I've basically given up on uk markets |
Trump bump is now Trump dump.Trade war, doesn't help any country, doesn't help most businesses either. |
Gas surging again to new highs. Sell away I find the logic of PIs crazy sometimesRecord turnover, energy usage, profits, dividend, meter points, smart meters and all for a PE of 8 At people sell at this level when a stock like YU should be a goto stock when things are a bit crazy as essential provider regardless of world events.Ho hum let the madness continue |
UK markets zzzz |
Seen all this before..Trying to bore the shares off weak hands. Sudden drop to grab some more from Panick sellers then bang new high prior results day. |
Zilch. But when most falls, everything falls, especially when America drops |
And panicking over trade war, wtf effect it has on YU group is beyond me |
Yep and most investors sleep walking |
If true energy costs are heading a lot higher for the UK according to this article https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14352819/Labour-betrayal-Keir-Starmer-Brexit-EU-net-zero.html |
 Over on the LSE chat site , our Dancing friend is pontificating on what Yu’s 2024 F/Y revenues will be . Having been £ 460 million in 2023 , Dave speculates whether this has risen in 2024 to £ 644 million or £ 650 million . Dave is informing all and sundry that the lower figure for 2024 turnover would have dire consequences . Well , basic maths shows that £ 644 million is a 40% increase , and that £ 650 million is a 41.3% increase . In other words , that difference is paper thin and one wonders how DD can predict so accurately . Wow Dave , thank goodness we have such a level-headed business analyst who so generously shares his wisdom with us , possibly nudging us to buy or sell as the wind blows . Sparky accuses our friend of being a day trader who wants share price volatility . As if ! For those of us who aren’t traders , whether it’s to be £ 644 million or £ 650 million is irrelevant , because either would be a significant year-on-year increase . I suppose that , like the poor , we’ll always have Discotheque Boy with us because , whatever impact he may or may not have , the share price is like a saw blade , with constant ups and downs which traders can profit on , but that saw blade is still heading top-rightwards . DD : am I filtered or deleted ? |
sIrprIze gettIng reAdY fEr rAmPing wOlvEs... |
Over the LSE chat site for Yu , our resident expert business analyst , having already recovered from last night’s vigorous efforts down the disco , as always indulges in semantics and pedantics ( if that’s a word ! ) . I’ve no doubt he/she/they has great knowledge , but whether or not it is used for benign purposes remains moot ( and I’m only putting it so tenuously out of diplomacy and fear ) . Filtered !!!! |
The generation of electricity in Norway , on which , as I just commented here , we are so dependent ,clearly illustrates the confused thinking of the “ net zero “ orthodoxy . It is axiomatic in the Green agenda that “ climate change “ is and will continue to cause increasing incidents of severe weather , with ever more disasters as a result . Well , it was , I believe , in the summer of 2023 that lack of precipitation in the mountains of Norway meant that the country produced far less hydro-electricity than anticipated , so Oslo quite naturally prioritised the power for its own people , with exports to us therefore jeopardised . |
Further to my post just now . The Telegraph doesn’t think Oslo will stop supplies to us . However , it seems we actually get 41% of our gas ( not the 39% is just cited ) from Norway ( as against 14% from Qatar ) , with our payments to Norway for gas rising from £ 19 billion in 2019 to £ 41 billion now . We also spend £ 1 billion a year on importing Norwegian electricity , with that country being our biggest supplier . The Telegraph claims that Britain should proclaim “ Powered by Norway “ . Why all this fuss about what might appears to be such a safe and stable Scandinavian country ? Because it’s our biggest energy supplier and its coalition government has just collapsed , as a result of the Centre Party walking out , leaving the Labour Party alone in charge . |
Sunday Telegraph today : ( page 21 ) last autumn , per Kilowatt hour electricity costs , Britain 28-31 p , Germany 18 p , France 13 p , Sweden 8 p ; ( page 22 ) article titled “ U.K. can’t rely on Norway for electricity and gas anymore “ . I think Britain receives 39% of its gas from Norway via just one pipe . However , it’s not “ just “ the danger from hostile states but also the possibility that Oslo might “ cut off its own nose to spite its face “ . In other words , Norway’s Government is very Left wing and has been clobbering the wealthier with huge taxes ( on unearned , paper gains ) to the extent that they are fleeing en masse to Switzerland . Obviously hydrocarbon exports are a mainstay of the Norwegian economy , but their state investment fund ( they had the brains to not squander the money as it came in ) owns 1.5% of all share investments in the world , so Oslo may well believe it can afford to lose its oil and gas exports . |
LaudersYour "MorningStar" article is full of inconsistencies.They clearly stated in the TU that revenue would be "approaching £650m" which does mean £650m if lucky but more likely to be less than £650m (as I posted on the day it's not clear, but then that's one of the issues with YU). Thus the c 40% growth is the maximum, but where did the article get growth of 34% from?. That's only £616m revenue for FY24.The other point is that BK does provide forecasts to their house broker, what the broker forecasts is derived from what the company tell them - why do folks think that a house broker does independent forecasting, they don't, they are fed the info from their employer!. |
Down even further since this piece from 21st January.
Perhaps BK (CEO) should start giving some guidance in future TUs?
He might be happier with the market's reaction then!
Though Yu Group did not on Tuesday outline what it believes the market consensus to be, broker Panmure Liberum has forecast Ebitda of GBP46.5 million for the group, which would be up 8.8% from GBP42.6 million last year. |
A bit long winded folks, but well worth a listen. It's pretty much what we have all been saying about the green dream and the idiots in charge. Prices are not going to normalise, they are only going one way thanks to the destruction of our generating industry. Under the green banner.https://youtu.be/5TgSKRDiUDQ?si=thfMFWhiCSD_lc0J |
The Premier Miton U.K. Smaller Companies fund has been a big fan of Yu , but their holding seems to have been diminishing . About a year ago , around 9.5% of the fund was in Yu . A few days ago , it was down to 7.29% and now it is shown as 5.08% , although Yu remains the single biggest holding . This recent reduction by Premier Milton no doubt explains the recent softness in Yu’s share price . By the way , for the sake of clarity , I detest rampers and am certainly not one , and I intend to remain here for the indefinite future - look at how Octopus Energy , from nowhere , in ten years , now have more domestic customers than British Gas . |
Should gap up on Monday open, circa 1635.Roll on 18th March. |
 Not only is our resident Mr Travolta highly vocal here , he/she/it is constantly posting comments on Good Energy’s ADVFN chat site . If this is a person as opposed to a bot , where does he/she find the time to carry out research into these ( and more ? ) companies and to make such wise and helpful comments ? I believe that Yu is on an ex-cash forward p/e of just under 6 which , for a fast-growing company seems more than strange . As for this country’s esteemed Energy Minister , I suggest that , as investors here , we should all pray every night for his fine health and continuation in his role because he is providing such a perfect environment for Yu ( although I’m also too aware that this nut zero policy is destroying people’s lives and also businesses ) . However , even if dear Mr Milliband were to be dismissed tomorrow , the damage already done to this country’s energy system is so profound that it would take many , many years to repair this dreadful policy . As for suggestions that tampers should be prosecuted for libel , I doubt whether that will happen because I remember that , a few years ago , j reported a poster to a senior member of the board of the Aim-listed company , because the poster had described him on the chat cite as a “ liar “ . Even though the board member was a barrister , he declined to do anything . |
Anyone got Nick Parker's email address?Believe he's got a NED role at One Health Group so will try there. Also on LinkedIn so easy contact on that site. |