Buttyboy .. trust me .. Trader465 and I are very different individuals ! We just seem to have come to the same conclusion on this share .. a share we were both invested in some time ago and still hover in case anything does actual happen with it. |
April 2023 there was a resource estimate for the first time...this will likely be added to with the infilling drilling included to firm up some more inferred to indicated category.So a good place to start if you want to look at what is there....under ground.hTTps://www.angleseymining.co.uk/parys-mountain-resource-update/But we do need to be given a timeframe for a PFS so others are not tempted to just make it up. |
In fact since you started posting here exactly a year ago you have been responsible for 20% of all posts Butty...It isn't obvious you have better things to do...and have much of a life.It's also unclear from your previous posts whether you actually hold any shares.I seem to remember too you thought it was an open cast project ..nothing like doing your homework. |
You may suggest nothing as you know nothing about me...or this company to be frank.I never asked how many shares you own as it goes...merely whether you are in fact a shareholder and when you invested..not exactly a tricky one surely even for you.The rest of what i ask was why are you a shareholder as you seem to have no faith in the assets or the management...which i would have thought was a requirement for anyone invested here.Your defensive tone is rather familiar and your suggestion that others might be multiple accounts and that you might post under other accounts on other shares speaks volumes.I spend far less time on this board than you ...so in terms of getting a life i would say that should be where you start and question your motivation in investing here and spreading negative views and in particular making up that the company promised to produce a PFS last year as i think that is simply not true.Chin chin. |
I have noticed recently how a number of companies have stated their projects are up for sale at the right price, why not take advantage of booming commodity prices.
There has never been a better time for Anglesey to sell Parys Mountain or their stake in Grangesberg, if a sale happened it would deliver value many multiples of current levels.
Stranger things have happened !! |
I am also waiting for a response to your posting"...get the PFS completed, as previously promised by October last year."I asked you to evidence this ...you did not reply. It's one thing posting that they failed to deliver what was promised less so to evidence it ..i guess. |
I also notice you only post on this company ..often with nothing at all original to contribute . Is your investment portfolio over concentrated in this minnow if you have no other boards to contribute to? Or are you just another non holder that likes trolling this board? |
Janet and John level but thanks for pointing out the bleeding obvious...again! |
kooba; the value of in-situ metals in the ground is one thing; economically extracting them is another. Ideally, to achieve the latter you have to, pardon the pun, do your groundwork and do do this you need a coherent management team who are all aligned; you also need working capital. If you don't have the former then the latter is not going to be forthcoming. This is one reason the share price continues to fall.
Secondly, essentially you have two kinds of investors, (1) institutional and (2) retail. The actions of mainly the latter give you the much needed liquidity so you will have people buying in and making 20-30% profit and selling and so on. For this model to work in an ideal way the comments in the first paragraph have to be noted. |
The underlying price of the metals that we have in the ground has a huge impact on the economics of extracting it and making profits from the exercise. Ignoring the value of the recoverable metals is very naïve in terms of evaluating the underlying value of the business. As to loads of buyers in at .6p ..rather daft they touched that level very briefly....some just don't seem to want the inherent value of the assets here recognised and seem far happier when the price is weak so they can moan more.The pace of progress here is indeed disappointing.. very much down to the funds available..but the underlying value of the project has not changed as the price has declined ( even allowing for dilution) the the potential value per share is very well ahead of where they trade and i would be delighted if that was recognised, not blab about hyping and when punters are going to dump..a strange thing to say if you are indeed a holder. |
Look at the chart above, bet each time it's gone on a run a cash raise has happened. Chart shows those peaks are getting lower and lower..... |
Buttyboy, yep.
Unfortunately, one or two folk here seem to think that a rise in price on the metal exchange should have any bearing on AYM’s S.P. It doesn’t. Those who wish it did, would be better off putting their money into a miner who actually mines. |
How many bought at 0.6p you ask, kooba?? Well I would say quite a few if you look back on trades not that long ago. A lot was sold around this price which meant someone bought them.
Some might have originally purchased shares for the longer-term holds but those who bought north of 2p aren't going to be very happy now, are they?
The shares are being hyped to get some liquidity right now so we should expect a smallish funding to keep the lights on with efforts being concentrated on getting that much needed non-dilutive funding. |
Copper futures climbed after Trump signed an executive action directing the Commerce Department to examine possible tariffs on the metal |
How many bought at .6p i wonder as an example...likely none. |
Some might just invest for the promise of a far better long term outcome of course and not just punt for fractions of pennies.Those trying to trade in micro caps with wide % spreads are not on a good wicket. Not sure everyone looks at things the same way ! |
The problem there, MiningLamp, is knowing when to call the 'lows' and the 'highs'. Someone who bought AYM at 0.6p and are satisfied with a 30% profit will sell at approx 0.8p but if the greed factor kicks in then they might wait another day or so on the possibility of it going higher but the price drops and they go into a tantrum. Likewise with missing the lows. If your a retail investor, which the vast majority of the liquidity here is, then set your own parameters and don't budge from them. |