We? Who is we? |
Couple of years back we went up one pound in a day on 26mw contract.... its bagged and will build from here. Wonder if they have a 500mw to add soon. That would be final verification. Plenty of fids getting signed off relative to itm. And a constant opportunity for Neptune purchase. Seems the most transparent offering at the moment. What's not to like |
It's kind of what we said a few years ago they need a plug and play small system that can be bread and butter. But also scalable |
Plug in add storage and away to go. This is not just an electrolyser but a hydrogen production unit.
htTps ://itm-power.com/products/neptune-5 |
When you look at when the Neptune V was launched it seems to be attracting a lot of attention. Plug and play all in one hydrogen plant that no other company offers. |
Burn baby barney burn. This isn't conducive to a short position. There is so much hidden iceberg like here now. But the story gets stronger behind the scenes. And what a great entry time to turn long. The big boys know. |
Expect this will get a bid sometime next year. Maybe be BP as it shifts away from oil as said in its strategy. Trouble is for the longer term holder will not reach the level they bought. For new investors can see a return. |
Why would they announce a contract if they had not won it PMSL. |
Like I said this company has changed from being a traders share to one of future investment.
Doesn't matter what today or tomorrows price is its what it will be in future years for me no rush mate. |
Good news indeed! Few more like this and the mood will soon change... |
To put this in perspective if they announced they had not won this contract what price would the shares be Down 5p to 10p
So like I said the uk market is not an investment it is a one way ticket to ruin |
Doesn't matter if your long term holder, the main focus is increasing revenue from the best margin work. My guess is that they didn't want the BP contract as orders are now starting to role in for the Neptune plants. |
Excellent news but this share is a little like supporting Spurs! Down on the day? Surely not. Hoiwever if it does close down then it is very worrying. However if anything it is more worrying about the state of the market. Of course I have just added! |
Not the best xmas pressie for shorters |
Oh I say ! I recall this being over £5 but now look. Many on here will have been well and truly shafted , ooooh hold that thought yum yum |
More potential quantity down the road. That's the way it goes. Feed then fid, be good for people to a perspective of what things are really worth for feed and at fid. |
I haven't touched any uk stock or index for over a decade, my returns changed instantly! It's a cesspit |
Yep slowly but surely is the way. Getting them out there in the market will improve data collection to fine turn performance. |
 From LinkedIn today
Project start Neptune V electrolyser from ITM for Guttroff
On 06.12.2024, the managing directors Dennis Schulz and Tobias Guttroff on the already commissioned electrolyzer for the Guttroff site in Dettelbach as part of the official start of the project. ITM is based in Sheffield, England, and develops highly efficient electrolyser systems for green hydrogen production. Following the recently announced order for the first Neptune V plant in Germany for the Guttroff Group with a focus on technical and medical gases, welding technology and engineering, the managing directors have once again expressed their clear commitment to the future market of hydrogen and a cooperation initiative as part of the start of the project. Neptune V is a 5-megawatt containerized electrolyser plant that offers highly efficient hydrogen production capacity. ITM and Guttroff are thus jointly starting a project from a whole range of market options, and further existing plans are to be jointly evaluated and advanced in the near future. The companies did not disclose the value of the contract, but Guttroff received €5 million in funding earlier this year as part of the Bavarian electrolyser subsidy program to initiate domestic production of green hydrogen in the region. Guttroff confirmed that the Neptune V plant is intended to ensure all possible forms of supply, including a filling station, including significantly expanding the company's own hydrogen fleet with further investments as early as mid-2025. |
Oh moon please grow up I won’t say anything about my shorts
I did say I won’t moan if it rockets I will be pleased for you all but I just don’t see it happening but that is just my opinion |
I'm surprised skinny can take it. I'm all for balanced views, but gloating about shorting and profiting from it here is just plain out of order, considering... aside from other factors, without the shorts changing or strengthening momentum the share price would probably not be where it is. |
Barney change the record mate mun. 🥱🥱129393;🥱 |