For those unwise enough to not attend the UK Investor Show 2014 here is the full video of Ben Edelman’s presentation and the Q&A that followed. I found it compelling watching.
If you wish to attend UK Investor 2015 which will have even more fireworks and takes place on April 18 2015 in Westminster you can book your ticket now with an early bird booking discount of 50%.
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Can,t wait for all this to come out in the wash and believe you me it will.Tom do you really understand the BLNX model because Ben don,t.
And i hope all Blinkx investors don,t forget about the last couple of months for a very long time to come.Once the shorts have gone then the share price will go north and certain people will look very very silly .
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Can,t wait for all this to come out in the wash and believe you me it will.Tom do you really understand the BLNX model because Ben don,t.
And i hope all Blinkx investors don,t forget about the last couple of months for a very long time to come.Once the shorts have gone then the share price will go north and certain people will look very very silly .