Thanks for the kimberlite map, that’s encouraging. If only hmi knew something about diamonds. Have they any experience of such gems or any experience in finding the impossible ? |
What happened here today? Did the maker not turn up for work? |
YP |
Are the planets lining up?
‘ Brazil was the first western country to produce diamonds from the washing of alluvial deposits found in central Minas Gerais in the early 1700s. ‘
We anywhere near Minas Gerais ?
‘ Other producing localities are Tupaciguara, Monte Carmelo, Ituiutaba, Romaria, Patrocinio, Patos, Carmo do Paranaiba, Tiros and Abaete, among others.’
We anywhere near any on the above locations?
‘ Kimberlite pipes are significant source rocks that form primary diamond deposits’
So is there any kimberlite in that potassic rock ?
Surely it’s about time G24 or that other company found some hint of diamonds? And if they can’t find any, send them out again until they can ? |
Potassium rock? Perhaps someone has at last listened to my suggestion to accidentally & inadvertently find some diamonds and plonk them in a 7am RNS ?
Net: ‘ Diamond occurs in silica-undersaturated potassic ultramafic rock such as kimberlite,’ |
It seems rare earths are not so rare these days.
Meanwhile back .......
Ooh!, a cotton trial:
As the start a the rainy season approaches Harvest prepare to test a new set of covers at Maxixe ROM.
Harvest discover 'Potassic Rock' at one of the Arapua tenements:
Strange though, on the smallest tenement of the Arapua block surrounded by Harvest phosphate tenements they find potassic rock? That was July 2024, after the discovery of REE. Nope, REE, that was 6.7% of the total licence area - so just Maximus then?
YP |
Is this Brazil's version of AI ? Every fertiliser company seems to be on it these days. Trusting in McMasters to screw it up like he normally does. |
As expected:
YP |
Ffs. Unreal |
‘ and the settlement of £577,366 (AUD $1,094,788) of director / company secretary fees, through the issue of, in aggregate, 100,000,000 new ordinary shares of no par value at a price of 1p.’
Nice secretarial work if you can get it. Who were the joint secretaries? |
ANM have updated CFEM report early. The CFEM for August is R$17,018.76. That't down on July figure of R$23,343.22.
The good news is rain forecast 8th Oct.
The corresponding figures for Verde is nearly 50% down on the previous month.
YP |
Just calling it as I see it, but that 35kt looks too low to me.
Tomorrow figure should give a better idea on that?
YP |
Chuckle, chuckle.
The fat lady's warming up. |
Thst rns surely admitted indirectly , fertiliser business dead
So Rare Èarths ?
A retirement fundraise coming
It also signalled the end |
He couldn't run abath never mind a company. |
Needed some blag given the state of the fertiliser lol |
REE 😂😂 |
The ANM CFEM figures due Tues morning (1st) will be for August sales. The corresponding figure for 2022 and 2023 are the peak for those years and very close to peak for 2021. |
Most definitely their's too. Can't wait for the September sales - the joys of being an HMI shareholder. |
"Assuming demand does not exceed plant capacity" What planet are they on ! |
Yesterday Triunfo Mineracao.... submitted (ANM) two further final research reports (positive) - substance 'fosfato'. Triunfo now have six positive final research permits lodged with ANM for approval. Excluding Maximus and one outstanding tenement report, if all goes well, this will add a further 10kha to Triunfo.... available resource? That said, assuming product demand does not exceed plant capacity this should last well in to the next millennia? Lol
YP |