And when there isn't are you going to leave?
Because you make this rubbish up daily time to be right or leave because your always so dreadful and wrong, kind of like a ramper who lost all his cash then temper and felt like making stuff up? |
There will be funding news before the end of this week, guaranteed,the recent institutional investors would have been updated on progress before they stuck £100K in here. |
How are you so thick, this is why you got no interest and everyone else got all those Billions!!!!!
Unlucky research shows how bad your wishing is lol! |
Bres market cap £12 million and we have nearly double the quantity of resources that they have,yes they further on than us but they have to ship all the way to China! That's bloody Africa to China,and that 🤡 Honf saying our company not viable due to being in middle of nowhere,well our processing plant will be a dam site closer than the one Bres use's. |
The investors in the recent placing have more intelligence than Honf. |
I know the above article is from 2023 but would add that Graphite is getting harder to obtain due to the increase in quantity needed since 2023,so please ignore Honf because he is talking through is backside, also solid state batteries are still 3-5 years off production,and they will be way more expensive than Lithium batteries, |
![]( And I haven't even posted the stuff on Honda's solid state breakthroughs and how graphite isn't going to burst like analysts first thought.
If anything graphite now plays a backseat to other rare earth's but as we again see many have risen to provide multiple future supplies to the market and as always no one is complaining of a shortage or has been short yet.
Suggest some market analysis was dead wrong, no bubbles burst and no shortages happened. As is often the case when stuff like this becomes a buzz there are simply too many big players going out and investing billions so no actual shortage and subsequent trade wars over minerals happen.
Greenland was always a long shot, expensive and low infrastructure which seems to resonate in the lack of investment whilst billions was thrown into other countries.
With Africa and a few others I'm predicting there never going to be a short supply and for the next two decades were looking A) to have enough and B) To transition away from demand into solid state and other new tech crushing the market right now.
Sorry you want to live in denial all your life, your loss as you backed the opposite of where graphite investment went and mines formed.
Coincidentally all the decade you've held this barely one new mine in Greenland and at the present I think there's only a total of two small mines in the whole country despite hundreds of exploration liscences held for so long I'd question why even hold there.
And then this is if trump doesn't get it then simply cancel your liscences and sell them to American companies instead, don't expect him to be nice to you it's not how he works and certainly wouldn't entertain you shipping his reserves of to the Euro zone! |
hxxps:// |
market participants at the event said natural graphite was more affected due to more anode producers shifting to the synthetic material on lower costs and better performance. |
Why Africa is now about to supply %50 of the world, I put the link above before.
The market is super saturated, in fact they had so much they dropped the price. Looking like no shortage for the next decade.
Please show where were short or going to be, the opposite we geared up and now we're 🪟 more than enough mines not to need expensive Greenland.
But if trump takes Greenland he will say your liscence was with Greenland and cancel you at your loss.
Nothing has worked out for you why you remain unsold and needing to do placing to keep lights on. |
Sorry link doesn't work,but as the above Graphite miner stats demand is only going to increase,and it is critical to find new sources. |
hxxps:// |
Institutions generally buy packages so you got bundled on some deal with others.
Institutions rarely buy a singular company on Aim and quite quickly sell off under performers.
The pit falls of taking such a deal and giving a %30 discount shows how depressing and desperate this is.
Iceage if one thing you do not understand much about markets.. |
institutional investors have bought £500k latest fund raising. |
Hey I live in South Wales and I frozen solid by the cold, lol. |
June 2024 and institutional investor paid 1.9 for £100k worth of shares, follow the money. |
oil? it be frozen me |
Trump showing an interest in Greenland is good advertising for us,we all know it's the oil he wants but will never get it as Greenland I believe is part of the UN so a takeover is all pie in the sky, which means our Licence is safe. |
EIFO finance agreement could land anytime here,I personally have high hopes for this company,and as for the clown who says about getting Graphite and other battery materials from Africa or South America,well why would Denmark and other Scandinavian countries buy from trouble torn countries thousands of miles away when they can buy it on their own doorstep. |
alba hold 32% of this litte baby so if it rockcets so will alba...Musk and Trump no doubt very interested and cheque book out soon |
And quite sure trump being trump he will just cancel your liscence, it's not with him or America why would he give you the privilege when he would rather resell to American companies and America first.
Don't know why you even think he would entertain shipping his graphite off to Europe either he would want to keep it in America for America first.
You would hope trump doesn't get Greenland, his stance against you and other countries is pretty negative.
But even if little happens it will still be the frontline of a trade war until America vote a president of sense in next or until trump loses office which judging by his first few weeks could be quite soon.
Last place on earth I'd want an exploration liscence right now, I think most with common sense will tell you the same. |
No I think I'll just post the research here for you, Africa 40% global graphite production by 2026
Real chat not ramping, there's a reason why your getting no interest and billions are flooding in to more cheaper, attractive, larger reserves and higher grades.
Coincidentally grade means very little, size of reserves is paramount since even a low grade reserve produces a lot of high grade flakes as research will tell you. In fact grade is one thing that isn't important just look at the mine grades of the mines that supply Panasonic and other offtakers!
Facts talk ramps don't! |
Yer goodbye come back when you done some research! |