issued might have added 350k to our inventory.
So total inventory in Dec 2024 was likely in the order of 500k.
In H1, our cost of goods was 512k, giving a revenue of 785k. So, if sales for H2 are the same, then we'll likely be short of inventory next month.
However, from what we've been told about orders being processed, it seems likely that our revenues for H2 will be less than H1, which gives more wriggle room.
End of the day, needing more inventory is a good thing though. |
Let’s hope so ,that would be best for shareholders if they care about that . |
IMO if a raise is needed to buy stock it will come straight after the bi-health announcement of approval (fingers crossed that is) |
Rp I suppose when funding has been sorted .,and hopefully we will know the demand by the size of the raise ! Stated in the last results higher demand will require a much larger funding amount . |
winner31 I am sure that details on the likely scale of orders expected will not be forthcoming.The fact that they have got away with the same cut and paste for so long whilst being paid as though we were actually a highly profitable company is risible. Provexis is no more than the classic Aim director lifestyle/jam tomorrow company.Anyone who has not fully grasped this by now is beyond help. |
Well that’s January gone of the “early months”, you would think the assessment of customer need over the next 24 months must be complete by now , funding has to be found pretty soon if the new production run needs to be completed by March or April . Wonder if we’ll be informed of the demand (I doubt it) . My gut feeling is all will be kept very quiet,and so the share price will languish for another 8 months .. |
Yes I would not be surprised if there is a HNWI placing to fund the purchase of stock.That is a strong possibility but By-Health launching is a strong probability and when that happens I won't want to buy at the likely share price then hence my decision to buy now. What this really means is a discounted placing accompanied by a share price crash and me feeling miffed at missing a better price!! Let's face it Provexis is the share that never fails to disappoint! |
I hope it works out for you RP. Until the next round of funding is put into place it's pretty much a lottery at the moment.
One of my worries about the recent share options being set well below the share price is, if we raise cash by issuing lots of shares, then new and investing investors may well be looking for a discount similar to what the board have given themselves.
Gixer - let's hope so, that would probably be the best option for ordinary shareholders. |
I think we will get news on stock before we hear anything on China. How this will be funded is the big question. Maybe IF will pull another rabbit out the hat and persuade the third party he is in negotiations with to hold the stock on consignment. Then the question would be.... Who is the third party? |
Well done rp ,think you will be ok this time ,as you say news from China could push the share price over the 1p mark and hopefully it will stay there . |
Well I had some money in my SIPP (part proceeds of a takeover on another stock) so for better or worse I added another tranche last week.My reasoning was even though a fund raise cannot be ruled out in the near term,news from China could come at any time.Added at around or just below my average. Probably see share price fall this week on news of a placing if my track record on timing is anything to go by. |
Thanks Winner - that's good to know |
Bk just read rules on de-listing and he would need a 75% votes to do that ,also a de-list would null and void options so I don’t think IF would want that not until they vest anyway . |