I can't disagree Louise, Thatcher solved one problem by causing another, Blair made it worse with PFI and going to war on a lie. Brown sold all our gold to save the world, then successive Tory lunatics did nothing. Who was thd last good PM? Really struggling with that one. The UK is in decline, really tough whoever is in power. |
Once the country is better off conservatives will sell off everything claiming free market, same old story doesn't work as look at how country is now 11 years of labour. 40 years of conservative, yet you blame Rachael thieves in 7 months. Hypocrisy |
I think you're delusional if you think that .Your point on pm if Tory toff was there he do the same as he's told from USA . It seems this board is a bunch of Tory Toffees. |
Uk is a country with capitalism but dividedSociety, socialism will rule. |
dof: thanks by I did post that? |
 Well said Tim.
To sustain our "economy" Thatcher and those who followed employed high interest rates to keep the value of the pound high, meaning consumer products could be imported cheaply to fuel our consumer economy.
This decimated our own industrial base, but economists said it's ok because those jobs are low paid, whilst also causing our own companies to outsource production by building factories in China where labour was even cheaper.
They said those "low paid" UK jobs would be be replaced by higher paid high tech jobs, but in reality people left to go to Australia or the USA or languished on slum estates for decades.
Then came the housing boom, and the mortgage backed securities fiasco and subprime ninja crash which killed northern rock and dozens of banks and brought in 15 years of the QE.money tree.
Now we have unsustainable debt, two tier judiciary, diabolical birth rate, mass immigration, and a PM who thinks he is Churchill and wants to invade Poland, I mean Ukraine, and rejoin the EU.
The UK is finished |
dofmeister, it has been orthodox economic policy of the British Treasury and Bank of England for decades that running persistent trade deficits is perfectly sustainable, the counterpart being that we sell the family silver to the Chinese in exchange for the rubbish that we buy from them. But selling one’s entire energy infrastructure, heavy industry (critical for military supplies etc) and technology sector to the likes of the Chinese is beyond madness - it’s suicidal. The same applies in the labour market. Exactly the same neoliberal nonsense has been peddled in the US and it is high time this ideology is reversed. |
Yes, thanks. But the idea that Rachel Thieves of accounts understands supply side economics and international competitiveness is pushing it some. |
Well written article about issues discussed here. |
PP, Qazmoly was being funded by Amrita as at the last set of accounts it’s still controlled by the Assaubayevs. |
The board must be looking forwards to RNS |
Gold prices for last 2 months on average 200 dollars an ounce higher since plant commission assumed production of 12000/13000 oz how much extra profit not factored in since RNS . |
Surely unrelated business even if owned by the boss? |
Tim, its always been as an extra potential, and as a shareholder of course I'm interested in anything that can viably increase shareholder value.
Just as a side issue when Kemin changed their name to Qazmoly Limited in Qazmoly Ltd. latest account I could find to year end December 2023 it mentions that a production license was obtained for Drozhilovskoye and the Smirnovskoye license was extended to May 2025. With regards Drozhilovskoye it mentions in the February 2024 the company obtained the relevant license approvals for the period to 7th December 2034.
Of interest (to me anyway), within those accounts it refers to being predominantly funding by Amrita Investment Limited incorporated in British Virgin Island, ultimately controlled by the Assaubayev family, where its suggested there is Board representation |
Yes, the key point is that family members have expertise and connections beyond gold, and it might be perverse not to exploit that for profit should opportunities arise. Having said that, I trust the family to do what is best for shareholders, I’m just curious to know what our future holds. And I’m not that bothered whether they do or don’t diversify! As I say, I trust their judgement. |
Take it up with Companies House Dof as it only has shareholding as of June 2020.
I have deleted a paragraph in my post though, so thanks for the input.
Still a red herring though isn't it? My comments were and always have been about interest in REM and Uranium? Does it change the following:
"It just illustrated that Sanzhar Assaubayev has been interested with REM's, as he has with Uranium and no doubt still has contacts."
I've posted the Kemin data because it has details of the mineral resource.
I would be interested who now owns the license for Drozhilovskoye
Companies succeed companies fail, nothing new there? |
Utter rubbish PP. The 88% controlling party of Kemin was Bergfolk Corp, owned by the Assaubayevs. You do spout a load of nonsense on here. |
They delisted, like many of the AIM shares, but what's pertinent was what they were looking for? In the end Kemin could not find a nominated advisor.
Interesting really as at one time its name was Altyngold Limited.
It just illustrated that Sanzhar Assaubayev has been interested with REM's, as he has with Uranium and no doubt still has contacts.
Uramin a Canadian company was sold to Areva for I believe $2.5billion (US$7.75 per share) although they later thought they'd overpaid, as uranium prices plummeted then but it is what it is. |
Tim, you don't really want to know that, they de-listed Kemin..... |
And Kryptonite!
Oil and gas prices are falling which is great for energy consuming industries like mining.
Gold prices had a little wobble earlier today but recovered, and silver is flying. Trump again repeated his golden era statement, not sure what to read into that from the man who loves gold. |
Didn’t know that, interesting. |
Dof: Sanzhar Assaubayev has already been involved in Rare Earth Minerals via Kemin Resources and also uranium via Uramin? So it's not patronising him and I'm sure he wouldn't see it as such? |
I take your point. But isn’t it reasonable for investors to know what their long term strategy might be? It has no bearing on the short to medium term. But if AA is willing to say at the AGM that he envisages a strategic relationship with TT, he might also have thoughts about whether he is open to mining other commodities? Not committed, but willing to consider. |