Rarus Technologies Inc. (PINK:RARS) shares surged on Thursday, ending 30.78% higher at $0.101 on volume of 4.64 million.
RARS, an emerging technology company seeking to establish an innovative business model intended to bridge cutting-edge social media and e-commerce into a marketplace, this week provided an update relating to its recent acquisition of Zngle.com.
Zngle.com, a next-generation Internet platform that fuses popular social media elements with cutting-edge local area e-commerce technologies, was acquired by RARS earlier this month.
Manfred Ruf, CEO of Rarus Technologies, noted that the acquisition of Zngle.com was a major paradigm shift for RARS and going forward, the company will be implementing an exciting business strategy centered around two of the fastest growing segments of the new economy-interactive social media and local area e-commerce. Zngle.com has been designed to take interactive social media to the next level, according to Ruf. He believes that Zngle.com will bridge the gap between consumers and local businesses like never before.
Rarus Technologies is close to completing the expansion of a senior management and development team. The team will focus on the launch, promotion and maintenance of the Zngle.com platform.
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