Groc and Alba -
Buy and get diluted to nothing, you've been warned! |
Alba giving almost all its remaining price away for £75k, how embarrassing.
0.012 for £75k the investors have been thoroughly wiped out.
So Groc next to dilute to nothing, I did warn you these were lifestyle scams! |
Oh dear another drop, won't be long timmnyour almost %100 down.
Well any long term holder has lost over %90 since ipo!
Hilarious |
Could this Groc get any more pathetic, looking for money so it dosent dilute you all to nothing like Alba did.
Well if Greenland was such the draw sells or flip, you've held for over a decade killing any shareholders in the process.
Groc is sunk and over with! |
Where oh where are all the rampers lolol! |
Finding out now Alba was a lifestyle scam....
So Groc is too isn't it you just haven't realised but you have lost almost every penny! |
Alba 0.017
Groc and Alba were lifestyle companies and you've lost everything, both almonds %100 down now.
Morons and rampers soon lose their lot! |
See how trump blackmails Ukraine for it's resources....
I couldn't think of a worse place to hold an asset than Greenland right now.
I did warn you Trump would not be good for you or Greenland, he will simply take what you have and if you disagree blackmail you out lolol.
America first not Groc lol |
Since ipo this has lost %86
I'm here everyone to watch this fail now Albas gone, enjoy the loss GF it's not my cash lolol but thanks for the shorts! |
When Alba go broke will they sell these shares to start in Finnsbo, pretty sure another bad day for groc when they do.
See why Groc went for such a large raise, when Alba folds no one will believe Groc anymore! |
Alba 0.018....
Can't get any more worse |
1.3 where did it go so wrong for you rampers! |
Poor old greenroc oh dear! |
No idea just they will control the market by 2026 and why would anyone be intrigued by Greenland when Africa is becoming the new gold mine for investors!
Go away till you have done some actual research! |
I wonder if H is an African graphite miner? |
 Yer we all read the same back in 2022 but then it became a super saturated market and not once has anyone been short and now forecasts show were good till 2035 so no idea why you quote rubbish just show how much demand and supply there was to see we have to much.
In fact a recent price decrease was due to oversupply and now Africa looks to dominate all markets lolol.
But most now want synthetic and you don't have that.
Seriously these forecasts have been so wrong apparently in 2025 were meant to be short but have too much.... Many got it wrong and you can't secure any investment whilst the African graphite triangle gets billions.
No one is predicting a shortage now and solid state is round the corner it's not great for predicting is it.
Simply put are we short of graphite now or for the next decade? Analysts and figures say no chance we now have too much even mines are holding back expansion lolol.
I already posted this but you want to deny actual facts, so Africa S.America and others don't exist!!!!!
Silly boy... |
hxxps:// |
China isn't even the main player anymore and most prefer synthetic......
The market is super saturated with graphite, simply too much. We're all set for the next decade why did you think a country with lower than even 1% of the worlds graphite reserves would get interest over all the countries with ten to thirty % of the reserves.
This is why everyone went to Africa and it's cheaper and easier than Greenland plus trump isn't trying to take over the country lolol.
Rampers would like to avoid this conversation, ask them and watch them cry. Facts are facts there's been and never will be any shortages and we have too much. |
Mozambique, Tanzania, and Madagascar are forecast to produce 47% of new graphite supply in 2025, according to Benchmark’s Natural Graphite Forecast. The growth in supply comes from six mines across the three countries with all but one – Nipepe in Mozambique – currently operational. |
According to Benchmark, with 40% of global supply compared to China's 35%, Africa is expected to overtake China as the world's leading producer of natural graphite by 2026. |
No point having a conversation with a braying mule.... bye. |
Company is %90 on the Ipo, it been an epic loss but here you are promising big grants lolol.
No wonder your that desperate come back when you get a grant of size instead of wish I daily lol |
H. Back on the bog? Not surprised. News of a fat grant can't be far away and you know that, hence your desperation to keep the share price low.
I am not sure you even have a short.... more likely want to buy shares knowing that the funding and a share price jump is coming. |
Funny how your all known ramping idiots who have a host of this type of bad and silly behaviour.
Typical when you lose you can't control your temper so ramp! |