A placing now would be two years early. But a placing yes but tied to positive growth in Germany would be more palatable with state funding. They could just say placing offer 30p taken my existing institutions and large shareholder partners. It would find its way there instantly and shaft shareholders which happens standard all the time. Then they would be Lower and diluted but maybe with better prospects. As any funding now would be for an additional reason |
Woke society my friends |
I was referring to the destruction of the UK's wealth creation businesses, huge sums being paid to accommodate the illegals, the already mentioned proposed total waste of money on carbon capture plus whatever disaster the budget is going to visit on us all. |
Scream away my friend |
This is screaming to me that a Phat placing inbound
Just my opinion |
If that was the case then they would use uk kit in stock and manufacturing to supply whilst increasing set up in Germany, they could still theoretically manufacture main part in uk. But maybe adding the German side too. But not necessary. The German government probably said you have to be a wholly German company with HQ registered there to get state funding. Re fallen out with broker . You would add only one. The two are specialists for corporate actions. |
Dennis doesn’t mess around so at a guess he was not happy with previous broker.
Whatever he does next will no doubt be for the benifit of the company. Think we will have to wait to see what happens.
I would be more than happy for them to move to Germany especially if there was a financial incentive from the German government. Won’t take much to replicate what they already have in the UK. |
That's the most realistic option. They will need a fund raise unless the carrot to lure to Germany is complete state funding for the capacity. |
Dilution but the company will be worth more with the subsidies. |
Graham what's your take on the change and doubling of corporate brokers? Could it be as norb toying with, German branch reverse takeover purchase of uk branch. Making whole German with foothold in UK. And with maybe previous promises of grants from German government should they action the plan. Sounds very logical to me, it may involve at matching of funding ie another 150m fund raise to match say 150m from deutchland.Compelling. Complex. But think Dennis seen the uk scummy politicians for what they are... self serving rhetorical liars. With no vision and now no support of geen hydrogen. Question is how long to get that off ground.. December update and launch news of plan and the new shares. And price of them, maybe taken by linde at the first tranche price. |
Did you read my 7902 ? Can you prognosticate ON WHAT IF GMBH bought its parent PLC? Almost compelling logic. |
Not sure you can link green energy and economic destruction. As long as we rely on gas then the UK will continue to have its energy prices by other countries. |
The UK is racing ahead of the world on green energy and on the road to economic destruction. |
There's certainly a market selling H2 to Germany |
I do think there's a big market in heavy transport but no one on the same page. Accept maybe the Germans |
Maybe nuclear wins? Imagine ai in charge of nuclear. |
The reality unfortunately pretty scathing. Will it happen eventually I think so, we were all 5 years too early probably 20 years in norbs case https://archive.ph/2024.10.27-071059/https://www.ft.com/content/4590e0b1-73f3-4f93-8c91-9c1a0cd13a97 |
Yeah I saw that this morning..There appears to be a great deal of fear around. Misplaced IMO. I can't believe many buy ITM to save IHT..
Besides, sure as hell ain`t making any gain on these at these prices. |
There will be a bounce if it's not as bad as feared across aim |
nicebut, if you are looking in :- |