a good few weeks for price momentum into that news to build then, I guess,, we shall see :-) :-),,, hands up!!! - the 30K at 5 was me too :-) :-) GLA Cheers Wan :-) |
Yeah presumably the official launch will be March. Then we get to see if the world is interested. I think the product looks good, but I've no idea if they've accurately assessed the markets needs for collaborative editing and lets just say their past attempts at selling ANYTHING have been poor. Interesting Adobe just launched collaborative picture editing though. |
Bird needs to shake its feathers Q1, mind that might expose it as a dodo and we know what happened to them! |
2sp I'm sure the Zinc circuit will get installed as cashflow is now very much positive (as they held back Capex to contain outflows)....it pays for itself very quickly. |
Well that 30k finally moved it |
free stock charts from uk.advfn.com
somewhere around here it might well be forming a bottom I suppose!!!
indeed Bumpa :-) LOL :-) |
“Come on BIRD, let’s be havin’ ya!” to paraphrase Delia :) |
30K at 5 taken,,, so,, where are you seller :-) :-) |
"the intention for the Gilar ore is to double treat the ore. First through AL as it is gold rich and getting gold into dore is preferable to getting gold in concentrate. Then through the flotation plant as its rich in copper as well and you try not to get the copper out in the AL plant as its expensive on reagents."
Makes perfect sense to me. Gold credits from Copper conc. sales fetch ~75% of the dore price. And the now matching capacities of AL & flot. means all the ore [HL aside] can go through both processes.
Hope installing the zinc circuit is given a high priority. A lot of reward for v. modest investment. |
hmmmm Now only quoting exactly at 5 for 33k, 10k and 5k size Only an attempt at a chunky buy will settle it. I'll let someone else be guinea pig. |
oops, crossed posts!!! |
another 35K taken, sub 5,,,, could be about to move up now.....,,, alas I don't pay for L2, so I cannot see LOL LOL LOL |
:D I've been in and out multiple times on BIRD. Was thinking the lowest entry point would come middle of Feb but might have misjudged it. Hard to say yet. Stock available under 5 still decreasing, but will the seller re-emerge? |
now where's that ssb chap when you need him LOL LOL :-) :-) |
LOL :-),,, indeed,,, but, all the share price needs is the faintest whiff of it :-) :-)
with no mention of how, why, what it will do or how long it'll take to implement......... :-) LOL :-)
might go off like the rocket cv19 vaccine/test stocks we saw not so long ago!!!
who knows,,, I've taken a punt LOL LOL
Cheers Wan :-) |
Anyone know of any actual legit AI plays in the UK? |
Blackbird to do AI?
with their timelines it’ll be Ancient Intelligence… |
$200m for me please JB2 |
Thanks jbravo for filling me in on areas I am lacking in knowledge. Very useful. |
Thank you both for the very informative posts. It’s clear that Gilar ore Au content, is at least double that of Gadebek (Zone 4 first target) so if they process equally and simultaneously, then a 2:1 output ratio ties in nicely with forecast. Obviously staff deployment and utilisation also come into this as well as logistical capability from Gilar, but if the ratio was initially geared in favour of Gilar, output figures would improve dramatically. |
![](/p.php?pid=profilepic&user=jbravo2) A few things to partially address some questions. From the best of my understanding.
As far as I understand it all, the capacitites of the plants were (ball park figures) 750-800kt/yr for the AL plant and 500kt/yr flotation. The flotation plant has now been upgraded so that it can treat as much as the AL plant. (It hasn't had the zinc circuit added yet as that was put on hold as we suspended ops)
Again, as I understand it, that's because the intention for the Gilar ore is to double treat the ore. First through AL as it is gold rich and getting gold into dore is preferable to getting gold in concentrate. Then through the flotation plant as its rich in copper as well and you try not to get the copper out in the AL plant as its expensive on reagents.
Yes 2sp I noticed the drop in SART and am not sure of why yet. I suspect it's because the plant is already set up to in series processing and so little is left in the ore by the time it gets to SART. I don't think SART would ever be put first. Part of its remit is to recycle/reclaim cyanide and it can't do that if cyanide hasn't been "used" on the ore first. It's hard to say when we're not in steady state with lots of things.
eg of another peculiarity I noticed... the grade dug out of the open pit has shot back up. I presume that's because the tonnage is much lower and we cherry picked but I have no certainty. Or have we found another sweet spot for say another 10k ounces? I'm not sure. Nice though.
There are a few questions around technicalities which I will ask when I next get chance but they're not very interesting except to nerds like me. |
A while since i looked into this but expect little has changed.
"Will they process [Gilar and Gedabek] both simultaneously" Yes. Gilar ore cannot be extracted fast enough to max out the plant.
In terms of GE output, i think the projection for 2025, 75k-oz-GE was close to 50k-oz GE from Gilar; 25k-oz from Gedabek.
Albeit a delay to Gilar KO, that 75k-oz-GE may not drop much. As above post, AAZ have demonstrated they can still extract a fair lot from their old mines, at least over a few months. Gilar will be decidedly superior [unless a crushing disappointment - no pun] but over a few months Gedabek can likely produce at say 1/2 Gadir. |
ah, ok, thanx jb2, Cheers Wan :-) |