SPAngel $141m jbravo2 $225m michaelfenton $199m 11_percent $187m 2cmb $219m Hoorah Henry $203m Henwii $239m gutterhead $229m digger18 $180m goldrush $155m Touche $182m bleepy $249m Foetus in your brain $230m Cybernest53 $195m IamBV $257m baddeal $179m aosullivan $164m wanobi $191m Riggerbeautz $213m |
Gilar underground development is ongoing with the team expecting first development ore to be accessed 1Q25, a slight delay on the previous target of 4Q24.⢠FY25 guidance will be provided in 1Q25.For this reason I'm going to say 164$ |
Libero top of the charthtTps:// |
Oh' you will do well with your buy of Libero Copper. The Germans will be buying. Then later on sale to a major. AAZ will also make profit from their investment. |
Well Wan' I personally think AAZ will be making over $200m. You are below that and you won't win the pint 😭. Gilar ore being processed currently,Demirli to start shortly, Demirli drilling done . It will contribute quite a bit towards the $200m. Watch this space. Also the Breakaway Gap is not going to get filled. Currently AAZ has a debit of only $10.8m. It is nothing to be concerned about. They may borrow to get all the Mines working at soon as possible. A loan from Bank and the dividend installed will do wonders for the shareprice. My estimate is around £2 this year. Sleep well.🥱ԅ40; |
Key figures that will drive the reinstatement of dividends, best guess H1-2026, payable in H2-2026..? or could it be as early as a dividend for FY-2025..?
Debt of USD21.5M Cash of USD6.7M Net debt of USD14.8M Unsold inventory of USD4.0M Net debt inc inventory USD10.8M
How soon can we turn that around into a cash positive, we will be scaling up somewhat from Q1 this quarter, BUT still have Gilar expenses and start-up CAPEX at Demirli, then Zafer.. |
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I have been buying these jeanesy,,, not many,, just a couple of batches to keep an eye/interest on/in it and only because of the new blokes interest in it :-)
I had to open a new ii account to buy it mind you,,,, HL don't offer it!!
Cheers Wan :-) |
Aha, just seen JB2 offering a free pint on the main thread, well lets have a go at $213m then. |
if I am permitted to join in jb2, please put me down for $191m,,, thanx :-)
lower than I hope,,, but, based on commodity prices easing a bit.... |
2cmb16 Jan '25 - 07:28 - 72569 of 72621
Your welcome. No, I’ve done what I have done for a while now. Sat on my hands. For circumstances beyond my control I’ve not had time to sit and watch shares so elected to hang onto AAZ instead. |
I'm in at usd179 ? for 2025 |
apols jeanesy, I did not buy any today....
or sell any :-) :-)
Cheers Wan :-) |
Perhaos unsurprisingly, investors with experience of AAZ are more bullish than the broader market and/or the Nomad. Market attitidue, as expressed in the share price, seems to remain one of 'will believe it if/as/when I start to see it in the reported data' & I guess that is to be expected since I've always long believed that it takes a helluva long time to get a good reputation and very little time to completely erode all that and be viewed as having a bad reputation.
We just have to get back on-track in terms of consistently delivering 'to plan' and reporting 'to plan' & start to re-build that reputation. |
Well, my estimate, based on a gold price 60 percent up on 2020 and the increase in plant at Gedabek to cope with Gilar ore as well as just 12m dollars from Demirli is 257m dollars. I can't really believe it, but that is what I've come up with and I think I'm erring on the low side.Anyway I'm glad to be up to my neck in this little adventure!BV |
@ Jb My estimate I meant as slightly more conservative, relative to yours. 😉 A more positive outcome, which I don't discount, depending on copper and precious metals maintaining their current trend and quiet peaceable neighbours, should exceed even your estimate! 😁 |
I’d been doing similar throughout last year Jeanesy, any profits made elsewhere have pretty much gone in AAZ in ISA/SIPP trading accounts. Just have a feeling P.M’s may have a temporary pause once Trump is settled in; just short term at least. |
That's good to hear :) |
SPAngel $141m jbravo2 $225m michaelfenton $199m 11_percent $187m 2cmb $219m Hoorah Henry $203m Henwii $239m gutterhead $229m digger18 $180m goldrush $155m Touche $182m bleepy $249m Foetus in your brain $230m Cybernest53 $195m
:D It's not conservative vs SPA cyber. I've added them to the list. Mind, even then it does feel slightly churlish of me to mock them for "guessing" only a c.40% uplift on our record year. |
Yep, the price on gold and copper are pretty bonkers now. Absolutely minting it. |
Gold in pretty much every fiat currency, other than US$, now printing new ATH's. It will do so on US$ soon enough ... a pattern we keep seeing being repeated over and over. |
I've been a buyer too jb/jeanesy ... not as many as that but, like you, keep adding as the sellers oblige. |
Jb please put me down for a slightly more conservative $195m. Thanks 😎 GLA 👍 |