Graham I am tempted to short but not yet |
You can not feed the energy needed in the transition the world's industrial processes using Mr X's batteries. We need many ways NOW to even attempt to turn around global warming and if improved batteries are part of that then fine! |
Qube got balls or information |
Have they increased short? No way. Well short term with Trump can understand from 40p but mid long term its bananas |
You playing fantasy shares again Barney 😁 |
Well researched post
Thanks I may have another shot at a short today like cube have |
Green eyed monster has appeared 😂😂128514;😂 |
 Tesla are now starting to produce Lithium in the USA from their own Lithium bearing clays from a 10,000 acre landholding near to their Tesla plant.
Tesla has the technology to produce batteries that can last in an AV for 1,000,000 miles plus
In fact 8,000,000 miles has been mentioned BUT obviously manufacturers have to sell battery packs and make a living so circa 500,000 miles to 600,000 miles would satisfy most customers IMO ie circa twice to thrice as long as an ICE
For the next generation of Cars and trucks and shuttles and buses --- it seems H2 will be a no goer V such improved battery performance which also comes with recharge times of minutes NOT hours
ie these new batteries will be very quick charging
Added to this Tesla is ramping up its output of battery reservoir banks ( in larger type super sized , shipping sized containers ) that can help power stations hold excess power from solar and wind energy sources for overnight use.
This is going to be a massive BIG earner for Tesla as of 2025 going forwards and NOT to be confused with
The domestic "Tesla battery power station standby" which refers to the state where a Tesla Powerwall, their home battery storage system, is not actively providing power to your home but is ready to instantly switch on and supply electricity in the event of a power outage, essentially acting as a backup power source when the grid goes down; it will enter this standby mode when the battery level drops below a certain threshold, typically around 10%, and will automatically begin charging again when grid power returns or solar panels generate electricity.
As Toyota have discovered the hard way H2 is not where it's at just now or indeed for the next 2 decades as battery technology gets cheaper and better
dyor |
And no, barnes, you may not borrow it. |
Keep it ITM, please.
Why are shorters taking the position they are taking, and why are investors investing?
Information..? Debate..? Perhaps?
Or is every talker just gambling, following what someone else said?
I once ruled with an iron fist.
But, I don't mind the shorters so much these days, or their impudent advice - I miss vlad - he was useful. |
Contract back log is growing 🤦a92;️ |
This outfit is looking dodgy more like |
Plug looking dodgy |
To late mate 😂😂128514; |
Oh please no more back slapping |
Gone is the unrealistic hype that the hydrogen economy would develop overnight or linearly without any challenges. Instead, today, the hype has finally given way to real industrial scale-up of projects and production capacities. The green hydrogen and electrolyser industry has started gaining traction with an increasing number of project FIDs taken over the recent months. I expect this momentum to continue.
At the same time, the electrolyser OEM market has started to consolidate, as expected. We are seeing the first contenders dropping out of the race. ITM Power has meticulously prepared for this over the last two years. Operationally, we are in the best shape the company has ever been in. Our product portfolio is comprehensive and competitive, our financial situation is strong, our sales pipeline has never been healthier, and our contract backlog continues to grow.
I’m excited for what 2025 holds for us! |
Graham anybody? Where is everyone - Dennis has opened the gates! See Linkedin immediately! |
Skinny See Dennis on Linkedin!!!!! |
Have filled my boots with PZC today |
New commercial director for Europe started 👍🏻 |