Ethiopia only joined AFC Apr 23.
Although AFC claim to support mining plus other projects in their manifesto, I could not find any
investments in any projects within Ethiopia?
AFC tightly held, major Nigerian bank.
rob? |
(Ethiopia mining)
(East africa) |
Sooner the better for me. |
Frankly, with the markets not knowing whether to surge or to crash because of what is going on over the other side of the pond, today and the next couple of days might not be best for making the announcement that some of us have been waiting for more than a decade to see. |
Thanks philby1 |
Magna is lying. I listened to the Bearcast yesterday and Tom says he's very confident it will happen but he certainly didn't say funding was definitely secured. If he knew that it would make him an insider to price sensitive information so he wouldn't be able to say anything anyway. Don't take anything Magna says as gospel, he just tries to cause trouble. |
Let's hope he isn't and RNS tomorrow with the news that financing has been approved . |
Rob thanks I have been reading Magnas posts as well…..! |
Magna says "Tom says funding is secured and the works can proceed to timescales." However he (Magna) is not exactly a reliable source on the other hand may TW might have said that and Magna decided to highlight it to get up TWs nose and jump on TW if timescales slip.
I topped up last week with some down the back of the sofa money anyway as think a update is likely this week. Hopefully Monday or Tuesday so we do not have days of are we there yet. |
Rob do you know wot TW was pondering? |
It will naturally have a top Rob. Personally and humbly I don't see this top until 2026. Could be wrong...sometimes am ;) |
Two different takes on the recent brics summit but looks like the amount of debt will create a crises before full dedollarisation however what will a credit crises do to the dollar and gold?
Off topic |
Hi Richard sorry, the dreaded dementia setting in. Thanks for replying. Hope you are well. I look forward to further updates from Ethiopia. |
Probably more sensible isn't it. Understood re Vets. Thanks again Goatie. Enjoy your weekend. |
You could do worse than rear heifers - buy calves (use an agent unless you know enough not to. Keep them until they are ready to breed. Have them artificially inseminated, and then use an agent (probably the same one) to sell them to milking herds.
It used to work - don't know if it still does.
Need to watch the vet bills - that's about all though. |
Blimey. Sounds like good move there leasing back when needed.My area is small really land wise, acreage not enough for proper dairy farm really. I just like the land and the countryside. Also when COVID hit it scared me and wanted to be able to be self sufficient needed. Grow and eat from the land. Probably a man thing lol Enough livestock for some sites to be sold perhaps that's why was asking re dairy as one needs a livestock number BUT also to be able to prove you're earning from the land and THATs the tricky part. Planning laws have changed and they are becoming much more strict. Even chickens need a number these days lolEveryone says the same ie its a labour of love these days. Anyway as much as we are at each others throats at times I appreciate the reply and time taken Goatie. Thank you. |
I used to sell my farm and lease it back, quite often. I think over 40 years I made more money that way than with farming - and I was not a bad farmer.
The most extreme example I got an offer on Friday; accepted Friday, Exchanged contracts Tuesday. Completed Wednesday. The purchase died on Thursday.
My solicitor told me that the deeds were in the hands of the purchaser's solicitor from Monday!
All quite outrageous, of course. Only possible because of extreme safety of a farm tenancy.
I think the right way to block it would be by a length of occupancy clause - perhaps 5 years? Or even 10. |
 Harry first promised full financing in 2015 re Tulu Kapi. I told investors in 2019 they would be getting no full financing at project level but a fundraising at Kefi level over on LSE...Well How's it gone since FUNDRAISE AFTER FUNDRAISE. A couple of years back and things looked more promising. I felt there were some adults in room and thought ok can see this getting done, but again was no full financing for Tulu Kapi but a fundraise. Fool me once, fool me twice but not thrice... For past year and half I have not had Kefi even in a watch list... Another self made deadline approaches so will add to watchlist as so much hope this time, though I am in neutral. But will sit on sidelines now till is confirmed... My question is having not really looked at Kefi recently is how is the cash balance? Because if low and another deadline is missed will be another fundraise, the 11th since Harry promised full financing was just around the corner and with a death spiral thrown into boot for good measure, that had to endure that saw the share tumble from 2p to 0.6p... It is actually remarkable we are still trading at 0.60p. Thankfully the rampers found me an exit close to breakeven and then it fell all the way back again.
I used to get worked up about it, but just laugh now and whilst I am not approving of lets say Harry over optimism, chuckle... In a funny way I have to not admire but think wow I could not do that have a delay of over 9 years and get 11 fundraise away off the back of it, with it will happen this time... I guess he has managed to find different investors who take attitude losses are in past and I am getting in at opportune moment...Most have come and gone and bitten the dust. Most ceo would not have managed to do that... It is why I nickname Harry, Harry Houdini, he always escapes the chop and manages to find the next bunch of investors, punters. If he had always been straight he would not have managed that... Do not believe much of what he says, rather go by what is actually achieved on the ground. Has enough happened on the ground to hit this deadline of November 5th?... One thing I will give Harry though and that I like about him is unlike many ceo he has never hidden and has always picked up phone when have called him. Was planning to be living in between here and Cyprus but Brexit put paid to that.
Most punters are only concerned with the here and now and quite right to, but it pays to know your history... Here is a snippet of Harry in march 2015 "The development funding plan for TK is for Kefi to draw down in 2015 in half two 2015 a combination of debt and equity finance. This is expected to comprise US$100 MILLION AND $20 MILLION BY ONE OF A NUMBER OF SOURCES" Also from same month "We remain on track to start development of Tulu Kapi gold project in 2015 for production in 2017... Tick tock, tick tock zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Harry was 60 when he first promised full financing now 69, not beyond rhelms of fantasy that he pops his clogs before it ever realised... In which case he will have made a living from promising jam that never materialized, genuine, chuckle, chuckle. These days I just find the whole scenario hilarious ie the it is just around the corner thud fundraise times 11... Thanks Harry for the laugh. |
Gates has been buying all for for years hasn't he. Yes it's frightening. UK gov were giving lump sums to sell up. I think around 3mil min for a smallish producing farm. Smells like WEF agenda to me |
Sell to Bill Gates. |
Cheers Goatie. No wouldn't be by myself so not viable really eh. Appreciated |
The aviator,
I don't think 60 cows are a potentially profitable business - unless, perhaps, you are prepared to do all the milking (4 am!) yourself and not be paid for your time.
Automatic milking (where the cows themselves decide when they want to be milked (or perhaps when they want a feed), might help - but I thought that was nearer £100k.
Mark you, I retired over 25 years ago, and haven't read a farming paper since! |
Hi Charles - long-time-no-see, hope you are well.
Indonesian assets - I don't think we have any.
Cheers Richard
Ethiopian assets - by mid November, hopefully next week. |