Exactly how it's been for Costa hotels |
Seem sapphire has gone into full ramp mode again, with promises of £6, it didn’t work a year ago when she was doing the same.
She will roll out £1bn profits , even though the company itself states it’s a medium term target (ie. Not this year)
As ever DYOR |
Indeed. The holiday market can't expand indefinitely but there will be winners and losers. Easyjet are expanding by location rapidly now and squeezing the other providers. It's a fact that given booming domestic markets especially Spain, Italy and Portugal that hotels are reluctant to block book at discount. Easyjet are providing the solution and I can see them rapidly increasing market share. It takes a season for the offering to mature. The winter work this year in Egypt and across the winter sun region will deliver big returns next year. Q1 end of this year could deliver a profit which previously I thought impossible. The current Quarter Q2 will always be a loser and this year it's an uphill slog. This time next year the landscape will look very different |
Someone earlier posted about a saturated holiday market, missing the simple logic that if you enter a new market and take market share profitably, it doesn’t matter whether its saturated or not. |
Good news for Easyjet |
After that Q1 update it's just a matter of time |
Good luck holders |
It's a fact that the journey contains all the risk. Look at the risks. Strikes, weather, mechanical issues, Aircraft type risks, crew hours, ATC, delays and disruption. The holiday business is a online dating platform for hotels, clients and the airline. Few costs, few risks. Easyjet have been and remain extremely focused on rapidly building this side of the business. Easyjet has capacity to double, triple or much more the current seat saturation without investing a penny, just reaping 10x the reward. Still the market values easyJet below the exclusively high risk providers It's absolutely clear that these are not first time holidaymakers, many we see were direct bookings with us previously. It's also clear that other providers like Ryanair are losing customers to easyJet.
We'll see it in the commercial performance |
do people in here realise the magnitude of the growth of the easyJet holidays division? It has grown 25% year on year! It is one area where easyJet has an edge over other airlines - it is no longer a one-tick pony and is basically taking ownership of the full leisure holiday sector instead of just a part of it. You want a holiday? You go to Easyjet and select one from their package including the booking accommodation and they arrange everything for you at a competitive price - for a fee of course! |
Where will it go ... ultimately beyond £6 in the near term but there will be plenty of nonsense on the way. |
Next week Tuesday or Wednesday the share price will start to take onboard the Q1 information. We need a couple of quiet days to let the speculative traders pass. |
They're all jumping ship while raising price targets for noobie investors like Sheedy. |
Fall in oil prices is good news |
Thank you Sapph |
You think a 90% full 321 uses the same fuel as a full 319 ? Sending that 321 to Tenerife in the summer when you've battled with all the holiday operators etc is going to change the share price to be like IAGs?. Be prepared to be underwhelmed like the market were. |
Chump who hasn't followed sapphire into loss after loss ?? |
UK Airport expansion is going to give further opportunities for expansion. |
Trying2 I read your last post and it doesn't make any sense at all. Yes of course the new aircraft are more efficient and burn less fuel. |
what a chump T2T. |
We can track the gradual decrease of your share values....The cost of fuel is increasing. The 319 and 321 do not run on the same amount of crew of levels of fuel consumption. You're utter fools to hang on sapphires words. |
The shares are just part of the renumeration package. I would rather they had some shares than cash. |
More free shares given to Directors, have a missed something here as it's stated subject to performance related to announcement in the last update???? |