In the current economic climate it can seem that getting the most out of your money is an uphill struggle. Faced with rising energy and fuel bills, relatively high levels of inflation, low returns on savings and a stagnating property market, it can seem that making even a meagre return on an investment is an impossible task. Indeed for some, the aim now may be to make a return of investment rather than a return on investment.
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With more established investment vehicles both underperforming due to costs and underwhelming in terms of performance, it is no wonder that more and more investors are looking at new ways to invest and to actually take control of their own financial dealings. Financial spread betting or trading using Contracts for Difference (CFDs) could provide that control. Trading these products gives access to a much greater range of markets with much more ease than through a traditional broker, fund manager or ISA. All the market information you need is provided in real time allowing you to monitor your positions and act instantly to any situation.
With Gekko Global Market’s new TradeHub® dealing platform, the control is placed even more firmly in the hands of the individual. You have the ability to choose between trading global stocks, world indices, interest rates and FX instruments. Alternatively you could open a position on US Light Crude Oil or on Gold. The choice is yours. You can build up a portfolio to reflect your strategy, your aims, and your chosen risk level.
Avoid paying Stamp Duty and Capital Gains Tax *
Unlike some other providers in the market, Gekko Global Markets offer flexible margining rates, giving you the freedom to take up the desired level of leverage or fund your positions 100%, effectively buying or selling the cash product but obviously you pay no stamp duty and any profits are tax free*. The benefits of the latter is that you do not pay any interest on your positions .You only pay interest on the leverage and the interest charge of Libor plus 2% is very attractive compared to bank loans or other means of financing. You can hold a position for a long or as short as you want. Take a long term position over a few months, or take a short term trade over a few hours.
With Gekko Global Markets you can also take opposing positions. For example, perhaps you think that over the next year the price of the FTSE 100 will rise overall so you buy a FTSE contract. However you receive analysis that indicates the FTSE will fall this month. With Gekko you can open a separate sell position to profit from this short term fall.
Furthermore, there is no account opening or monthly fees. Neither are there any commission fees. The only cost to you is the spread between the Buy and Sell prices. This can be as low as 1 point. Also, your profits might be tax free*. If you are a UK or Irish resident you can open a spread betting account with Gekko Global Markets resulting in 100% of your profits remaining with you, depending on your tax situation.
Gekko Global Markets also provide the tools allowing you to trade successfully. When you open an account you automatically get access to top institutional grade research and up to the minute business news from Reuters.
Very importantly, you can also trade on the move and view charts with an App TradeHub® for iPhone.
CFD trading with Gekko Global Markets truly puts the power back in the hands of the individual. The flexibility, choice of product, lack of fees and easiness of execution gives a truly unique trading experience allowing individual investors to cut out the middle man and take control of their investments.
Spread Betting and CFDs are high risk investments and it is possible to lose more than your initial deposit. Spread Betting and CFDs are not suitable for all investors and you should ensure that you understand the risks involved and, if necessary, obtain independent financial advice to ensure that these products fit your investment objectives.
*Tax law can be changed or may differ if you pay tax in a jurisdiction other than in UK.