I would be willing to join the fun again Ryan as I, perhaps small to some, but I had about £1k in here at the death. |
Id be interested in taking this further. Im sure if a few of us holders got together we would have more clout and it would not cost as much. Holders here have already lost enough. |
not as far as i know |
Did anyone look into this? |
Nick nack , agree totally with you , if there is any evidence regarding dumping of shares by Ryan prior to suspension then that is an illegal move by him and he can be persued through the courts , all one needs is concrete evidence , there are no shortage of lawyers who would thake this up on a no fee win basis , so worth looking into ! |
Two shares recommended to be my City eqwitties (spelt wrong on purpose) are ZIM (now VVM) at 20p now delisted and Appian at 6.5p now suspended. Only poorly funded and managed companies use this company for funding. Personal opinion stay clear of their recomendations. Others I know of are Cybit (CYH) Pentagon Protection. Does anyone have any 'winners'. |
Also, re Ratstamper's interesting snippet re Ryan's shares - why have you not made an official complaint to FSA? It would seem to be the next best step - despite FSA's obvious limitations. |
Anyone know if there will be any payout at all now that the company's in admin?
Also, how did the Directors fare? Better than the por shareholders no doubt! |
this might get the stock going a bit |
Is anyone of the opinion that Pat Ryan took this down deliberately? Did APN really have a cats chance of surviving based on so called record revenues? What was the real reason for the failure of the company? Was it the fact that they ran out of cash and the banks refused to lend due to the credit crunch. Or were they always a busted flush and we just got sucked in to the press releases claiming they were wonderful??? |
I am interested in taken any action as I lost money here and I feel Pat Ryan is as corrupt as they come. |
and to think Ryan had the audacity to ring me up and berate me for comments I made on here about him.
An incompetent dreamer IMHO. If only I had recognised it before it was too late. |
hi Ratstamper,
interesting enough i have heard this as well. from some one who was close to it at the time. Unfortunatley its nothing i can prove or disprove either. but the information should be available somewhere! it might be worth investigating |
As people seem still interested in this thread they might also like to know that I am informed a report sent to Appian creditors stated the chairman's (Mr Ryan's) shareholding in Appian at the time it went into administration was zero, or nil shares.
Now, if this is true, and I make no assertions that it is due to having no actual evidence to hand myself (only word of mouth)... then what happened to all those shares he owned beforehand and especially the ones he brought as part of the last fund raising effort - barely a few months prior?
I really hope my source is wrong on this, maybe someone 'more in the know' can clarify the situation as I would gladly have what I was told proven in-accurate... |
Not until the IR deem it as negligible value. They hadn't done so at 28th February. |
As this is in Administration can it be treated as a tax loss for CGT purposes? |
Mred , forget the FSA, they are a bunch of big girls with small b*lls . |
FSA do not seem interested.
Im sure something can be done here as this is no less than fraud!
How many holders here lost money on Appian???
This was the email I recieved the day of suspension...
Dear ........
Thank you for your email. The trading was suspended in order to investigate the drop in a share price. According to our management explanation another company with trading name APN from Australia have sold their shares thus the misunderstanding.
Management team assured that company is still moving forward and trying to raise the funds.
Best Regards
ermmmmm |
What is happening regarding the obvious insider trading that went on here on the day of suspension - clearly info was leaked then pis were sucked in on false info being given out directly by the company. Has anyone taken this up with the FSA? |
or taking the PIs LOL |
not that inept clearly...draw good salaries and perks and can wind the business up when it suits and start again under another name....def taking the pi*s though |
Wasn't there some bloke on this bb who said the shares would only be suspended for a few days. Who was that guy? |
Aim , and dodgy company directors....says it all really , this is the acceptable face of capitalism for some , perfectly legal but stinks of inept people taking the p*ss! |
how can they be allowed to get away with this?? The directors are probably still employed in the new company? |