"I am willing to pay towards legal costs however before I do I would like to know a) what the % chances of legal success is and b) if successful then what is the chance of actually extracting £m's from the robbers"
well that's an easy one to answer
I'd suggest shareholders save what is left of their hard earned and instead splash any no win pay upfront cash on a nice expensive bottle of merlot or drink of their choice to help ease the pain of their losses
why pay any more out and have the lawyers drink it all in
COPL's deluded (better together) action group are being watched ?
User: RBMInvest Date: 21 Apr 2024 06:40 as per Stas’s note, our actions are being watched and there is zero benefit at this stage to over communicate.
some would say a watched pot never boils
4 x visits to the data room with NO bids tells you all you need to know
bwahahahahahahahaha :) |
over 500 (better together) shareholders have registered with Setfords
according to one of the groups leaders they are still in the process of calculating the TOTAL value of shareholders LOSSES but he can confirm that it is BIG
CRIKEY on that basis, I'd say some of COPL's historical and most prolific blue sky triple digit nefarious promoters and now the self anointed saviours of those poor lost souls sure do have a lot of difficult questions to answer ahead of themselves
so what say you now Paul ?
bwahahahahahahahaha :) |
looks like the 'better together' campaigners are still in denial
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User: Stas20 Posts: 6,645 Date: 19 Apr 2024 09:11
Based on the document, the hearing date for objections to the protection orders would be April 24, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Calgary Courts Center, 601 – 5th Street SW, Calgary AB.
To object to the protection orders outlined in the document, we would need to attend this hearing therefore WE MUST
now I might have suggested that Saint Paul the LSE forum doyen and self appointed COPL redeemer jump on a plane and attend in person himself were it not for the FACT that it is ALL OVER
suck it up Stas
bwahahahahahahahahaha :) |
I'm sure you idiots |
88 Energy - DOWN another 10%
it's ANOTHER Paul Abbott (Stas20) nefarious promo to add to his MASSIVE COPL losses
you da man Paul, you da man
bwahahahahahahahaha :) |
88 Energy - 20% DOWN
ANOTHER Paul Abbott (Stas20) MULTI BAG promotion to add to his MASSIVE COPL losses
you da man Paul you da man
bwahahahahahahahaha :) |
Is it all over, I don’t think so |
Totally deluded jacknosePosts: 999Price: 0.0575No OpinionRE: COPLToday 11:47The good thing about this share compared to others like Cineworld is we will successfully get our money back through the courts because of the massive amount of evidence that we have against the perpetrators plus we have the added bonus although successful bid coming in, we may have interest from the previous JV which may occur, would not be surprised |
================================================================================= Stas20 Posted in: COPL Posts: 6,425 Date: 28 Mar 2024 09:06 RE: We've been defrauded - RBM take note
Ryder Scott will have some talking to do, they knew how their numbers were being reported and did nothing, how do I know, I've been in discussion with them in the past and made them aware, they continually argued NDA confidentiality, couldn't talk about clients etc. they will when they are subpoenaed.
Ryder Scott are getting subpoenaed now
you really couldn’t make it up !!!
bwahahahahahahahahahaha :)
PS can someone do me a favour and do a word count over the extended easter weekend so we can monitor just how much time and effort COPL's newly self anointed Saint Paul wastes on his latest nefarious unethical point scoring crusade
ME I'll be out rolling my eggs with the kids
Happy Easter |
When is spas gonna email Harry and Megan to see if they can help
Hee hee |
Stas20 Posts: 6,400 Date: 27 Mar 2024 12:34 RE: CAG Class Action certainly dated correctly, aligns also with the RNS and the dates described in it
I don't think it fake, it would be a huge bit of work if it were, more likely it is leaked, but we do need someone that can interpret it.
I seem to recall LSE's newly self anointed Saint Paul absolutely slating Art at the time for not releasing the Ryder Scott report after Art had himself said (on record) during one of his many promotional videos that there was no point in doing that as the VAST MAJORITY of retail investors wouldn't understand it
and NOW the COPL forum doyen who claims to know everything about absolutely everything is urgently seeking HELP in deciphering it
as you previously mentioned strawberry
you really couldn’t make it up !!!
bwahahahahahahahahahaha :) |
================================================================================== User: Stas20 Posts: 6,396 Date: 27 Mar 2024 09:38 RE: CAG Class Action
I am doing what I can but I need help, its an arduous job finding emails for all these companies
I am sure it is an arduous task for the forums self anointed Saint Paul
but at the end of the day it will be proven to be nothing more than another NEFARIOUS POINT SCORING CRUSADE by the now infamous multi alias forum doyen
you can't pay we'll take it away
bwahahahahahahahahaha :) |
... and still talking shyte Stas20Posts: 6,386Price: 0.0575No OpinionRE: Companies ContactedToday 15:10Yes, whatever is left after creditors paid gets divided by the shareholders |
Those emails all sitting in the spam trap BWAHAHAHA |
It just gets better and better, because Jeremy Hunt hasn't got anything better to do than worry about Canadian oil shares ... You really couldn't make it up PAG1969Posts: 1Price: 0.0575No OpinionCommunication sent to The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt, Chancellor of the ExchequerToday 12:59Fellow investors,I have today written to my constituent MP, The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, asking for representations to be made to the Prime Minister, relevant Secretaries of State, Ministers, The FCA and and the Attorney General. The COPL action group were copied in |
yeah it's a laugh a minute on LSE today
Saint Paul the newly anointed 'better together' forum doyen has sent an email to almost 300 oil and gas companies and is openly encouraging the flock to do the same to highlight the nefarious 'we've been robbed' actions of an unscrupulous BOD whilst simultaneously asking (nae BEGGING) those targeted companies to make a formal stalking horse bid on COPL's billions and billions of dollars worth of assets
here's a couple of observations if I may
1. Shareholders have NOT BEEN ROBBED as quite simply IF someone borrows too much money and cannot pay it back within the defined terms of the agreement the creditors are legally at liberty to take it away at anytime - it's a a bit like a bank repossessing a property when the borrower fails to pay their monthly mortgage payments and runs up a considerable debt that can only be repaid by seizing and selling the property at a DISCOUNTED price (i.e. enough to cover any money owed)
2. COPL's assets are NOT worth the billions and billions and billions of dollars that shareholders seem to think they are - oil in the ground has little value, cents in the dollar is the benchmark
3. FINALLY, since when did industry SERVICE companies have an interest in buying production assets - that practice went out the door years ago (late 90's) when they (the 'service' companies) realised that in doing so (buying acreage or a share in production or thoughts of becoming a producer) they were alienating their bread and butter (the real oil and gas company producers) paying clients who in essence said: if you want to do that we will simply take our business elsewhere AND no service company in the world wanted to take the risk of NOT working for the majors
irrespective of the above facts, Paul will undoubtably carry on with his pointless crusade as I can already start to see all those forum idiots on LSE are getting to really love him again and that's truly important for Paul to have before his next 'got to be in it to win it' multi bag market heist
remember forum reputation is everything when traders are trading in penny stocks as you need the sentiment of the herd and a raft of buyers to drive the price up and get you back out with a nice little profit
buyers and followers of hyper active bloggers beware
Paul Abbott is a multi alias nefarious lying shyster
you only need to see his social media selfies to see that
bwahahahahahahahahaha :) |
You really couldn't make it up ... Shouston Premium MemberPosts: 6,750Price: 0.0575No OpinionRE: My letter to potential newspapers / energy websites and publicationsToday 10:07To: andreas.exarheas@rigzone.comDear Sir/Madam,I wish to provide comment on a story run by yourself COPL Makes Significant Wyoming Oil FindIt would appear that despite this major find the company COPL is now going into administration, there is evidence that the main bondholder Anavio have been shorting the stock on 90 previous occasions since first lending COPL money culminating in a 49% short position 12th Jan 2024. see data from FCA (https://shorttracker.co.uk/manager/anavio-capital-partners-llp/)Shareholders are up in arms strongly suspecting Anavio of an asset grab, using their bond position to drive the share price down 99% since they got involved in COPL. There are suggestions that they have done this before and were fined in Norway previously. COPL was discussing a JV with oil major then it suddenly stopped. Anavio may have pulled the plug when they knew the true value of the assets.Shareholder group have established a website containing some information about the potential illegal activities see https://www.copl-media.comCould Andreas reopen this topic. More info can be gained by contacting coplsharewatch@gmail.com.Thanks for helping to highlight this travesty. |