zoo good for you ,he doesn't bother me at all I feel sorry for him that he feels he has to do this , there’s something lacking somewhere, in fact with all of them ,good luck, |
Yawn......People know what you are, old man. As such won't bite. They ignore you instead. |
Well, Sage. You do tend to reserve your efforts for when Zoo hits rock bottom and one can't help but congratulate you on your impeccable timing this time around.
But, as you can see from the immediate responses #77599 and #77600, your efforts may have come to naught and gone the way of the others.. |
Alan, it's winter in Mongolia, would you want to freeze your nuts off? There again we know hasn't got any, I suppose we could send him over I doubt his wife would care. :-))The share price always drops this time of year also people's credit card bills need paying after Christmas and New Year. |
Sage GFM has been good to us that's for sure. Now with GGP producing gold and moving ahead with the Cross listing etc I can see another good run on the horizon. I got in around 1.5p ish and sold in the 30s bought a lot again at a low price as did EL and traded in between. .MATD needs to get the Well Head sorted and production up. A good point is that there's plenty of pressure, too much at the moment though. .I'm happy to let things run for a while on that one. .Zoo |
zoo I think you will do very well ,I wish I was your age there are several long term shares I would buy ,I see penny phillis is having his two pence worth ,I was lucky with TLW with my purchases but didn’t make much money ,but I certainly wouldn’t buy them now ,I’ve only got a 1.56p break even with MATD so I’m in no hurry, I always appreciate sages write ups and tips, I wish he would share more but I understand ,we should get a visit from farmer George soon ,ha ha ha ,looks like the night is still young ,good luck, |
Hi Zoo, Tullow I made money on, Matad and GGP I am underwater but in both cases with a B/E whereby a profit is doable.I hold well under 1% of my portfolio in both (combined) so just a punt. Gold, Financials, trackers etc now that is a different story…as is GFM which is by far my most successful single company share. GLA |
Sage, China has been using it for some time. The problem is the charging infrastructure isn't there and won't be. Teenagers can't afford electric cars so this 2035 target is nonsense. Car manufacturers are already cutting back and looking at hydrogen. .What I do like about an electric car is the acceleration is linear, some that I have driven have been impressive in that respect. .Eight of the major car manufacturers are openly investigating and developing hydrogen car. Fuel cells can be changed quick time. .This is interesting..Heavy-Duty Hydrogen Truck Sets New World Record: Over 1,800 Miles on One FillRenewable Energy / January 29, 2025.Zoo |
Alan, all they know is what they've read. They're gullible idiots because we tell them what we want to tell them..Unfortunately Rose thinks others are also gullible as well and believe they are all separate people. .They post together and stop posting together, people have seen this and worked it out for themselves. .It's all for one and one for all, aka one person. .I bought some more GGP today with the profit from the UU trade. |
UP, no-one listens to you because you're an idiot. Alan doesn't discuss his trades with a toilet cleaner nor do I. .What has changed with MATD since the last RNS?Oh yeah it's winter, they need to modify the Well Head to control the flow rate. MB has bought 100k of shares. Now tell me who from the BOD of Griffin has bought shares and put their money where their mouth is. When Sage brought MATD to the table he said at the time it was risky hence I've alwYs been clear I've traded it. I've also said I take my orginal investment plus fifty percent of the profit. I'm happy with where I am with it ad is Alan. Clearly you banging on about it suggests you've got yourself shafted again. .So then bog cleaner, you've bragged about Tullow and claimed you made trades. Of course you did, because since you first bragged about them they've been falling. Sage and I made our money on Tullow yonks ago whilst you had your head stuck down the pan. |
Guess who is sitting at his machine all day long and red ticking |
MATD has always been a disaster Glad I sold at 18 p |
Indeed sage. I'm out of TLW at the moment but had two trades one of which was very nice the second only a couple of percent, but as they say a profits a profit! The vitriol is all coming from the two fools so any influence you may have to get them to stop the stupidity would be appreciated. When they stick to their PM's it's all very civil on here as I'm sure everyone can see. |
How much money have you lost on MATD. You should have listened to me and made a third on your money with TLW. Still your "internet friend " has suckered you into many bad decisions so why stop now! |
Crazy Al, your filter doesn't work. Oh sorry, you are a liar. |
zoo my my they know so much about us don’t they they won’t meet you but they even know what you had for breakfast ,ha ha ha ,I don’t know where I have a sad and lonely life from I’m out with friends all the time ,I’ve had lunch on the beach today and stayed out to watch the sun set whilst they have been stuck on here, they are a bunch of losers ,the grim reaper will get one of them soon if it’s rose then all four will go together, ha ha ha ,got some work to do now this is the payback for staying out all day ,thanks for the laughs you give me I would really miss it ,now come on up do your worst, |
MATD at its lowest price in over three years. Great tip zoo. Crazy Al has lost half his money. |
Hahaha.... Typical Troll syndrome, change the subject. Watch out for those Zombies and keep stacking tins in your cellar. .UP has arrived now more sick posts should be long until he says the same about you. .I'm off for a swim now with the knowledge that I sold my short-term trade after the post dividend drop on UU. Made a nice quick profit. Happy days. .I see MATD more or less closed at what it opened at. |
""THE" so why are you rubbing Alan's face in it talking about your so-called big family?"
You're the one who brought up the subject of families, Zoo.
Such rhetoric, if I can dignify it as such, will only work with Alan.
The remainder of the community are either immune to your nonsense or have left in disgust. |
Hahaha.... |
"THE" so why are you rubbing Alan's face in it talking about your so-called big family? .You, UP, Rose and the Barman are all the same. .I was talking to a chap this morning who lost his daughter, son-in-law and granddaughters in 911 unfortunately there are many people out there in the same position as Alan..Yet again you should be ashamed of yourself. But you're not are you? Because you constantly goad Alan, thinking it's funny. What a big man you are? Not.... |