Deranged attempts. They're ramping people into this court case just like they did with conversations.of Exxon, billions dollar JVs, carbon capture worth 100s of millions
Don't buy the line they just ' followed company info'. The company said they could go bust way into last year and they did. They defaulted a lot. The failed to produce oil a lot. They told everyone there was risk.
They screamed at anyone who mentioned the bonds. They hounded them off LSE. The deranged rabble are palpably guilty of coercion and I can guarantee one thing in life , that a solicitor after their first payment will come back for more of the same from the suckers. |
But it's great fun reading their sad pathetic little posts and losing more cash They deserve it for their arrogance and ignorance |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ User: alfresco 25 Apr 2024 10:56
there are some things that do not look as I expected. I thought we were dealing with Setfords, a firm with a team of 500 lawyers. Admittedly it looks as if it is just an umbrella for work to be put out to individual lawyers rather than a large firm. However, we now seem to be employing Carlton Elleker Chase, a company with 2 directors, Joel Barry and Michael Cotter. The company changed name from Barry Legal to the current name last month, and did have a winding up order last year which was cancelled. The company's registered office is a residential house in Richmond, Surrey, and the address on the emails (misspelt) is in a building in Lodon EC4 where there are more than 200 companies using this address.
as you can imagine I have some reservations about us all jointly handing them 150,000 GBP, as this legal practice seems to have been set up last month, probably just for this claim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
as I was saying
"the ONLY REAL winners in this rather pointless (better together) saintly crusade will be RBM's NEW BEST MATE Cotter and his enlarged legal team"
it would seem there is no end in sight to the amount of cash some of those nefarious sweet talking faceless bloggers want to extract from those 500 in number better together gullible believers
take it from me
there is no case to answer
there will be no money coming back
Not content with losing 100% of their cash on this share the clueless losers are now considering stumping more cash for legal fees
You gotta larf at those losing over 100% of their cash
"I am willing to pay towards legal costs however before I do I would like to know a) what the % chances of legal success is and b) if successful then what is the chance of actually extracting £m's from the robbers"
well that's an easy one to answer
I'd suggest shareholders save what is left of their hard earned and instead splash any no win pay upfront cash on a nice expensive bottle of merlot or drink of their choice to help ease the pain of their losses
why pay any more out and have the lawyers drink it all in
COPL's deluded (better together) action group are being watched ?
User: RBMInvest Date: 21 Apr 2024 06:40 as per Stas’s note, our actions are being watched and there is zero benefit at this stage to over communicate.
some would say a watched pot never boils
4 x visits to the data room with NO bids tells you all you need to know
bwahahahahahahahaha :) |
over 500 (better together) shareholders have registered with Setfords
according to one of the groups leaders they are still in the process of calculating the TOTAL value of shareholders LOSSES but he can confirm that it is BIG
CRIKEY on that basis, I'd say some of COPL's historical and most prolific blue sky triple digit nefarious promoters and now the self anointed saviours of those poor lost souls sure do have a lot of difficult questions to answer ahead of themselves
so what say you now Paul ?
bwahahahahahahahaha :) |
looks like the 'better together' campaigners are still in denial
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User: Stas20 Posts: 6,645 Date: 19 Apr 2024 09:11
Based on the document, the hearing date for objections to the protection orders would be April 24, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Calgary Courts Center, 601 – 5th Street SW, Calgary AB.
To object to the protection orders outlined in the document, we would need to attend this hearing therefore WE MUST
now I might have suggested that Saint Paul the LSE forum doyen and self appointed COPL redeemer jump on a plane and attend in person himself were it not for the FACT that it is ALL OVER
suck it up Stas
bwahahahahahahahahaha :) |
I'm sure you idiots |
88 Energy - DOWN another 10%
it's ANOTHER Paul Abbott (Stas20) nefarious promo to add to his MASSIVE COPL losses
you da man Paul, you da man
bwahahahahahahahaha :) |
88 Energy - 20% DOWN
ANOTHER Paul Abbott (Stas20) MULTI BAG promotion to add to his MASSIVE COPL losses
you da man Paul you da man
bwahahahahahahahaha :) |
Is it all over, I don’t think so |
Totally deluded jacknosePosts: 999Price: 0.0575No OpinionRE: COPLToday 11:47The good thing about this share compared to others like Cineworld is we will successfully get our money back through the courts because of the massive amount of evidence that we have against the perpetrators plus we have the added bonus although successful bid coming in, we may have interest from the previous JV which may occur, would not be surprised |
================================================================================= Stas20 Posted in: COPL Posts: 6,425 Date: 28 Mar 2024 09:06 RE: We've been defrauded - RBM take note
Ryder Scott will have some talking to do, they knew how their numbers were being reported and did nothing, how do I know, I've been in discussion with them in the past and made them aware, they continually argued NDA confidentiality, couldn't talk about clients etc. they will when they are subpoenaed.
Ryder Scott are getting subpoenaed now
you really couldn’t make it up !!!
bwahahahahahahahahahaha :)
PS can someone do me a favour and do a word count over the extended easter weekend so we can monitor just how much time and effort COPL's newly self anointed Saint Paul wastes on his latest nefarious unethical point scoring crusade
ME I'll be out rolling my eggs with the kids
Happy Easter |
When is spas gonna email Harry and Megan to see if they can help
Hee hee |
Stas20 Posts: 6,400 Date: 27 Mar 2024 12:34 RE: CAG Class Action certainly dated correctly, aligns also with the RNS and the dates described in it
I don't think it fake, it would be a huge bit of work if it were, more likely it is leaked, but we do need someone that can interpret it.
I seem to recall LSE's newly self anointed Saint Paul absolutely slating Art at the time for not releasing the Ryder Scott report after Art had himself said (on record) during one of his many promotional videos that there was no point in doing that as the VAST MAJORITY of retail investors wouldn't understand it
and NOW the COPL forum doyen who claims to know everything about absolutely everything is urgently seeking HELP in deciphering it
as you previously mentioned strawberry
you really couldn’t make it up !!!
bwahahahahahahahahahaha :) |