Takeover appears to be delayed until second quarter due to Political Crisis in Romania. Article from Irish News. |
"Union boss vows to challenge Royal Mail reform plans" "CWU will use powers ceded by new owner to resist asset sales and protect employee rights"
h/t FT |
One would assume journeys for letter deliveries to outlying locations must also mitigate the cost of small parcel deliveries going in the same direction (or vice-versa) and whilst neither are likely profitable at least there's 'shared' expense.
Handily, the local Post Office (nothing to do with IDS, of course) now takes in Evri packages, scanned via the normal PO counter IT system. Doesn't seem implausible to imagine if RM was to form an agreement with other carriers, say for 'final mile' work, or perhaps more. |
Agreed. It seems that Kretinsky is the only size investor who can see this. I am baffled by it - IDS has been clear and consistent for years about its modernisation plans - automation and optimisation of distribution, property and labour - enabled by Ofcom reforms where, while the pace of implementation has been painfully slow, the ultimate destination is clear. |
If they are allowed to make second class deliveries every other day, then my guess that's at least circa 15,000 vans that can be sold off, and 15,000 van drivers you won't be needing anymore. The savings will be vast, and yet the market doesn't seem to have picked up on it. It makes the current price a nonsense. |
I plan to hold as well. I think a quasi independent IDS that is still listed and where Kretinsky holds less than 75pc has very good prospects between ongoing GLS momentum and RM transformation as it right sizes the distribution network and captures automation benefits. I do not see merit in selling at such an undemanding multiple absent a squeeze out. |
Offer extended to 31st March 2025. Given recent IDS reports / updates and the general market trend over the past 2-3 months, one wonders where the share price would be now on its own accord.
The news of the extension seems to have been issued (by nominee a/c providers, at least) after the original closing date for offer acceptance. That said, the extension provides time for anyone wishing to change their mind to withdraw any acceptance made earlier.
IPO'd @ 330p in October 2013, inflation considered and on average, no-one can feel this 'profitable' at the offer price.
The time this is taking suggests to hold out for more, or just hold. That's what I'll do. Updates will inform of the view of IIs in due course. |
Has any one heard what percentage Daniel has got? |
I have no idea as to why those who govern us should have allowed the Universal Service Obligation to hang utterly ineffectually over the entire transaction. I guess that the CWU wanted it to stay so they could negotiate some extra dough for them; and the politicians yielded.
Elsewhere that incomprehensibly meretricious clot Alex Brummer of the Daily Mail claimed that the IDS takeover should not be permitted since IDS is 508 years old.
That is not all: Brummer claimed that the bidder was so burdened by debt that trouble would befall the bidder. Deary Deary Me.
Live Ink
PS: When do shareholders receive the cash? |
UK Ofcom proposes 2nd class letters delivery on alternate week days |
Totally agree, at 3,68 we are selling us short |
Agreed. I do not see why IDS shareholders should give up the company at such an undemanding multiple. |
Given that the management report that things are on the mend one wonders why shareholders who have held through choppy waters see it as favourable to offload now or why the executives recommend that they should do so. OK, "letters" may be an ongoing issue but the problems are known, predictable, being mitigated and will continue to mitigate and resolve themselves over time. Parcels is a growing business and IDS have a wide range of services available to both business and retail.
Does Daniel Křetínský want it because he sees the future as black, or because he sees the future as rosy? *
* (Mischieve excluded.) |
Good results |
 If they can bring in their mooted 'every other day' deliveries for 2nd class post the savings on labour and vehicles will be huge. The market doesn't seem to have cottoned on?
Instead of having to have enough vans and people to go everywhere six days a week, you will only need enough as it were for 3 days a week. (yes they will still be working 6 days a week, but only going to address's half as often) They can sell this simple idea that should have been done 25 years ago, as a 'green' initiative, all that fuel saved, etc, etc.
A possible saving of perhaps 20,000 vans? Plus all the maintenance costs, fuel and capital savings that go with that.
It could have been done decades ago, and instead of being a dog, this would be the highly profitable operation it could now become.
The proportion of first class mail is perhaps 5% of the total? When doing casual work for them I noticed that out of a typical load of 49 'Yorks' (trolleys) only two or at most three would be first class. (Yes you do get priority for the extra cost, it's not a scam) The first is always last on the trailer and thus first off at the hubs. |
Thank you. So 360p on the table + 8p special div. Todays closing looks about right then to take the money off the table |
Whatever you signed six months ago is surely just history. You will receive a formal offer.
Live Ink |
Any idea what is next? I signed the document in July to accept offer! Now any idea of when likely the sale will go through? How much per share and when I will paid? Thank you in advance. |