As I've said before the serious fraud department. and the regulators need to get together and have a look at this company and what's going on. |
As I've said before the serious fraud department. and the regulators need to get together and have a look at this company and what's going on. |
As I've said before the serious fraud department. and the regulators need to get together and have a look at this company and what's going on. |
MiningLamp; it's all very well trying to raise finance in a non-dilutive way but to do this the project ideally needs proven substance otherwise the financing deal you end up with will cost AYM and Parys Mt specifically dearly.
I too am perplexed with the apparent radio silence from Energold. I understand the driving force behind Energold is sadly in failing health so perhaps this is one reason why that avenue hasn't been more proactive. Energold, with >20% holding (need to check whether this is still the case after the latest financing?) could, if they wish, have Board representation. |
Cannot understand the silence from this outfit.
They increased their stake in Grangesberg but since no idea what is going on there, the new CEO seems to have no understanding that news is the lifeblood of AIM and seems to have gone into hiding.
The former CEO stated that the aforementioned project could be sold, spun out, JV'ed or listed he encouraged AYM to pursue one of these avenues when he departed but as we all know nothing has happened at all.
My view is they are desperately trying to secure funding in a non dilutive manner, they have to accept that shafting shareholders via death spiral placings is not the way ahead.
You also have to question Energold who own 22%, surely they cannot be happy with the value destruction that has occurred here.
The next few months will be very interesting ! |
They need to sell their assets, then maybe shareholders might be able to get their money back 👍 |
Determined, I’m very aware the company just can’t “dream up” news but they could actually do something to generate news instead of, as you correctly point out, continuously raising finance at lower and lower prices to pay their wages. |
Management can't just dream up "news" to satisfy investors.
This company has ground along at less than a snail's pace for 30 or so years, and will continue to do so for another 30 if investors keep supporting it, which it seems they will at ever deceasing prices in a death spiral.
Why would anyone remain here when producing gold mines are shooting up in value daily as the gold price hikes?
IF (and it's a huge IF) AYM ever starts to generate positive news and actually moves toward production there will be plenty of opportunities to buy back in.
Surely that's better than simply funding the director's ifestyle and watching your own money fritter away due to the number of placings at lower and lower prices? |
I think your correct kenny, which is very unfortunate. I believe with the right team this could be pushed in the right direction but the longer this death spiral goes on, and we are well on it now, the harder it will be to recover, irrespective who is at the helm.
The latest CEO, Rob Marsden, has been in the job since April last year, after 3+ months of no proper figurehead, and I reckon he thought he could turn this around with his technical credentials. He has had one of the biggest wake-up calls imaginable!
However, it is the lack of news on a regular basis which is destroying this company. You can't really blame the PR company because they rely on news from the company to disseminate, although I suppose they could urge management to get their fingers out of their bums and try to be a little bit more proactive.
All in all, its a tad sad ! |
I honestly think this is one to avoid now Buttyboy .. the placings have diluted so much that the share in issue now are ridiculous and what have investors ever got back for that money .. a series of failed CEO’S taking money for next to nothing . It just looks like a scam now imho. |
kenny, yes, sorry my error; FFS (fat finger syndrome)! 0.5p is what i mean't. |
Buttyboy .. 5p ? Do you mean 0.5p ? Nearly worthless now and for good reason |
Let's face it. who wants to buy the shares. with a billion lbs worth of possible product. s product sitting there. All the infrastructure in mainly.. The government. needs these precious metals. Local councils. and the Welsh government want the jobs. The local people. all in favour. Why would somebody want to buy these shares? Possibly the regulators will be interested in buying a few at a bargain price, knowing in a few years time, if not less, the company is going to be worth a fortune.. Is this corruption at its best? |
I doubt if the next placing will fail, Kenny; the stalwart brokers will fix the pricing at less than 5p and the stock issued from the raise will have been pre-sold; this trick never fails when a company such as this is in free fall. |
My money is on the next placing failing and the company de-listing 🤷a94;️ |
I take back my previous post about next fundraise being at 0.5p. With the current speed of S.P. deceleration, they may have trouble getting even that. My money’s on 0.4p now. Hopefully enough to pay the leccy bill and the golf club fees. |
Pigeons; you certainly have not offended me!!
calmtrader; "with Andrew's help he can get this done". Well, is there a time frame on this because as this Rob/Andrew liaison strolls on the money depletes. Just remember one more thing; the long-awaited PFS was supposed to be delivered last quarter of last year!! |
I don't normally get involved in this sort of trivia.. But I've just seen so much going on. with AYM over recent years. that I had to finally say something. I apologise to anybody I may have offended. |
We can all see that the. Masonic. corruption. is coming to an end 20 years. I would say at the most because WM are going to control. things and I think the first thing we'll do is shut down. this society which is no longer good for purpose
Completely disagree he knows exactly what's required and with Andrew's help i'm confident they can get it done...he is very well connected and not shy on speaking to the right people for guidance if required |
calmtrader; Rob Marsden could be an effective CEO if he had his support team ("advisors") to spearhead his efforts where they need to be. To try and micro-manage a company with AYM's upside by a technical boffin with little or no actual corporate experience is only going to end up ONE way. |
Butty you are agreeing with everything I say. You know the same as I do that. the private investor will not get up and vote them off because they do not have the votes. This ship is now being run by a big boy in the background who's. brought different people in over the last number of years. to cloud all the issues.DElisted us so the regulators can't see what they're doing. I've seen this many times over many years. and it's time that the regulators were brought. to book Too many people incapable of doing jobs and getting paid too much In the past, you had to know what you were talking about, or prove yourself over a number of years that you were capable of keeping THERE job and do. your best for the company. |
Why do you all think Rob is incapable of being an effective CEO? |
 Pigeons, you are off on an irrelevant tangent here with your Masonic and other views; however, I know your frustrations. The CEO, albeit a very competent independent engineer, is not qualified to do his current role; certainly not without a competent team support; BUT his salary etc is contractual so on this front and other "observations" of yours, to call in the SFO is a mute point. Look at the SFO's track record with the likes of ENRC and their operations in the DRC; after 10+ years they lost the case to the tune of over £100m (tax payer expense).
If you want to be constructive then shareholders can vote for his removal from his post as CEO and then the Company can appoint someone who has a 'natural fit' with the investment community and Mr Marsden could perhaps work as part of the aforementioned competent team (perhaps as COO). However, to remove him might be problematical because the likes of Zeus Cap (formerly WH Ireland) wish to have a puppet they can control via strings and therefore bringing someone in who is competent and independent in this regard will not fit their agenda. Remember, the former CEO Jo Battershill, the current interim Chairman and the 'movers and shakers' at former WHI were all in the same camp; this sums it up and until this is altered AYM is stuck in limbo. Just wait for the pending fund raise!! |